I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 714

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:55 AM

Chapter 714: Results

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Lao Wang has also heard of the harsh environment in the West Pole, so he also knows that in such an environment, if you want to set up a more stable teleportation circle, it is necessary to transform the surrounding environment and obtain a Only in a relatively stable area can the long-term existence of such a teleportation circle be guaranteed. Listening to Linghang's meaning, it is obvious that this process has been completed. Therefore, Mr. Wang is very strange. I don't know how Lin Hang completed this. Of a project.

Lin Hang glanced at Liu Ruyan at this time, and then smiled and said, "Hey, teacher, I told you before, I don’t know why, as long as my clone doesn’t make any very big movements, it will be Did the monsters in the West Pole directly ignore it? And after further verification, I found out that I would not be discovered, because the disciple also felt a few breaths that made my heart palpitations from a distance. That was obviously Monster beasts beyond the realm of imaginary fairy existed, but they didn't intend to attack me, so the disciples would be more at ease in this area outside the West Pole until I encountered a magical place."

Under Wang Lao’s gaze, Lin Hang continued, “That area is already considered to be the core of the outer seas of the West Antarctica. When I get here, it’s the end point I want to reach. I don’t want to go further. Moving on, and in such a place, I found a green island full of vitality. This island not only has many plants on the island, but the most important thing is the spiritual power of the world around this island. There are also laws that have been sorted out to the point where they are normal, and those extreme weather will no longer occur. The disciple was very surprised. After some investigation, he finally discovered the source of all this."

As he said, Lin Hang stretched out his right hand, and then the golden lotus that was sent by the clone to his hand also appeared directly in the palm of his hand. When the golden lotus just appeared, Wang Lao felt an extremely pure and huge life energy. But Liu Ruyan's heart was shaken violently, and then this golden lotus jumped directly into Liu Ruyan's arms, quite like a child who was out and found his mother.

Liu Ruyan already knew what was going on. What Lin Hang said before was only for Lao Wang. This small island was not discovered by Lin Hang accidentally, but Lin Hang was purposeful following direct induction. I found it sexually. After Liu Ruyan saw this golden lotus, she was sure in her heart. With the help of this golden lotus, she would be sure of opening the door to her fairyland.

Although Lao Wang didn't know what happened, the appearance of this golden lotus also made Lao Wang associate. Because of Lin Hang's relationship, Lao Wang and Liu Ruyan did not have very little contact, so for Liu Ruyan The natal Lingbao Jinlian also has some understanding. The Jinlian now appearing in Liu Ruyan’s palm is exactly the same as Liu Ruyan’s natal Lingbao. Of course, such a thing cannot be a coincidence, Wang Lao It was also waiting for Lin Hang to continue speaking.

Sure enough, Lin Hang directly said, "When I saw this golden lotus, I was very surprised, because this golden lotus is exactly the same as Yan'er's natal golden lotus without saying its breath. Because of this, I have the meaning to bring it back, and I found that the reason why that small island has undergone such changes is precisely because of the effect of this golden lotus, so that the effect of changing the surrounding environment is more like a kind of Instinct, because it does not consume its own life energy to transform, but an indirect influence that causes such changes in the surrounding environment, so after seeing this, in addition to bringing out this golden lotus Besides, the disciple has other ideas."

Having said this, Lin Hang laughed, and then continued, "The disciple thought, since this small island where the golden lotus is located, since it is caused by the characteristics of the golden lotus, can we do this by ourselves? What about one of the processes? So in the later return journey, the disciple deliberately went to the islands that had previously been determined to divide the strength of the monsters, and then, as expected, this golden lotus could indeed exert its effects again. It is precisely because of this that the disciples have obtained five such green islands, and all have left their own clones in them. In this way, with the existence of these green islands in the future, our disciples will enter the outer sea of ​​the West Experience in China can be regarded as a greater guarantee!"

After listening to Lin Hang’s introduction, Mr. Wang also had to sigh that Lin Hang actually did so many things during this trip outside the West Antarctica, not only to compare the general situation in the West Antarctica. It is clear that they have provided such a great convenience for them to enter the West Pole seas afterwards. I believe that with these node green islands, the West Pole seas will lose their mysterious veil in front of them and will follow them once. It’s time to explore and show the final appearance in front of them.

After getting the bottom of his mind, Mr. Wang could see that there should be something else between Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan, so he stopped staying here, and left Lin Hang’s lounge, leaving this space. Leave Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan alone.

Although Lin Hang was roughly certain that this golden lotus should be what Liu Ruyan needed, he still asked with concern after Wang Lao left, "How about it, Yan'er, is this the key to your breakthrough? "

Liu Ruyan looked at Lin Hang, then nodded heavily, and then said, “Xiao Hang, in fact, after your clone came back from the sea outside the West Pole, my feelings became extremely strong. On top of this golden lotus, now that I really get this golden lotus, I can come with certainty. With its help, there is no problem with my chance of breaking through to the fairyland. When I take this golden lotus After the integration, I should be able to achieve the conditions I need for breakthrough!"

"Fusion?" Lin Hang keenly felt the meaning of Liu Ruyan's words. Looking at Liu Ruyan's appearance, she didn't want to use this golden lotus to break through, but to directly absorb this golden lotus.

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