I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 716

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:53 AM

Chapter 716: success

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At this moment, Liu Ruyan’s soul began to merge with the golden light transformed by this strange golden lotus, which led to a large amount of golden light in this Lin Hang’s lounge. It was full, and Lin Hang also roughly estimated the time required for Liu Ruyan to merge. Although this golden lotus looks very small, it is after all the soul fragments of that ancient powerful golden lotus fairy. Therefore, the energy and information contained in it are very huge. Lin Hang estimates that it will not be possible to complete the process of absorption and integration without a day or two. However, Lin Hang is obviously also very patient and energetic. Waiting quietly for Liu Ruyan's completion is considered as protecting Liu Ruyan's Dharma, because he is not sure whether Liu Ruyan will encounter any dangers and difficulties in the process of integration. He is on the sidelines. It's just time to see if I can help.

In this way, the process of Liu Ruyan's fusion of this strange golden lotus lasted a whole day, and Lin Hang also watched silently at this never leaving. His attention was always in the process of Liu Ruyan's fusion. He was able to help as soon as possible to prevent Liu Ruyan from encountering any sudden situation. However, after this day's time passed, Liu Ruyan's fusion process went very smoothly, and the whole room was originally filled. The golden light also slowly gathered. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang still didn’t understand that Liu Ruyan’s fusion process was about to enter the final stage, and Liu Ruyan’s fusion was just as they thought, because It is of the same origin with Fairy Jinlian, so Liu Ruyan did not have any obstacles when he absorbed the fragments of the soul belonging to Fairy Jinlian, and completed the process very easily. The reason why a whole day has passed now is Because there is too much energy and information contained therein, Liu Ruyan needs to spend so much time to accept it, and when Liu Ruyan accepts it completely, it is time for Liu Ruyan to break through and enter the Deng Wonderland.

However, while Lin Hang was thinking about it, he suddenly felt that Liu Ruyan’s soul merged with the golden light appeared a violent fluctuation, Liu Ruyan’s expression also became a bit painful for a moment, which made Lin Hang also very worried. The land came directly to Liu Ruyan. Liu Ruyan’s situation made Lin Hang very worried, but Lin Hang didn’t have any good solutions at this time, because Liu Ruyan’s spirit appeared at the last moment of fusion of golden lotus and golden light. If Lin Hang intervenes without knowing what the problem is, it may cause more serious consequences. If it happens to disturb Liu Ruyan, it will be a disservice. Lin Hang does not want to see this. The situation happened, so it was also at this time that the spiritual consciousness was enlarged, and I wanted to find out exactly what happened to Liu Ruyan at this time.

After Lin Hang’s divine consciousness scanned, his heart was temporarily relieved, because after Lin Hang’s investigation, he found that this situation was quite normal. Liu Ruyan did not encounter any danger, but At the last moment, Liu Ruyan and Jin Guangzhi's consciousness had some conflicts. The specific meaning is that Liu Ruyan's consciousness now wants to occupy an absolute active position, and only wants to make the consciousness and sentiment of the fairy Jinlian. Becoming her support, I don’t want to be affected a lot, but after all, the things in this are left by ancient powers like Jinlian Fairy, which means that Liu Ruyan’s ideas are not so easy to get attention, she must always Ensuring your consciousness is sober, otherwise, under the huge memory and soul impact of Fairy Jinlian, Liu Ruyan will most likely lose her self and become a complex existence, neither Fairy Jinlian nor Liu Ruyan will become a conglomeration of the two.

This is also the reason why Jinguang fluctuates so sharply now. Liu Ruyan is trying his best to eliminate the influence brought by Fairy Jinlian, but Lin Hang knows that although such a thing was encountered in this last step, such a thing is inevitable. Liu If Ruyan can have a clearer self-awareness in this process, it will be helpful to her future cultivation level and realm perception, and Liu Ruyan has been practicing for so long after all. Now, although this kind of thing is not particularly easy to solve, Lin Hang believes that Liu Ruyan can still maintain his original heart in such a situation and perfectly absorb the things left by Fairy Jinlian.

At this time, Liu Ruyan is still fighting with the remaining consciousness in the golden light. These consciousnesses can actually be completely eliminated by Liu Ruyan, so that he will not be affected, but that's it. If it is eliminated directly, then some of the experience and insights contained in it will also disappear directly. Therefore, if Liu Ruyan wants to get the inheritance of the golden lotus fairy, he cannot be so cruel directly, but Liu Ruyan is now considered steady. , Carrying on this process slowly, without any panic, Lin Hang could feel that the power of the golden light was getting weaker and weaker. Liu Ruyan worked slowly and should be finished soon.

After another half-day or so, the golden light in Liu Ruyan’s soul gradually disappeared. After the last trace of golden light was absorbed by Liu Ruyan, Liu Ruyan also opened his eyes, Lin Hang At this time, he had not left his gaze at Liu Ruyan, so the moment Liu Ruyan opened his eyes, all he saw was Lin Hang, who looked at him with concern.

Liu Ruyan suppressed the emotion in her heart, smiled at Lin Hangzhan, and said, "Xiaohang, I succeeded! Fairy Jinlian is indeed a legendary power, and I can feel it during the process of integration. , This strange golden lotus is just a fragment of the soul that she did not know what predestined intentionally left. It does not contain too much awareness of her, but it still makes my road of integration not smooth under such circumstances. Fortunately, the intensity and subjectivity of consciousness are not too great, so I can always keep my consciousness scattered without being impacted. Now it seems that the result is still good. I have absorbed some of the experience and insights contained in this golden lotus. After that, I don’t think there will be too much ruggedness on the road afterwards, and I should be able to walk more steadily. Now, I will directly break into the long-awaited virtual fairyland!"

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