I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 733

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:34 AM

Chapter 733: Land of yellow sand

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The deep structure of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" is actually very strange. The most central place is the core. There are many dense places and opportunities here. It is everyone or every one who enters the deep layer of the "Secret Realm of Ziwei". The place where the forces ultimately want to reach, and surrounding the core is a circular river. It is this river that separates the core and the periphery. The other side of the river is the periphery. It’s in a dangerous place. There are a variety of different levels to test, such as "Giant Tree Pass", the Five Elements level, etc., these levels can keep a small part of the monks out of the core, and it can be considered as a screening. process.

Now that Lin Yi has broken through the "Giant Tree Pass", the place where the yellow sand fills the sky is a buffer zone between the outer area and the river, not too far away from the river, here , Lin Yi should be able to see many different cultivators in the virtual fairyland from other forces. However, because Lin Yi entered the Giant Tree Pass, and because of Jingjing’s help, it did not take him a long time to break through the Giant Tree Pass. This also caused Lin Yi to be the first A group of monks who broke through from these many levels, after all, "The Great Tree Pass" is special, because it takes more time, so after coming out, they will directly arrive at a location very close to the core, but from other places If you break through, you will have to go through more than three levels at least, so if Lin Yi can speed up at this time, it is not without the opportunity to explore the secret before rushing to the secret area informed by Nakar and others. Liu Ruyan and the dense land of Songlingquan mentioned by him.

After a brief thought in his mind, Lin Yi also determined his next action plan. After he was going to cross the river again, he split up a clone for him to explore the secret location provided by Liu Ruyan. And his deity will still go directly to Carlo to tell him where to gather, because this matter is still awkward and entangled, because the locations of the two dense lands are very far apart, almost equivalent to the position of the two poles, which makes Lin Yi couldn't let himself go directly to the dense area of ​​the Pine Spirit Spring. After all, the first goal of his action this time was the "Heavenly Spirit Fruit", which is the important point for him to quickly improve his realm. It’s the most important thing, so there can’t be any delay and sloppyness, and the avatar is sent to explore the dense land of Songling Spring, not for direct competition, but for Lin Yi to explore the way and determine the situation of the dense land. Yi will not run in vain. After all, after so many years have passed, Liu Ruyan and Lin Yi are not sure whether there has been any change in the situation in the dense area. If they can investigate in advance, it will be better. Less chance of running in vain.

In the yellow sand in the sky, the line of sight became very blurred, it was almost impossible to see the situation ten meters away, and the divine consciousness was suppressed without knowing why, and it was unable to show a long distance. The situation can be regarded as another test to reach the core, because if you rush forward in this yellow sand and can’t tell the direction, you will most likely crash into the area known to the peripheral levels. I was sucked in by these already broken levels again. Even if that way would not be directly put into danger, the previous efforts were in vain. Therefore, Lin Yi was also cautious at this time, and he didn't want to go back again. Suffered, but Lin Yi also had his own way of getting through the yellow sand. When this point came again, both Liu Ruyan and Carlo informed him in advance, so Lin Yi also did it early. Ready to prepare.

The most thorny thing in this yellow sand environment is the suppression of divine consciousness and blurred vision. You know, at this point, almost every monk in the virtual fairyland is accustomed to the ordinary It’s no longer possible to use a variety of eye techniques, so after the two most commonly used methods of detection are restricted, most monks are somewhat restrained, that is to say, under such circumstances, It takes many monks to have their own other means to deal with this situation.

Lin Yi has always been known for his various methods. With his spiritual consciousness restricted and his sight almost deprived of his vision, Lin Yi showed a power he had almost forgotten. It came from Hua Xia Lu. The mutant ability "Shunfeng Er" owned by the family's Lu Sanjin, in fact, this ability Lin Hang is not unused. The "Monitor" and "Monitor" props he made are all integrated with this "Shunfeng Er" ability. Yes, and now that Lin Hang has stepped into this virtual fairyland, all his previous abilities have been greatly strengthened. This "Shunfeng Er" ability is of course no exception. Today's "Shunfeng Er" is different. The figure that can be monitored has also been greatly enhanced in distance and accuracy. Lin Yi estimates that the entire area as large as Ziwei Emperor Star will be shrouded in his monitoring range, as long as Lin Yi is willing. So apart from the top forces who have the means to guard against, the others have almost no secrets in front of Lin Yi.

In the current situation, Lin Yi also directly used this "Shunfeng Er" power. With the performance of the power, countless sounds around him came to Lin Yi's ears from all directions.

"In a troublesome environment, "The Technique of Earth Vein Perception" can't have much effect. It can only ensure that I will not lose my way. At this speed, it will definitely take a long time to reach the river!", this It was a low male voice, which seemed to be whispering because of the existence of yellow sand.

"Ah, it's so annoying! Xiaoju, have you found your way! If you don't reach the river and enter the core, I am worried that the dense land that father and mother said will be preempted by others. If that is the case, I will definitely go back. I will be punished by my father! Xiaoju, are you serious about your work!" Lin Yi was also unexpectedly familiar with this voice. It was obviously the little girl Jingjing who was separated from him, and she was still trapped here at this time. Within the scope of the yellow sand, only the "Xiaoju" in her mouth was clearly prepared for her by her elders, specifically to deal with this yellow sand area.

All kinds of voices sounded in Lin Yi's heart. He could perceive that many monks had entered the range of the yellow sand. Although this batch was still insignificant compared to the overall number, Lin Yi I also know that I have to increase my speed, otherwise it is easy to miss the opportunity.

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