I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 724

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:11 AM

Chapter 724: Surprise

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After Lin Yi ended this gathering, he also returned to Fenglei Island. Lin Hang's deity was discussing the results of this gathering with Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan.

Both Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan are very familiar with Lin Hang. They know the deep meaning behind this operation. The four major forces in the inland may only want to obtain some "Spirit Fruits", and then increase them. Some of the cultivators in the virtual fairyland have the chance to break through to the real fairyland, but Lin Hang is not the same, because of the relationship between the copying ability and the characteristics of the "Sky Spirit Fruit", Lin Hang got this " After "Tian Ling Guo", it must have a different effect. If it can be copied, it will not only be for Lin Hang, but also for Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, and even the realm of virtual fairy among the allies of the Lich Tribe. The monks are absolutely shocking good news. With a large amount of "Spirit Fruit", although there is no guarantee that they will be able to enter the realm of real immortals, at least the chance of a successful breakthrough will definitely rise by a big level, Lin Hang did not believe that under his massive investment, these allies or a few of them could not have a monk in the realm of immortality. We must know that there are very few monks in the realm of true immortality. Those who can achieve this step will be in the next step. In the midst of the catastrophe, more things can definitely be done.

Old Wang patted Lin Hang on the shoulder, and then said, "Hang'er, since you have agreed to their requests from the major inland forces and joined in this action, you can rest assured to do it. However, this time you can still let Lin Yi, a clone, follow them in. After all, although Lin Yi will be weaker than your deity, but with the blessing of various props and means, you still have a very powerful combat power. You The effect of entering it in person and Lin Yi’s entry is actually not much different, but if Lin Yi enters, your own safety can be relatively well protected. After all, I heard from you that they are not without the major forces in the interior. In "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", the manpower has been damaged, so for the sake of caution, it is more than enough to let Lin Yi participate in such an operation!"

Lin Hang nodded. What Wang Lao said was his original idea. Although he agreed to cooperate with the four major forces inland, it is impossible to leave all of his affairs to them. It is safe. He still had to pay attention to the problem. Lin Yi himself showed his abilities in front of Shu Lingpo and the others, so he could just send Lin Yi over.

Lin Hang said, "Teacher, if the four major forces in their inland have not deliberately concealed me this time, their ultimate goal should be the legendary "Heavenly Fruit". Under such circumstances, they will The possibility of a shot against me is not very great, and if you get the "Sky Spirit Fruit", then maybe it is the time for conflict to erupt, but looking at their sincere cooperation, it does not seem to be a conflict. Meaning, it seems that there is either a proper agreement between them, or the number of "Sky Spirit Fruit" is enough for them to allocate. If there is no special need, I will give up the fight for "Sky Spirit Fruit", just It is to copy it. In this way, it can be regarded as selling a person's affection to them, and they will once again reduce their hostility to us because of this."

Lao Wang nodded. What Lin Hang analyzed is still very reasonable, but Lao Wang still exhorted, "Well, if it doesn't matter, you can really be a good favor for them, but the premise of all this is that you need to feel it yourself. As far as their attitude is concerned, if they really cooperate with us sincerely, then we will not be stingy, but if they have a different mind, you also know what to do with Hanger!"

Liu Ruyan also smiled and said, "Xiao Hang, this "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" you mentioned was also a well-known secret realm in ancient times. I still have some information about it in my memory. I want to come to the former one. Fairy Jinlian must have entered this "Secret Realm of Ziwei"!"

Lin Hang did not expect to talk about this with Liu Ruyan and Wang Lao, and there was an unexpected gain. Since Liu Ruyan has the memory of the golden lotus fairy entering the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm", he must be able to provide him with some It's helpful, just a little information, so that Lin Hang can understand more about the Secret Realm of Ziwei, and he will be more sure about his future actions.

Lin Hang said with a hint of surprise, "Yan'er, it seems that it is really a good decision to tell you this time! Tell me about this "Secret of Ziwei" What kind of situation was it in the ancient times? Although the situation has definitely changed after such a long time, the outermost framework should not have changed much. Their inland forces just told me about the core information about the location of "Sky Spirit Fruit". Others have not been explained to me in detail yet. I really want to know some in advance, and don’t have all the information. Things are pinned on them, so it would be too passive!"

Liu Ruyan nodded, and then introduced the information in his mind, "Even in ancient times, this "The Secret Realm of Lagerstroemia" was very famous. The most important thing is some of the resources it produces. It has a relatively good effect on the monks above the fairyland. Of course, I am referring to the deep core of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei". Of course, it is not so powerful at the shallow level. It is just that the major forces train their own disciples. The most eye-catching place for every opening of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" is the deep core competition."

Liu Ruyan paused, and then continued, "The deep core of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", in addition to the minimum cultivation level that requires at least the limit of the virtual fairy realm, there are also important levels to enter this "Secret Realm of Ziwei" The cultivators of the deep virtual fairyland can only have the opportunity to enter the core location after passing through the levels of the levels. The deep benefits of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" are almost at this core location, so even if you enter the " The deep level of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", if it does not finally reach the core, there is no gain.

Lin Hang nodded, what Liu Ruyan said is more in line with the situation, and it also provided great information and help to those who have never entered the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm", but Lin Hang also understands that the current situation must be Unlike before, Lin Hang's own judgment will be required for specific matters.

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