I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 719

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:34 AM

Chapter 719: get together

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After the following explanation by the fat old man Shu Lingpo present, Lin Yi also understood the reason. It turns out that "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" is indeed a super-large secret realm with unlimited access to cultivation level, and there are countless low-level disciples in it. The opportunity for development, but this is only the superficial level of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei". If it can only help the progress of low-level disciples, "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" is far from being able to bear such a reputation. The reason why "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" can have its current status is that "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" also has a deep existence. The deep and shallow layers of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" are different. It has the limitation of entering the monk. What's more exaggerated is that the minimum entry limit must reach the level of the virtual fairy realm! It is precisely because of such restrictions that the deep barrier of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" is very high, but relatively speaking, there are more opportunities in it, and these opportunities are enough to make the four major inland forces tempted.

Although after learning about the situation in "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", Lin Yi's doubts still remain unresolved, because if there are such benefits in it, how could these four major forces allow him to join a new foreign force directly? Lin Yi felt that there must be a deeper reason for this, so Lin Yi didn't hesitate to ask, "Dear friends, now I understand why you are so concerned about "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" , There’s just a question that I don’t understand very well. Since this "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" is so precious, it can also get a good chance. I don’t know why you are willing to share such a chance with us? I don’t believe it alone. The name of the fifth largest force of Micro Emperor Star can automatically obtain such qualifications. There are some twists and turns in it. Please ask fellow Taoists and Lin Mouming to talk about it. Otherwise, I am not reluctant to join this. Of action!"

In fact, what Lin Yi said is also the truth. Those resources that are very precious to these four powers cannot impress him. Lin Hang is the most indispensable resource, so if the four inland powers say no What's the reason? Lin Yi could really refuse their invitation to enter the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm". He didn't care about the benefits of the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" mentioned by the four major forces. Although he was also very curious, but I don't want to be used as a gun by these four forces.

After Lin Yi said this, there was also a little helplessness in the hearts of the tree spirit lady and the fat old man. They were still holding a fluke mentality, hoping to fool Lin Yi and enter this "Ziwei Secret Realm" with them. , And then made a contribution to their plan, but now it seems that Lin Yi does not eat theirs at all, think about it, before the end of the negotiation, Lin Yi can easily give them those resources as gifts, obviously For many resources, Lin Yi is very indifferent. Such simple benefits can't fool Lin Yi at all. How many fools are there for people who can reach the current state?

Seeing such a situation, Tree Lingpo and the others also put away the fluke in their hearts, and then the tree Lingpo said, "Friend Lin said and laughed, there are no corners, this time we invited Lin Dao to join us. One action, of course, is of absolute sincerity. I just haven’t finished talking to Lin Daoyou just now! In fact, after the opening of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", after so many years of exploration, we found a problem. It’s this super-large secret realm, but it doesn’t actually belong to our current Ziwei Emperor Star itself. Its true ownership is the original Ziwei Emperor Dojo, the real Ziwei Emperor Star. !"

Speaking of this, the Zilan Fairy also continued with the words of the tree spirit lady, "Although our fragment is also named Ziwei Emperor Star, it is completely incomparable with the original Ziwei Emperor Star. After Ziwei Emperor Star was broken, the fragments that split apart were not only ours. At this time, there were also other fragments in the heavens and realms, and there were many forces in it, and we The reason why we can know this is because when we entered this "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" before, we had contacted people belonging to those forces!"

After the Tree Lingpo and Zilan Fairy finished speaking, Lin Yi had already guessed the general situation from the words in it, and her expression gradually became more and more interested. The Tree Lingpo knew that Lin Yi had already guessed, and she said directly. "I believe Fellow Lin should have guessed, right? That’s right, this deeper "Secret Realm of Ziwei" belongs to all the fragments of the former Ziwei Emperor Star that belong to all the worlds today, which means that except for us Apart from this fragment, the forces above the many fragments of other people, they are still able to enter into the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" through these fragments and the connection with this "Ziwei Emperor". Every time we enter this " "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" has to face countless competitions, which is why we want to find help."

After knowing the real secrets of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", Lin Yi is obviously more interested. He still has no interest in the competition for those resources. In comparison, Lin Yi wants to see some of the heavens and the outside world. At what level are the cultivators of the virtual immortal realm of other forces? Such an opportunity is very rare. You must know that the positions of the heavens and the world are very far apart. This place is Ziwei The Emperor Star is very close to the location of the Earth Star, but it still has to travel through multiple ultra-long teleportation arrays in the starry sky to be able to connect, not to mention the other fragments, unless Lin Yi can reach a higher realm. , Otherwise, it is definitely very difficult to meet the cultivators of the virtual fairyland in other places.

However, Lin Yi did not directly express his position at this time. When he was about to speak, the tree spirit lady thought he still did not want to join, so she threw the last bomb, "Friend Lin, this legend in "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" But there is the existence of "Sky Spirit Fruit", don't you have any interest in this?"

"What, "Tian Ling Guo"?!" Lin Yi really couldn't keep calm this time. In fact, he was only interested in the previous things, but compared with this "Tian Ling Guo", it was really not. It is worth mentioning that this is something that every monk in the realm of virtual immortality dreams of.

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