I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 729

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:07 AM

Chapter 729: Little girl

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Just when Lin Yi was in entanglement, the divine sense he released suddenly felt a powerful wave of spiritual power in the distance approaching his position rapidly. Lin Yi's thoughts turned and he jumped directly behind him. The giant tree, manipulating the surrounding wood elements to hide his body aura, he wanted to see what this wave of spiritual power was, if it was a cultivator in the virtual fairyland of other forces, Lin Yi was going to take him Catch it and see if you can ask some questions about how to break through the "Giant Tree Pass".

Although the situation of "Giant Tree Pass" makes Lin Yi feel very difficult, in such an environment, Lin Yi is equivalent to gaining the advantage of the home court. With such a large amount of wood elements, Lin Yi is concerned about wood. The manipulation of the elements and various spells will also get huge bonuses. Lin Yi has confidence. If the person is not particularly powerful, he should be able to win.

It didn’t take long for a petite figure to appear in Lin Yi’s gaze. To Lin Yi’s surprise, although the spirit power aura and fluctuations of the incoming person reached the level of the virtual fairy realm, from the outside Looking at it, she was just a petite little girl. Now Lin Yi was watching, the little girl also showed a puzzled look, and finally muttered, "I was here just now, why didn't I feel it?"

Lin Yi heard the brief words in this round, and he also roughly understood what happened. When he first entered the "Giant Tree Pass", because of the initial investigation, he did not hide his breath, so he was also caught Not far away, the little girl who teleported into the "Giant Tree Pass" was aware of it, and didn't know why. After the little girl noticed Lin Yi, she didn't mean to avoid it, so she went to the door directly. After Lin Yi felt it, he also hid it directly, which led to this scene.

Lin Yi, who was above the giant tree, did not feel the malice and threat of the little girl in front of him, but Lin Yi was not a person who would be directly confused by the appearance of the incoming people. He thought of the Witch Clan’s back high priest. The same looks like an innocent teenager, but the bad water in that belly has not decreased at all! Therefore, Lin Yi would be more vigilant with such a monk than a normal monk. Who knows what kind of performance this innocent girl looks like?

When the little girl was stunned and relaxed, Lin Yi directly acted, the overwhelming wood elements turned into several thick vines, and swept away directly at the position of the little girl, and because of the large amount of wood in the giant tree forest The concealment of the elemental breath caused Lin Yi’s move to be almost silent, so when the vines approached the little girl, she still did not react at all, until the vines wrapped her up, the little girl This was a moment of exclamation, but what made Lin Yi very strange was that after you got entangled by the vines, Lin Yi was still waiting for the little girl to respond. After all, Lin Yi knew it, it was so simple. 'S attack is definitely not fatal to the cultivator in the realm of virtual immortality, but he waited for a long time, the little girl still shouted in the vine package, without the slightest intention of using means, and started following the package Progress, there was a faint cry.

No matter how well-informed, Lin Yi was shocked to know what to do with this situation. You know, in Lin Yi’s perception, this little girl’s cultivation is also a real great monk in the realm of virtual fairyland. In Lin Yi’s insights and thoughts, every monk who can become the realm of virtual immortality must have gone through many trials and finally reached the point where he is now, but this little girl gave Lin Yi the feeling, It was just like a real mortal loli who had no cultivation skills, giving Lin Yi a lot of light.

However, even though the situation was a little less serious, Lin Yi still did not relax his vigilance. He slowly approached the big green ball that was wrapping the little girl, and asked in a deep voice, "Which force are you from? Monk?"

It’s just that Lin Yi’s question did not receive a response. There was still constant crying in the vine ball, and he ignored Lin Yi’s meaning. Lin Yi had no choice but to untie the vine, but beside him, A small arrow shining with silver cold light is also floating. This is an imitation of the life spirit treasure "Dijiang Arrow" refined by Lin Hang's deity. Although it is not comparable to the main body, it is also at the level of the virtual fairyland. It's a good spirit treasure. Although Lin Yi relaxed his manipulation of the vines, he is still on guard. As long as the little girl in the vines has any changes after releasing the vines, this small silver arrow will not hesitate. Through the little girl's chest.

It's just that Lin Yi's preparations didn't come into any use. After the **** around the little girl was lifted, she still sat on the ground, crying to herself, without any intention to communicate with Lin Yi, and watched. Her appearance was undefended, and if Lin Yi wanted to disadvantage her, the little girl didn't know how many times she would die.

The scene stayed in a stalemate for a while. Lin Yi didn’t have the intention to persuade him. This is not something he is good at. Moreover, Lin Yi would not approach the little girl rashly. Although Lin Yi’s heart was already roughly certain that the little girl would treat him. There wasn't much threat, but Lin Yi was still cautious and didn't want to put himself in danger.

The little girl cried for more than ten minutes in the same place. Later, she found it was useless. The young uncle in the distance did not want to coax her at all. This made the little girl a little at a loss. , Because when she was in the clan before, she was the treasure of the whole clan, no matter what happened, as long as she wanted nothing that could not be achieved, but now she has used her own'killer', opposite This old man of, actually still has no reaction at all?

The little girl felt that she had been insulted. At this time, she stopped crying and said to Lin Yi with sobbing, "Hey! Uncle, you just shot me like this as soon as you met, don't you even have to say sorry? Huh? , It's rude, father, mother, I want to go home..."

With that, the little girl wanted to cry again, Lin Yi hurriedly interrupted, "This fellow Taoist, you just approached my position rashly. I don’t know your intentions, so naturally I will treat it with caution, and , Listening to what you mean, it seems to be actively looking for my position. I don't know why and why?"

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