I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 73

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:52 AM

Chapter 73: Return to China

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In this way, after more than four hours of uninterrupted busyness, Lin Hang and the others finally rushed to the sunset, swept the rest of the team, and obtained all the tablets in their hands.

When it was time to finish work, Lin Hang returned to the station, and after solving the guards of the guards, he raised his hand to set up an illusion, maintaining the illusion of all the teams returning intact, and in order to continue to delay the time for Oakley to discover all this.

After finishing the work, Lin Hang returned to his teammates and said, "Well, no one will bother us this night. What we have to do now is to explore all the areas before tomorrow. Finished, find the fetish that "Ultron" has been coveting!"

Lin Hang gave a tablet to the three of them. The map above has been updated, showing the area that has not been explored. Then he handed everyone a communicator and said, "We are splitting up. I have marked the area that everyone wants to explore. I have to speed up. If I find out, contact me at any time, and I will take others to rush over immediately! "

Everyone responded, and began to move in different directions, and began the exploration work.

Lin Hang also began to explore the area allocated to him. Because of his abilities, the area Lin Hang gave him was as large as the three of Tian Dayong and the others, so Lin Hang did not let up for a moment, and carefully explored it. .

Time passed by one minute after another, but they still didn't notice anything. It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning when Lin Hang received a message from Huazhi in the communicator: She found a suspicious situation! Lin Hang quickly sensed the location of everyone, and several teleport rooms brought Jiang Huacong and Tian Dayong to Huazhi's side.

After arriving at the place, Lin Hang followed Huazhi’s fingers and looked over, only to see a beam of light shot into the sky, Huazhi said, “When I passed this place, there was nothing unusual at first, but the psychic fluctuations here were very disordered. , I tried to dig it, and this beam of light appeared, and then I notified Lin Hang to you."

Lin Hang nodded and expressed his understanding. After looking at the beam of light, he found an inexplicable sense of familiarity. He thought carefully about the memory in his mind, and recalled the beam of light found in Liu's house outside Huicheng earlier. Except for the size of the beam, it can be said to be exactly the same!

With the previous experience, Lin Hang walked towards the beam of light, and indeed a familiar jade card was floating in the center of the beam of light. Lin Hang stretched out his hand to take the jade medal and looked at it carefully. Some were not sure whether the thing Oakley and the others were looking for was the jade medal.

Tian Dayong and the three did not feel this way. Huazhi said excitedly, "Captain Lin, we should be happy when we got this divine object. Why do you have such an expression?"

Lin Hang thought for a while, and felt that there were no outsiders. He simply said, "I have got a jade card like this before, so I am not sure if it is that divine object. It can't be that bad street!" As he said, Lin Hang took out the jade medal he had snatched from Liu Tianlin at that time from his portable space.

Tian Dayong took the two jade plaques and compared them carefully, and found that the two jade plaques were basically similar, except that the most positive lines were slightly different, just like different styles of the same type of product.

Tian Dayong couldn't help asking, "Lin Hang, how did you get this jade medal?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "It was when I just awakened the ability, outside of Huicheng, the Liu family had been preparing for this little thing for many years, and finally it was cut off by me. Hearing what they said at the time, it seemed that it was about one thing. News of the ruins."

Tian Dayong pondered for a while, and said, "Lin Hang, I think it may be this thing that "Ultron" has been looking for. Think about it, according to their statement, one thing can be touched by a consummated ability person. How could it be possible to be above the innate realm? So I prefer a resource, and such a jade card is the key to obtaining these resources."

Lin Hang felt that Tian Dayong made a lot of sense, nodded, and said, "We don’t care if this is something Oakley will eventually find. We don’t have a lot of time, so I decided to take this. Things, go directly to China!"

The other three naturally have no opinion. In their opinion, this trip to the United States is already very valuable. Not only did he have a very deep understanding of "Ultron", a local power in the United States, the tasks arranged were also completed very well. Taking 10,000 steps back, even if this jade medal is not the **** Oakley ultimately looking for, its value is very high.

Tian Dayong began to contact the military to arrange a plane to leave the United States for them. Then Lin Hang returned to the cave and took Ronal out of the cave with his hollow eyes. Lin Hang was about to take Ronal back to China and hand it over to the military. Learn more.

Soon, in a small town near Grimbia, the four of Lin Hang and Ronal were on the plane returning home. Due to Huazhi's ability, Ronal was not seen by anyone. The man arrived at the international airport in Beijing without any problems.

When Jiang Huacong and Huazhi got off the plane, they said goodbye to Lin Hang. They had to return to their military area to return to their lives. The mission with Lin Hang this time was only a temporary assignment by Wang Lao. They must return to their own military area immediately when they returned to China.

Tian Dayong and Lin Hang took Ronal back to the training base.

Because of Lin Hang's advance notice, Wang Lao had been waiting for the two of them. Seeing the appearance of Lin Hang's three people, Wang Lao also showed a smile on his face. Obviously, Lin Hang came back safely and Wang was in a good mood.

Lin Hang saluted Wang Lao as usual, and said respectfully, "Teacher, the task you gave us has been checked out. An organization called "Ultron" in the east of the United States has been looking for a sacred object these years. In order to attract the attention of other forces, I deliberately pointed the finger at my father. However, whether my father was present or not, I am not sure whether he was involved in this matter. In the end, we got a jade medal, which has not been determined yet. It’s not the divine object they were looking for, because they were afraid that the night would have many dreams, so they came straight back.

Hearing what Lin Hang said, Mr. Wang nodded and said, "Hang'er, you did a great job! The news you got back is very valuable to our Chinese military, and I can tell you the jade medal you got. , Exactly what they were looking for. It’s just that even Oakley didn’t know the value of this thing."

In front of Wang Lao, Lin Hang naturally did not conceal anything. He presented the two jade plaques to Wang Lao.

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