I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 735

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:32 AM

Chapter 735: Core place

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This process did not last too long, because the location of the core area is indeed not very large, but because of the layered space, there are countless possibilities here, and the many clones of Lin Yi just don’t step into it. Within these spaces, it is easy to determine the approximate area.

After the news from the clone, Lin Yi also roughly understood where he landed at this time. His current position can be regarded as the middle edge position of the core land, and the dense land that Carlos and the others are going to is in the southeast. In a hidden corner of the valley, it is not easy to find, but the dense land with Pine Spirit Springs that Liu Ruyan informed was located in the southwest. After Lin Yi made certain , So that many of the avatars who had just explored the road just went to the southwest to explore the dense land of the Pine Spirit Spring for him, and he himself was heading in the direction of the southeast. He was going there and waiting for him. People meet together. Only after getting the "Sky Spirit Fruit" can Lin Yi be able to explore more freely. After all, this "Sky Spirit Fruit" is his most important goal this time. Compared with any other benefits, this " "Tian Ling Guo" is still a bit illusory. Lin Yi has always believed that the benefits that can be obtained are the real benefits.

Lin Yi walked toward Kashgar to inform him of the location of the dense land. On the way, Lin Yi also felt the characteristics of this core place. Because the core place is surrounded by a river with heavy water like Tianhe in the outer circle, it is said to be overall The shape is also circular. If you can look down from the sky, you can see that the core area is a circular island that occupies 50,000 li. The area of ​​50,000 li is actually not very large, but If you still add those layers of bubble space shrouded in this core place, it is far more than that.

It can be said that the original lands in this core land are scattered with dense land everywhere, but because of the occlusion and obstruction of the outer bubble space, it is impossible to clearly see the dense land from the outside. , This is also the reason why it is called the dense land. If it is not for breaking through the layers of space, it is impossible to know the specific situation of the dense land that is shrouded in it, regardless of the existence that Lin Yi is about to enter. The dense land of "Tian Ling Guo" is still the dense land of Song Lingquan that Liu Ruyan said that the Golden Lotus fairy once entered. They are all places that can be finally determined after exploration. Apart from the fact that the Golden Lotus fairy is really powerful, It was also through the efforts of generations of ancestors or ethnic groups that Carol and others were able to reach the moment of reaping the fruits step by step. Therefore, although there are many dense areas in this core place, it is impossible for every force to control it. Too much intelligence information, after all, every time information acquisition is not so easy.

However, many forces entering the "Secret Realm of Ziwei", although there will be some conflicts during the previous levels, and even the fall of the monks in the virtual fairy realm, there is a rule that is maintained and abided by everyone. Yes, that is, after arriving at this core place, we must try to suppress the intention of the brakes. After all, every time the various forces enter this "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" is not for the main purpose of fighting, the most important thing is to come to this "Ziwei" "Mystery" is looking for opportunities. This "Mystery of Ziwei" opens every millennium, and every time it will open for more than half a year, so many forces want to be able to explore more core places and acquire resources. , Fighting with each other is just a detrimental behavior to others, unless the two forces simultaneously discover a new dense area and both have the intention of occupying the resources in it, then there is the possibility of conflict. Under normal circumstances, After entering this core place, the forces of each side will continue to explore along their own trajectories, and the possibility of conflicts is not very great.

Lin Yi also knew in his heart that members of the four major inland forces, such as Caro, definitely had more information than this dense area. After so many years of exploration, they absolutely mastered the location of other resources. , But Lin Yi didn’t care about such things either. He didn’t care about what benefits these people were trying to get behind his back. His goal this time was only to get "Heavenly Fruit", and other things didn’t particularly care. After obtaining this "Sky Spirit Fruit", Lin Yi believes that he can still get some time to act. At that time, because of the convenience of being a clone, he should be able to get something unexpected in the mysterious bubble space everywhere. Of the harvest.

It didn’t take long for Lin Yi to stop touching the bubbles that contained space, so he went straight to the place that Kahlo had marked him on the map. After arriving here, Lin Yi looked around, and I didn’t find Carol and the others. Lin Yi didn’t guess wrong. He was indeed the first person to rush here. The speed of others was still much slower than his course of action, even Lin Yi. Yi released his divine sense. Apart from him, there really were no other monks appearing in this large area. Lin Yi was almost the first person to rush to this area.

Lin Yi sat on the ground quietly, waiting for the arrival of Carlo and the others, but he was not idle either. Numerous clones walked out of Lin Yi's body, and then spread out in this core place. Lin Yi did not want to waste Time, he himself will indeed be here waiting for the arrival of Carlo and others, but the exploration of this core place has already begun the first time he stepped on it, and Lin Yi asked his clone to find When the dense land contains chance, I did not give up the exploration of the outer bubble space. Although these spaces are numerous, most of them are useless, but there is no shortage of good things to find. Lin Yi’s clone is not afraid of being here. What dangers were encountered in these bubble spaces, so he was exploring unscrupulously. Under such circumstances, Lin Yi believed that no matter how bad his luck was, he should be able to get some gains.

While Lin Yi’s clone was exploring around, the location of Lin Yi himself also successively ushered in the original partners of the four major inland forces, as the last of the "Purple Palace" After the monks arrived, everyone who was going to participate in the exploration of the secret area this time was all gathered, waiting for the next exploration.

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