I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 710

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:58 AM

Chapter 710: situation

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Old Wang turned his head to look at Lin Hang, and then said softly, "Hang'er, your clone entered the area outside the West Pole, what's the situation now?"

At the present time, it has not been too long since Lin Hang’s clone entered the sea area off the West Pole. Lin Hang’s clone should not encounter much difficulty at this time, so Wang Lao asked about Lin. Hang Regarding the situation in it, if Lin Hang’s clone becomes deeper and deeper in the later time, then Lin Hang's own consciousness may have to put more into that clone, Wang Lao also Will not disturb Lin Hang.

Lin Hang chuckled lightly, and then said, "Teacher, my clone has just entered the outer waters of the West Pole at this time. The current situation is not much different from the situation on the periphery of Fenglei Island. The natural environment is very bad. I don't know for the time being. What is the cause, but such a natural environment also creates a unique ecosystem. After all, there are no monks here all the year round, so it has become a paradise and paradise for monsters. Now the number of monsters distributed here is relatively small. , And the cultivation base is basically below the level equivalent to the Golden Core Stage of the monk. For the time being, no matter the external environment and the monster beasts in it, they pose no threat to my clone. What will happen after the open sea, this still needs to wait a while!"

In order not to worry Mr. Wang, Lin Hang did not tell Mr. Wang that he had to help Liu Ruyan find the conditions for the entrance to the immortal when he entered the western sea area this time, so Mr. Wang was unaware at this time, Mr. Wang listened. After listening to Lin Hang's words, he nodded, and then he still told, "Hang'er, the current situation is the same as we guessed. This should only be on the periphery of the West Pole, and wait until it slowly penetrates into the West Pole. , You should encounter monsters with stronger strengths. I think this is the first exploration to be more cautious. Until now, it’s best to explore the areas where the monsters are distributed and meet the monsters in the fairyland. You can return. In this way, we can also control the area that we have explored. The future exploration can be done slowly, don't worry!"

What Wang Lao said was originally Lin Hang's idea, because as long as the highest cultivation level of the monsters in the outer sea of ​​the West Pole does not exceed Deng Xianyuan, Lin Hang and Wang Lao can completely control this area. Although this place is still more dangerous than the inland sea of ​​the West, it can barely be used as a training place for Huaxia's disciples after the completion of the extermination operation. As long as Lin Hang and Wang Lao can take care of them, there will be no major problems. It was also an idea after discussion between Lin Hang and Wang Lao. This time Lin Hang entered this western polar sea area with such an idea to see if it could be realized.

It’s just that Lin Hang’s current thoughts have changed. Although he will still explore all the roads he has walked according to his original meaning, he will find a suitable boundary to divide them into suitable Chinese disciples and then carry out the experience. However, Lin Hang couldn’t stop it. He needed to follow the induction Liu Ruyan shared with him in his heart to find clues about the conditions of Liu Ruyan’s ascending the Immortal Gate. Now Lin Hang is not clear about such induction. In the end, he can only pray silently that Liu Ruyan's induction will not go too deep into the sea outside the West, otherwise Lin Hang will be powerless. No matter how much he can hide, no matter how many means, he is above his realm. It is impossible to pass in front of his strength, and things will become very difficult at that time.

Lin Hang exchanged glances with Liu Ruyan vaguely, and then nodded and said, "Teacher, don't worry, I know how to do it! You also know that the West Antarctic Inland Sea has been under the control of the'Three Western Hegemony' over the years. Under the rule, it is also slowly encroaching towards the West Antarctic offshore area, and slowly bringing it into the management area of ​​the West Antarctic Inland Sea. This action is actually similar to our idea. The West Antarctic Inland Sea is encroaching on the West. Actions in the extreme seas are actually just to include those areas that are not dangerous to our own. We also want to use such low-risk areas as a venue for experience. I think this idea has been preliminary in these years. It is confirmed that as long as we don't go too deep into the western sea, we should be able to turn it into a place for our younger disciples to experience!"

Mr. Wang nodded. He knew that Lin Hang had his own plan. In the current situation, Lin Hang's clone had already entered the sea off the West Pole. He said that no matter how much it is, it is of no use. He can only keep reminding. Lin Hang puts safety first in everything.

After Wang Lao left, Liu Ruyan stepped forward, holding Lin Hang's hand, and said with some worry, "Xiao Hang, this time of exploration, no matter what your feelings are, don't go too deep! Although! Say I want to know what the conditions are for me to cross the gate of immortality, but I don’t want you to take risks for me. Tell me, Xiaohang, how do you feel? Can you perceive the clues more clearly? ?"

Lin Hang squeezed Liu Ruyan's hand tighter, laughed, and then said, "Yan'er, don't worry, I have a sense of measure! If this sensing position is at the deepest point, even if I want to, there should be nothing. Opportunity can be close, so while I am exploring the distribution range of monsters in the outer seas of the West Pole, I am also sensing the clues about your breakthrough in the fairyland gate in the outer seas of the West Pole, but it may be because I just entered the west. The relationship between the outermost periphery of the polar ocean is not too deep. I still need a little time to confirm it, but one thing I can be sure of is that the position of the induction does not seem to be very far from the outer periphery of the West Pole This kind of induction gives me a very strange feeling, it seems to be a living thing that moves! Specifically, I am not sure now. I need to actually reach the general position of the induction to know it!"

For such a problem, Lin Hang would naturally not fabricate false things to deceive her because she was afraid of Liu Ruyan’s worries, so Liu Ruyan also believed that Lin Hang really had such an induction, and heard the approximate range of the induction. It was not when she was in the depths of the West Pole. Liu Ruyan was obviously relieved. What she was most afraid of was the need to go deep into the West Pole. The situation Lin Hang said of the “living creatures” is relatively Strange, but it was completely within Liu Ruyan's acceptance range.

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