I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 717

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:37 AM

Chapter 717: Xuxian Liu Ruyan

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Lin Hang looked at Liu Ruyan, who was quite energetic, and smiled, but he still asked, "Yan'er, you can be regarded as having just completed the fusion of that trace of soul fragments. Under such circumstances, really Can you directly complete the breakthrough? Or, take a break, adjust your state to the peak, and then try to break through! Anyway, you have now completed the integration of that trace of the soul fragment, which is considered to be a breakthrough The conditions for the gate of the fairyland are now. Under such circumstances, a breakthrough can be made at any time. It is not as urgent!"

After hearing Lin Hang's words, Liu Ruyan shook his head, and then said with a smile, "Xiao Hang, no, you are not right! My state at this time can be called the pinnacle, because of that golden lotus. In addition to the experience and knowledge left by Fairy Golden Lotus, there is also this huge life energy. This time in the process of fusion, my main energy is placed on the consciousness of dealing with Fairy Golden Lotus. I didn’t pay too much attention to this life energy, but they were still integrated into my body. Now you can find out my situation by scanning it with God’s consciousness. The life energy in my body has reached a full overflow. So now it’s an excellent time to make a breakthrough, Xiaohang, don’t worry, my breakthrough this time is not only the condition is fully achieved, but the state of my body has also reached the best, plus my fusion of the Golden Lotus fairy consciousness. The experience I have come to realize, this breakthrough will not cause any problems!

After Lin Hang heard Liu Ruyan’s explanation, he understood in his heart that Liu Ruyan was not impulsive, he still had various considerations and his own plans. Nowadays, Liu Ruyan’s situation and Ling Han can feel completely when visiting the night market. However, the life energy contained in the original golden lotus appeared in Liu Ruyan's body at this time. What is even more strange is that the life energy in Liu Ruyan's body seems to have become her own. Exclusive ability, which means that Liu Ruyan will be able to recover perfectly no matter how he consumes these life energy in the days to come. Afterwards, Liu Ruyan can also be like that golden lotus, with his own ability, Change the environment of a place.

After knowing this situation, Lin Hang didn't have any worries. After nodding, then said, "Yan'er, you have a plan for yourself. I think you should have no problem, just go for a breakthrough!"

Liu Ruyan nodded and closed his eyes again, feeling that his existence in the illusion, which has been blocking his breakthrough to the fairyland gate, and Lin Hang was not idle at this time, he took There were many spiritual stones distributed around Liu Ruyan, and a simple spirit gathering circle was laid. When Liu Ruyan broke through and entered the realm of virtual immortality, she absolutely needed massive spiritual power to support. Therefore, Lin Hang is considered to have made all the preparations for Liu Ruyan's breakthrough, and the next thing depends on Liu Ruyan himself.

Lin Hang looked at Liu Ruyan and found that Liu Ruyan didn't use much strength, so he broke through his fairyland gate, and then crossed this hurdle naturally. After arriving at the fairyland gate, Liu Ruyan also entered The process of sublimation of life levels. During this process, all the energy in Liu Ruyan's body, such as the soul, body, and spiritual power, including the massive life energy just obtained, all begin the process of fusion. This is also Liu Ruyan's One of the benefits of breaking through at this moment is that life energy can become Liu Ruyan’s own ability in the days to come after being integrated with Liu Ruyan’s abilities at such a stage of rising life level. In the days to come, Liu Ruyan contained such terrifying life energy, she was definitely a difficult figure in the realm of virtual immortality.

During this process, the pure spiritual power of the few spiritual stones that Lin Hang dropped was continuously injected into Liu Ruyan's body, helping Liu Ruyan to complete this one more smoothly. In the process, if Liu Ruyan uses her own consciousness, through such a leap in life level, and enters the realm of virtual immortality, then Liu Ruyan can be called an independent new individual at that time, regardless of her previous and that What kind of close relationship does a golden lotus fairy have? After arriving in the realm of virtual immortality, Liu Ruyan is nothing more than Liu Ruyan. This is one of the reasons why Liu Ruyan is eager to enter the realm of virtual immortality. Liu Ruyan didn't want to be another Golden Lotus fairy, she just wanted to be Liu Ruyan who belonged to Lin Hang.

Liu Ruyan’s accumulation of background is very profound, coupled with the support of a large amount of life energy and a huge amount of spiritual power, Liu Ruyan’s breakthrough process seems relatively easy, not long after, the spiritual stones scattered around are dim. Obviously, a lot of spiritual energy was consumed, but because of this, Liu Ruyan also completed the leap of life. At this time, she was already a real monk in the realm of virtual immortality!

Lin Hang didn't say the well-mannered blessing like Liu Ruyan did before, but walked to Liu Ruyan's side and said softly, "Yan'er, congratulations on entering the realm of imaginary immortality. In the days of the past, let’s work together to break through any obstacles that stand in front of us!"

In this way, because of the strange golden lotus that Lin Hang brought out from the sea outside the West, Liu Ruyan not only gained the vast experience and insights of the golden lotus fairy, but also added the foundation and confidence of her future cultivation, and also let Liu Under such circumstances, Ruyan directly smashed the gate of the fairyland blocking her, thus reaching the level of the virtual fairyland now. After Liu Ruyan made the breakthrough, Lin Hang's energy It is again on the experience of many of Huaxia's disciples.

After a few months, many of China’s disciples, after paying a certain price in the early stage, can be regarded as adapting to the behavior style of the mob and criminal forces in the West Antarctica. The most important thing for them now is not how. To fight against these mob forces, it is how to find them in the vast Western Antarctic Inland Sea. It is also such a stage. There are many tests for them. Not only must be patient, but also extremely strong and sensitive. Perception, otherwise the thugs hiding in the western inland waters would not easily reveal their flaws. In the past few months, the disciples of Huaxia have also initially determined some strategies, and they still have no sign of fighting against these thugs.

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