I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 722

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:29 AM

Chapter 722: the truth

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But this time the confrontation between Kong Qing and Lin Yi was different. This time the two sides had the idea of ​​a competition, so it was considered a fair battle. There was no problem of first hand. If who could finally complete the battle in such a battle If you are in control of space, you can't say that one party is more accomplished in space, and it can also be said that it can beat the other party in most places.

And Lin Yi is not Wang Lao after all, so although he has the blessing of supernatural powers in terms of space, he is completely inferior to Wang Lao in terms of perception alone, but just like Lin Yi said before, Kong Qing is in the process of development. Some of them rely too much on their own ethnic talents. Although Kong Qing also woke up in the later period, changed abruptly, and entered the realm of virtual immortality with his own strength, but some habits can no longer be changed. This is more like Lin Hang. He is also a power that relies on space for the most part. His own perception is not particularly important. At this time, a silver stone in Lin Yi’s sea of ​​consciousness emits bursts of light, making Lin Yi Yi was able to persevere in such a confrontation.

Outsiders can't see the slightest anomaly in this kind of space competition. They don't know the specific details of Lin Yi and Kongqing's fight, but seeing the two people's same solemn expressions, Shu Lingpo and others still don't understand, this Lin Yi He really didn't say any big words, his spatial attainments were indeed not low, and he was able to stand in a stalemate with Kong Qing to the present, even if he finally failed, it was enough to prove Lin Yi's spatial ability.

In this way, after ten minutes passed, the corner of Lin Yi's mouth rose, and the silver stone in the sea of ​​knowledge was also shining brightly. Then Lin Yi stretched out his right hand and swiped it down slightly, and he saw the sky. Qing's figure disappeared immediately, and then appeared in the same place again in an instant, but at this time Kong Qing was already unable to move at all. Obviously he was restrained by Lin Yizi for a short time, although it only lasted for zero. Within a few seconds, Kong Qing broke free, but seeing Lin Yi who was still smiling, Kong Qing knew that he had already lost the fight this time.

Kong Qing’s expression was a bit lonely at this time, he was a little unacceptable to the fact that the last time Wang Lao was anchored in his mind came up in his mind, but now even Wang Lao’s disciple can’t beat him, Kong Qing arched his hand to Lin Yi, and then said, "Friend Lin, this time Sora was defeated! Regarding your future participation in our plan, Sora has no objections. With Lin Daoyou's ability, it is indeed more than enough. !"

Lin Yi didn’t get the bargain but still behaved, but he smiled and replied, “Daoist Kongqing’s words are serious! It’s just a good luck to win this game. If you compete again, it may not be the result. Yes, but Lin is still very happy to be recognized by Daoist Kong Qing. Then, can we continue to discuss the "Sky Spirit Fruit" and the space magic circle?"

This is Lin Yi’s long-time acting style. It’s the kind of thing that you pay me a foot and I will pay you back, just like Kong Qing contemptuously and doubt him. Lin Yi was not angry, but chose to use his strength. After speaking, he finally got the approval of Kong Qing with his own strength. Lin Yi did not embarrass the other party. In this way, the face of both parties was good. After all, Lin Yi wanted to participate in the subsequent actions, the existence of "Sky Spirit Fruit" , It is indeed a great temptation for Lin Hang.

Lin Yi was also in the battle with Kong Qing, showing his own value and ability, so the few people present at the present did not have any doubts about Lin Yi, and the tree spirit lady also showed a smile. Then he said, "Well, Fellow Lin seems to be a cultivator of the virtual fairyland in terms of space! In this case, with your participation, our plan can be better carried out. The fat old man was also with you just now. Having said the general things, the area where "Spirit of Heaven" exists is at the core of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei". I can guarantee that besides us, no other forces have discovered it. The reason why we have been We can’t really get the "Sky Spirit Fruit" because of the existence of the ancient space formation that envelops this area. We have thought about this formation during several thousand explorations in the previous thousands of years. There are countless ways to break through its blockade, but without exception, we have all failed. Later, after research by fellow Taoist Kong Qing, we found that at least two cultivators of the virtual fairyland who are proficient in the laws of space are needed. Start cracking from two opposite directions, and there is a glimmer of opportunity to enter it."

Speaking of this, the tree spirit lady also showed a bitter smile, and then said, "Don’t be afraid of you, Lin Daoist, joke, we are among the four major forces in the interior of the Ziwei Emperor Star, who are good at the laws of space. There is really only one fellow Daoist Kongqing. In the past few years, our other monks in the virtual fairyland also wanted to develop more in space, but because of the limitations of our respective roads, it is already difficult to follow the law of space. We have gone a step further, so even in these thousands of years, none of us dare to say that we are sure to cooperate with Daoist Kong Qing and then to crack the ancient space circle. Now The appearance of Fellow Lin Yi really rekindled our hope. If our five parties cooperate, this time we should be able to achieve our wish!"

Lin Yi actually had some doubts in his mind at this time, because if such an ancient space circle only needed two masters in space to have a chance to crack it, then with the existence of Kong Qing, the alliance of all races would actually Continue to cooperate with the other three forces? In the past, it was because there were no other spatial masters. Now, I have discovered that there are such characters in the "Huaxia Gate". The first thing that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races thought of was not to contact them privately, but to work with other inland forces. Action, this is totally inconsistent with the acting style of these inland forces. You must know that among the major inland forces, they are not as harmonious as imagined.

Fairy Zilan seemed to see that Lin Yi had some doubts in his heart at this time, and then smiled and said, "Friend Lin seems to have some problems that have not been resolved? We want to cooperate sincerely with you now, what are the problems? Just say it, we will answer it for you~!"

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