I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 736

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:31 AM

Chapter 736: Start

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Lin Yi didn’t wait for a long time. Although he didn’t spend a long time in the first few levels, Kahlo and others are all very familiar with the deep layers of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei". So, in the face of various situations, there can be a solution, and now all of them have reached the assembly location within a day.

And while Lin Yi was waiting for all the team members to assemble, he also discovered that there were other cultivators in the virtual fairyland stepping into this area, but although these cultivators had also discovered Lin Yi, both sides They refrained from taking action with great restraint, maintaining mutual vigilance, and would not easily break into conflict. After all, both of them understood that each force has its own clearest goal in the opening stage. It is obviously not a right thing to fight each other at this stage. Every trip to "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" takes more than half a year, and they usually put the final fight in the second half of the period. , So it is said that there will still be tacit understanding between the parties to maintain peace.

Seeing that all the participants had arrived this time, Carlo said in a deep voice, "Everyone, since everyone has arrived, let's start the next plan!"

Everyone didn’t have any opinions. Then, except for Lin Yi and Kong Qing, everyone else on the scene began to release their own spiritual power, and then gathered together in the air, in a very short time. It is directly transformed into an incomparable spiritual power barrier. Under the hands of so many peak monks in the virtual fairy realm, this spiritual power light curtain barrier is also extremely solid, as long as it is not a higher level true fairy. If the cultivator of the realm takes action, it should be able to ensure that the personnel in it are safe and sound.

Carlo and the others continued to provide spiritual power to maintain the existence of the spiritual barrier in the midair, and Kong Qing said to Lin Yi at this time, "Daoist Lin Yi, the next step is ours! With the help of fellow Daoists in Carlos, we can begin to crack that space formation with great peace of mind!"

Next, based on Kong Qing’s introduction and description, Lin Yi was also clear about the next action plan. The situation in this dense land can only be seen from a distance when the space array is deep. The Fa happens to manifest on the periphery except for a bubble space that wraps the dense land. In other words, if you want to enter the dense land, you must cross the barrier of the bubble space. This bubble space is the ancient pond. The space law circle is located.

Lin Yi then understood why the situation like this happened now. It stands to reason that if it is a heaven-defying existence like "Sky Spirit Fruit", it is impossible for other forces to abide by the slightly thin rules of this core place. After all, if a spiritual thing like "Spiritual Fruit" can be obtained, it will definitely be a major improvement to the power on its own side, because even if "Spiritual Fruit" cannot completely help the monks in the realm of virtual immortality break through and enter The realm of real immortality, but it will also allow this monk to take an important step on the road. The probability of breaking into the realm of real immortality in the future will definitely increase greatly. This is a situation that everyone is very eager for. , So if this "Sky Spirit Fruit" is exposed to the eyes of everyone, it will definitely cause competition.

However, it is precisely because of the particularity of the core land that there are layers of bubble spaces around the dense land, which makes it impossible to discover and perceive the situation in the dense land without digging deeply. It takes a long time to excavate such unfamiliar dense land. The four major forces on the inland of Ziwei Emperor Star have also entered this deep core place many times before they have explored step by step to this end. One step, this time, I got the help of Lin Yi, an expert in space, and was able to barely touch the shadow of "Heavenly Fruit", so under the circumstances that these four forces are strictly confidential, the other forces are I don't know what their goals are at all. This situation applies to other forces. If they are not closely cooperating forces, it is basically impossible to tell others about their own plans. This is also natural.

To enter the dense land from a free place, you need to pass through countless bubble spaces. Although there are many bubble spaces, after so many years of exploration by these four major forces, a relatively safe and short path has been determined. Under the guidance of Kong Qing, Lin Yi stepped through the bubble space, and finally came to the front of the dense land. Now that Lin Yi was prevented from contacting the dense land, only the last bubble space was left. This is where the ancient space formation is located.

Looking at such a formation, Kong Qing said with some emotion, "I thought that the ancestor was accidentally teleported to this core place, and it happened to fall in this bubble space, although this time The ancestors had nothing to gain and were trapped in this space formation and could not get out, but because of this, they saw the scene in this dense land, which made our four major forces excited. We know that this is our four. The opportunity for the great forces to break through the shackles of the virtual fairy realm! Over the years, we have given up most of our time to demand other resource treasures, and spent time and energy in these outer bubble spaces. Now it is really time to harvest fruits. It's time!"

Lin Yi nodded to express his understanding. He knew that the deep transmission into the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" was actually not so reliable sometimes. It was a relatively normal situation for them to enter various dangerous levels in the periphery. There are also abnormal situations. It is possible that they will be teleported into the land of yellow sand, the heavy waters of the Tianhe River, and so on. What's more, they will be directly teleported into the core land, without passing the test of those peripheral levels. , Is also extremely fortunate, but the point of entry into the core land is also random. It is possible to directly enter the dense land to get a chance to face the chance, and it is also possible to enter some bubble spaces to discover a different experience, like Nakong The ancestor Qing referred to was obviously also a "lucky guy", teleported to the bubble space outside this dense land. Although he was trapped, he brought back the news of "Heaven Spirit Fruit". , Can also be regarded as finding a goal for the following four major forces.

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