I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 72

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:08 AM

Chapter 72: Mix into the search team

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Lin Hang learned from Ronal that the 20 search teams consisted of three to five people, so Lin Hang was going to investigate first, find a suitable group of four, and replace them.

Leading the three to the forest east of Grinmbia, Lin Hang whispered to the three of them, "Each of their teams is a leader of an acquired supernatural power, so for us, the strength is not strong, we need Note that, try not to make a lot of movement, just finish this thing quietly."

Huazhi changed the light around everyone, and then everyone began to search for a suitable team in this jungle. About twenty minutes later, they found their target.

Because of Lin Hang's camouflage ability, they didn't have much requirements for the team to start. They only need to be a four-person team with one female member.

Lin Hang looked at the team that was silently searching in front, and gave instructions to act. Jiang Huacong and the three rushed to the team quickly. Lin Hang spread out his hands and arranged a large-scale illusion barrier, but he did not step forward and stood there for Tian Dayongsan People are on alert.

Soon, the three of them ended the battle. In fact, Tian Dayong could accomplish this by himself, but for the sake of speed, Tian Dayong confronted the only Captain of the Acquired Realm, Jiang Huacong and Hua Zhi were responsible for cleaning up the other three, so The battle soon ended.

The four of Lin Hang changed into the clothes of the team members, and then Lin Hang launched the "Disguise" ability to turn them into this team. They found a communicator and something similar to a tablet computer on the team leader's body. Lin Hang took a look and found that the tablet computer was the search area for each team. Lin Hang probably checked the team number and division area, and found that according to this division, there are at most two days left. The whole forest is explored.

Lin Hang said in a deep voice, "Their speed is faster than I thought. Fortunately, our decision is to break into them. Otherwise, if we delay it for a few days, Oakley may directly succeed."

Tian Dayong nodded and said, "Should we also start searching now, or should we look for other teams?"

Lin Hang thought for a while and said, "We still have to investigate this area first, and then proceed to other teams to obtain the information in their hands. My plan is to find out before Oakley can react. This thing, then we will withdraw to Huaxia and catch him by surprise!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. After all, there were only four of them, and they needed to avoid confronting a large number of people in "Ultron", especially Oakley, who was consummated the day after tomorrow, was an existence they couldn't solve. Therefore, if you can get what they have been looking for without disturbing Oakley, and undermine their plan, then this trip to the United States will be successful and you can return to China with peace of mind.

Next, the four of them followed the original method of the team to carry out a carpet search for the area belonging to them. Soon, the sun went down and the time came to the local seven o'clock. And this time is also the time when they finish work every day, because the night is a big obstacle to the search work, so they have a good rest at night to prepare for the next day's work.

Lin Hang returned to the temporary gathering place of "Ultron" according to the established route and found the position of Team No.19. He didn't say hello to the other teams along the way. The four closed the door of the team's tent and started daily routine discussions.

Lin Hang summed up the work in the afternoon and said, "Our search speed is much faster than the original team, so I estimate that tomorrow we only need to spend about two hours in the morning to complete the investigation of our current No.19 area. The exploration. Then in the next time, we will launch an attack on other teams. According to our plan, we must complete this thing tomorrow, so that the news will not reach Oakley’s ears, and we will There is more time to look for something like that."

The three nodded in agreement, and then discussed the details of the action, and then the four took turns to watch the night and began to rest.

Early the next morning, the four of Lin Hang left the camp and set off towards Area 19. Under Lin Hang's command, they completed the survey in less than two hours. Lin Hang took out the tablet, analyzed their current location, and set off toward the 18th area closest to them.

After a while, Lin Hang took the three people to the edge of the adjacent No. 18 area. According to Lin Hang's estimation, the current exploration progress of the No. 18 team should be close to this edge. Lin Hang used a tablet to record his own exploration. The map of the No. 18 area of ​​China is ready to be compared with the tablet in the hands of the No. 18 team later.

After about twenty minutes, Lin Hang heard footsteps three kilometers away. It was apparent that "Shunfeng Er" had started. Lin Hang carefully discerned the direction of the footsteps, adjusted the route of his team, and prepared to face them. Collided.

During the diligent search of the 18th team, suddenly saw the figure of the 19th team member appearing ahead. The team leader took out the tablet and looked at it and shouted, "Kigmore, have you finished exploring your own area? Will you come to our 18th area?"

Lin Hang's disguised Kigmo also took out the tablet and looked at it. He laughed, scratched his head, and said, "Oh, that's it, I didn't pay attention, I accidentally came to the 18th area. By the way, how about your search?"

Captain No. 18 did not doubt, but smiled and replied, "Brother, the job arranged above is really not good! I have been busy with my brothers for so many days, and there is still one-sixth of the area that has not been explored. After that, the situation of the other teams is similar, and I don’t know if the organization’s news is accurate. Is that thing in this forest?"

Lin Hang also echoed, "That is to say, I don't know where the organization has such great confidence! I will slow you down a little bit, and I don't know if it will continue for a few days, brother, I have something to ask you for..." Lin Before finishing the navigation, he led the three of them to launch a charge against the No. 18 team. Facing the unprepared No. 18 team, there was no suspense about the outcome. Lin Hang got the No. 18 tablet.

After taking out his tablet for a comparison, Lin Hang led the team non-stop towards the 17th area. He wanted to solve all the remaining teams before sunset. Afterwards, he will explore the areas that have not been explored in turn. What he has to do now is to cut off all the exploration routes.

After gaining experience, Lin Hang used space teleportation to come to the edge of area 17 and fully activated the ability of "Shunfeng Er", looking for the movement of team 17. After a while, Lin Hang got the news and brought everyone to the No. 17 team. Without a word, he started directly and got the No. 17 team's tablet.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!