I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 725

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:11 AM

Chapter 725: aims

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Lin Hang said, "Well, Yan'er, the information you provided is still very helpful to me. At least I don't know anything about "The Secret Realm of Ziwei". I think some general things are not. It’s so easy to change, so I only need to pay attention to some changes over the years. In addition, it’s my clone Lin Yi who entered the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" this time, so I can be more at ease, maybe they I have found some dangerous places in "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" many times over the years. My clone of Lin Yi can try to explore. Maybe in addition to this "Sky Spirit Fruit", there will be other gains!"

Lin Hang believes that in the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" that opened once in a thousand years, it is absolutely impossible that there will only be a dense place like "Tian Ling Guo". The location of "Tian Ling Guo" has an ancient place. The space formation is obstructed by the space formation, so it is impossible to get the "Sky Spirit Fruit", and some other places with good resources will definitely have different difficulties and obstacles. The four major forces in the inland of Ziwei Emperor Star Over the years, it is absolutely impossible that the information obtained will only be where such a treasure is located. Lin Hang can inquire about them. If he can get some information about other dangerous places, he may not be able to explore the way through his clone. Advantage to gain some other additional gains.

At this moment, after Lin Hang finished speaking, Liu Ruyan seemed to think of more things because of the memories just now, which prevented Lin Hang's intention to continue speaking, and then pointed her head with her finger and said, " Xiaohang, wait! Just now I accidentally touched the memory of Fairy Jin Lian, and discovered a dense land about the deep core of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei"! This dense land is where Fairy Jin Lian once entered. There is a pine spirit spring. If nothing happens, this pine spirit spring shouldn’t dry up. I don’t know if there are other things happening in the location of this dense area after these years of evolution. What's the change, but if you have time and other energy, you can go here and explore it. The location of this dense area is very hidden. Fairy Jinlian discovered it accidentally. It is one who guards this dense area. A powerful monster of the demon race, he was released directly because of Fairy Golden Lotus. Over the years, it may have changed a lot. Its position is..."

When Liu Ruyan was telling the location of this dense place, he also drew a map of the deep core of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" for Lin Hang. Lin Hang also took this map in his heart. Lin Hang also knew the location of the secret area. In fact, when Liu Ruyan mentioned the resources that the secret area possessed, Lin Hang had already made a decision in his heart. I have to take a trip, not for anything else. The pine spirit spring Lin Hang is still a bit greedy. This pine spirit spring is a spiritual spring born between heaven and earth. It is named pine because it contains the meaning of rosin. Lingquan, Songlingquan’s spring water does not have any fancy effects. It has only one function, that is, the rosin that is emitted can give the absorbed monks a peace of mind and calmness. In this way, not only during cultivation, Even when breaking through, it is not easy to be invaded by the external demon, which can guarantee the cultivation environment of the monks to the greatest extent.

The reason why Lin Hang wanted to get such a Song Lingquan was because of the situation of many of Huaxia's disciples, and there was an urgent need for such a treasure of peace of mind to assist in cultivation. Although these Huaxia disciples seem to be cultivating very fast, they still have a lot of problems inside. The invasion of external demons is a more serious problem, because these Huaxia disciples are not lacking in resources and guidance, which leads to In addition, on the road of cultivation, their realm is improved relatively quickly. Faster cultivation is not a problem, but if they do not get a state of mind that can match the realm of cultivation, it is very easy to attract foreign demons, and these disciples are one Every place wants to go further, which makes it difficult for their minds to concentrate and settle down. In this way, it is difficult for them to resist the invasion of foreign demons. This has also caused a large number of Huaxia's disciples to have the experience of becoming confused, although After the incident, Lin Hang still used a lot of resources to help these disciples recover, but the outer demons also left some shadows on them. Except for the most outstanding group of disciples, who have experienced the baptism of the Earth Star Hunting Plan, the situation is much better. Besides, the situation of other Huaxia disciples is actually not very optimistic.

In response to this situation, Lin Hang also thought of a solution. The best thing is to use some treasures that aid cultivation to help these disciples stabilize their minds during the cultivation process, but Lin Hang can find the assistance. The treasures of cultivation are not particularly powerful, so they have limited effects. Today’s pine spirit spring is different. Just a handful of the amount is enough for a monk in the Nascent Soul stage to practice. The rosin is enough to use for a long time, and Lin Hang doesn’t need to get too many Songling Springs. He only needs to give him one drop to satisfy all the Chinese disciples. So Lin Hang is absolutely absolute for this dense land. If you want to go there, even after many years of evolution, this dense place has undergone tremendous changes, but Lin Hang only needs to be able to find some spring water from the Pine Spirit Springs, and he has achieved his goal.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Hang has directly set two goals for himself before entering the "Secret Realm of Ziwei", one is "Heavenly Spirit Fruit", and the other is this pine spirit spring. "Ling Guo" is for him and Wang Lao Liu Ruyan to break through the realm of high-level combat power in the virtual fairy realm, and Song Lingquan is for the younger generation of Huaxia disciples to get more stable development, two things are for Huaxia to come. They are all very important, so Lin Hang will definitely make full preparations for this trip to "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", and strive to achieve both of these goals.

After confirming this point, Lin Hang also said to Wang Lao, "Teacher, in addition to the deep level of the cultivators above the virtual fairyland, there is also a shallow level of existence in "The Secret Realm of Ziwei". According to the four inland forces this time Because I promised to join their plan, this time our monks in the "Huaxia Gate" in the West Antarctic Inland Sea are also qualified to enter. Regarding this matter, I have to trouble the teacher to arrange it. !"

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