I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 734

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:33 AM

Chapter 734: arrival

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After abandoning some useless information received in his mind, Lin Yi was also attentively receiving the sound he wanted. His idea was very simple. Using the power of "Shunfeng Er" to detect the location of the river, as long as There was a faint sound of water coming, and it would be detected by Lin Yi. Not surprisingly, after a long time, Lin Yi judged the location of the river based on the sound he heard, and then Lin Hang put away most of the powers, only keeping the sound of water coming from this place, following the sound of water, quickly approaching the target.

With the traction of the target in this way, Lin Yi did not take too long to reach the target. He is now at the junction of the yellow sand land and the river, that is, on the bank of the river, as long as he can cross the river. After crossing this river, you will be able to enter the final core place.

Looking at the river in front of him, Lin Yi also felt a hint of shock in his heart. Although he had already received the news, he felt very shocked when he saw it with his own eyes, because the river in front of him was a thousand miles wide. What flows in it is not ordinary water, but Tianhe heavy water! Although the former Tianhe River was vast, and the heavy water in it was inexhaustible, the river that was able to get such a Tianhe heavy water could also show what status the Ziwei Emperor had in the first place.

This river of heavy water in Tianhe River can be regarded as the last barrier to enter this core. If you can step through it, it is equivalent to having the opportunity to compete with the dense areas of the core. However, the river of heavy water in Tianhe River is not so. It’s easy to cross. Although it’s not the Tianhe in the true sense, it’s better than the Tianhe’s powerful restriction of “the feathers don’t float and the birds don’t cross”, but the means in the general sense are still ineffective in this river. , That is to say, if there is no special means, this river of heavy water in Tianhe will also block a large group of people here.

It’s just that, after all, it’s a secret realm that can be repeatedly entered. So for many years, the forces on top of the Ziwei Emperor Star Fragment have found a way to overcome various dangers and levels, only those that are really difficult. The realm will block some people, and the others are basically able to enter this core. Before entering the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm", Lin Yi was also stuffed with a special black wood by Carlo. Described, this black wood is a kind of peculiar tree after refining, it has the effect of floating in the heavy water of Tianhe River, standing on this wood, you can go to the core. Although the speed will be slower, it is relatively safe and there is no danger of falling into the water. Lin Yi naturally did not reject Carlo's kindness, but in his heart, there is obviously a better way to deal with it. Such a situation.

A group of white liquid appeared between Lin Yi. It was just a group of combined liquids formed by a few drops of soft and soft water. The soft and soft water was originally the product of Tianhe heavy water after heavy compression. It is said that the level of the soft and soft water is completely capable of crushing the heavy water of the Tianhe River, and coupled with the title of the "Ancestor of Ten Thousand Waters", it is now time to come in handy.

Lin Yi slowly poured these delicate and soft water into the river in front of him, but the divine consciousness manipulated the delicate and soft water into the heavy water of Tianhe River, and with the addition of the delicate and soft water and Lin Yi’s Manipulation, a magical scene happened. The heavy water of Tianhe River, which was originally heavy, was changed under the leadership of the soft and soft water, spreading a road, and then with a lot of heavy water and relying on the Tianhe River, a special boat was formed. '. The core of this small boat is this group of soft and soft water, and the frame is all made up of heavy water from Tianhe. Lin Yi stepped on this special boat, where the tiptoe was exactly where the soft and soft water was. Under Lin Yi's control, this special Tianhe heavy-water boat was also heading towards the opposite bank with extreme speed. At this speed, Lin Yi had absolute self-confidence. Other people's methods of crossing the river would definitely not be faster than him.

The distance of thousands of miles is actually not very long for the cultivators in the realm of virtual immortality. However, when they cannot maintain their fastest speed on the heavy river of the sky, they naturally slow down. Lin Yi’s method It was already very fast, but it still took half an hour to finally complete the journey of thousands of miles.

On the other side of the Tianhe River, Lin Yi was able to vaguely see the situation on the opposite bank after half an hour of driving. This made his look regained. Such a journey was really too boring. Imagine that there is nothing to enter the eye, only the river water that is out of sight. It shouldn’t be very comfortable for an individual in such an environment. Fortunately, this situation has only existed for half an hour, Lin Yi is here. When I vaguely saw the other side, I already understood that I was about to set foot on the core land.

When he gradually reached the opposite bank, Lin Yi also controlled the Tianhe heavy water boat under his feet to slowly rise, and then disbanded in midair. Lin Yi easily landed on the ground on the opposite bank, and the group of soft and soft. The water was also directly collected by Lin Yi.

After entering this core place, Lin Yi also became cautious, because this core place is different from the outside world. Although the area here is not large, it is completely inferior to the area occupied by the many dangerous levels on the periphery. , But there is one difference. The space here presents a layer-by-layer situation. That is to say, a small area that looks like this may be filled with two overlapping spaces. Lin Yi Naturally, I don’t want to be involved in these spaces because of my own mistakes. Although there may be different opportunities and gains in these spaces, it is not necessary to say how to choose the natural place compared to the definite location of the "Spirit Fruit". Up.

While Lin Yi was careful to avoid the many spaces, he was also inquiring about the surrounding situation. He needed to determine his position so as to be able to rush to the gathering place told by Carlo more accurately. Lin Yi waved his hand. The clone appeared, and as soon as he appeared, he started to move towards the surrounding position, while Lin Yi sat cross-legged, receiving information from the other clones. He had to roughly determine where he was based on the results of the clone investigation. .

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