I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 712

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:56 AM

Chapter 712: Retrofit

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After setting foot on the Green Island, Lin Hang’s divine consciousness scan revealed that the area of ​​this small island is not particularly large, but it is not small, equivalent to the size of a medium-sized island like Qingling Island in the West Antarctic Inland Sea. , And after entering this green island, Lin Hang felt very peaceful at the moment because of the perception Liu Ruyan shared in his mind. He felt a feeling of going home, and the feeling that belonged to Liu Ruyan was When Lin Hang felt that the core area of ​​Green Island was here, at the core of Green Island, he finally saw the goal of his trip to the outer waters of the West Pole.

What Lin Hang saw in his eyes was a golden lotus. This lotus was in a semi-illusory state at this time, as if it was about to dissipate at any time. On top of this lotus, Lin Hang Being able to feel the strong breath of life, he also understood the origin of this green island, that is to say, this small island was not originally like this, it is precisely because of the foothold of this lotus, within a period of time It developed into such a change. This is because of the natural change that occurred under the influence of the life breath of the lotus flower. The reason for this discovery was that Lin Hang could perceive this lotus flower and arrived on this island not long after. It also verified Lin Hang’s previous view that this lotus flower is indeed a moving “living creature”. The previous trajectory of the movement, now thinking about it carefully, seems to be moving towards his position, very strange. .

Seeing the appearance of this lotus, Lin Hang knew that his goal this time was found directly. It wasn't for any other reason. This lotus and the lotus that Liu Ruyan failed to cross the catastrophe before. It can be said to be exactly the same! Therefore, Lin Hang suddenly had a guess that this lotus must have a close connection with Liu Ruyan or the golden lotus fairy from ancient times. This should be the key to Liu Ruyan’s breakthrough into the fairyland. Up.

Lin Hang slowly condensed his breath, approaching the lotus plant, he was afraid that his appearance would cause unpredictable changes, and let the lotus plant escape, but Lin Hang obviously thought a little too much. When it approached slowly, this lotus had no other performance besides swaying. When Lin Hang was about to stretch out his hand to take the lotus away, the lotus flower turned into a golden light directly into Lin Hang's palm. in.

Lin Hang felt it carefully, and knew that this lotus flower had not been absorbed by him, but was hidden in his body in such a situation. There was no change in essence. After getting the goal this time, Lin Hang Obviously, he was in a very good mood. He found that the change of this green island did not disappear because of the departure of the lotus, but it was still in a vibrant situation. Obviously, the transformation of the lotus to the island was not temporary. Obtained vitality from the inside out, obviously at the level of transformation is also very advanced.

And this discovery also provided Lin Hang with a new inspiration. He directly waved his hand and left a clone on this small island. The clone will silently transform this green island here. Setting up the teleportation circle, and turning this small island that was just given life into a good practice blessing, it might be useful in the days to come.

However, Lin Hang discovered that this area outside the West Pole is not only hostile with monsters and monsters. What makes Lin Hang even more unacceptable here is the chaos of the laws of heaven and earth, the mixing of various elements, and Lin Hang’s spatial capabilities are not necessarily It is able to perform well at all times, and is in a situation where time and time are not working. Therefore, the location of the teleportation circle that Lin Hang will set up this time must be to find a place with a stable spatial structure, otherwise It is very likely that the space teleportation failure will cause serious consequences, so in the previous time, Lin Hang’s clone did not set up any magic circles along the way. Today this green island is a rare and suitable place. , This place has been determined by Lin Hang as their future base in the western sea.

In fact, Lin Hang has another idea, and that is to see if he can play the role of this golden lotus on the way back. In the future, the node island on the road will be transformed into a green island in the same situation, because Lin Hang found this place. The location of the Green Island is not only full of vitality, but also the laws of the world around it have been sorted out. This is obviously also the function of the Golden Lotus. In this case, Lin Hang certainly thought of other places, but Lin Hang now received the Golden Lotus in his body. I don't know if it can have such an effect.

In this way, Lin Hang began to return at a speed three times faster than when he came. When he passed a node island, Lin Hang stopped, and then slowly landed on this island. The reason why Lin Hang called it a node island is because from here, the distribution of monsters in the west polar seas on the two islands has increased by a level, which means that if you go deep from this island, you can meet We have arrived at the monster beasts in the fairyland, but the other side is the sea area where there are almost no monsters in the fairyland. Therefore, it is more important to set up a base on such a node island, because here can distinguish the distribution of monsters and the future The level of experience is why Lin Hang wants to transform this place.

When passing by here before, after confirming that this is a node island, Lin Hang also wanted to set up a space teleportation circle here, but not to mention the spiritual power riots here. The island is often baptized by various natural environments. Not to mention the fact that the magic circle can play a role. Whether the magic circle can exist for a long time will be marked with a big question mark. Perhaps when Lin Hang has just left, the magic circle here is very likely to be directly destroyed by the storm. It is precisely because of this that Lin Hang will not be able to make this place exist for a long time unless he spends special effort to modify the surrounding environment and laws. This is not a simple matter, but also extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming, Lin Hang knows Such a thing must be done, but in a short time, he has already given up on such an idea, but the emergence of this golden lotus has also rekindled hope for Lin Hang.

After stepping on an island, Lin Hang could feel that the island was full of a wet feeling. It was obviously just hit by heavy rain and waves. Lin Hang shook his head and quietly sensed the golden lotus in his body. He wants to try to summon Jinlian again.

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