I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 737

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:31 AM

Chapter 737: Within the circle

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Under such circumstances, Kong Qing naturally did not want to delay any longer. Lin Yi and him stepped into the last bubble space in front of him. This time, the success or failure of the four major forces in the interior of the Ziwei Emperor depends on Lin. Yi and Kongqing were able to break through the shackles of the ancient space magic circle in this bubble space. If they can crack this ancient space magic circle, then they can enter this dense land and search That makes them coveted "Tian Ling Guo".

After the sense of space distortion was over, Lin Yi and Kong Qing appeared in a silver world. Apart from the silver in the eye-catching world, nothing else existed in this world, which seemed very strange.

Lin Yi and Kongqing are both spatial experts, and there is no psychological fluctuation in this situation, and Kongqing obviously entered this bubble space during the previous opening and tried to crack it, so at this time I also took the initiative to introduce the situation here to Lin Yi, "Daoist Lin Yi, here is the inside of the bubble space, and when we enter this bubble space, we are equivalent to entering the ancient space. Among the space magic formations, the current silver world is transformed by that formation. Only when we crack this formation can we finally enter the dense land and get the opportunity to obtain the "Sky Spirit Fruit" !"

Looking along Kong Qing’s right hand, Lin Yi found something different in this silver-filled space. He didn’t pay attention when he first entered. Now, under the guidance of Kong Qing, he saw the silver In the distance of the space, a looming light and shadow appeared. Through Kong Qing’s introduction, Lin Yi knew that the light and shadow were the manifestation of the situation in the dense land. In such a light and shadow, Lin Yi could be blurred I saw the peach trees in it. These peach trees are very ordinary, without any strangeness, but it is very strange that these peach trees are now dry, but on top of them. There are about a dozen fresh peaches. There is nothing strange about the existence of peaches on the peach trees, but in this situation, the peach trees are dry but the peaches still exist, which is undoubtedly particularly eye-catching.

Kong Qing said with a smile, "Actually, regarding the "Spirit Fruit" in the "Middi", the ancestor who accidentally entered here was actually not sure at the beginning, because of this. Although the light and shadow have always existed here, the peach trees in it were very normal at the beginning, in a lush and leafy situation, then there is nothing suspicious about the existence of peaches in it at that time, but that An ancestor has been trapped in this spatial array, and later discovered that this peach tree changed from blooming to withering in winter. After all the leaves had fallen, the dozens of them However, the peaches do not have any meaning of falling or shrinking, and they are still as fresh as they were at the beginning. This situation naturally attracted the attention of the ancestor, and he also remembered the situation in his mind about this situation Similar descriptions, after the comparison, he was also pleasantly surprised to find that the changes are very similar to the legendary "Spirit Fruit"! It is also because of this that this ancestor also observed more carefully, after a long time Observation and comparison of time, he also finally confirmed that these a dozen unusual fresh peaches are just such a strange thing as "Sky Spirit Fruit"! It is this that we have opened the strategy and exploration of here! "

Lin Yi understands what Kong Qing said. This is the characteristic of "Sky Spirit Fruit". The reason why they are difficult to obtain is that they are difficult to produce. Another point is their camouflage ability. They will choose some normal growth. The fruit trees are stored and directly disguised as their fruits. If they are not picked off directly, they are completely indistinguishable. In other words, for many years, apart from the "Tian Ling Guo", there is one more thing Even if you see it, you may miss it directly because of these disguised abilities.

Just like the situation this time, although this ancestor of the four major forces arrived in this space magic circle, he also directly saw the light and shadow of the peach trees in the dense land, but if it weren't for being trapped here If you can't go out, this ancestor will not be able to discover the strangeness of these peach trees. Shiyou ** will also miss it directly. Therefore, it is really a chance for this ancestor to find such a dense place. God, he said that these "Sky Spirit Fruits" belong to their four major forces.

After briefly understanding some of the origins, Lin Yi also discussed the specific actions this time with Kong Qing. Their purpose is to crack the space magic circle in this place, so that they can enter the dense land behind and crack The formation is not only limited to one method. They can break through and leave this formation by themselves, or directly destroy the core of this formation to make the formation useless, and they can also find in this formation. To a path that can be passed normally, so in the current situation they need to determine their own way, so as to work hard in this direction, otherwise, if they half-hearted, it is very likely that they will not get anything in the end.

After Lin Yi felt the general power of this ancient space formation, after pondering for a while, he also said to Kong Qing, "Daoist Kong Qing, now after personally experiencing the power of this formation , I also have a general judgment in my heart. As you said before, although this space formation has evolved over the years, it is no longer the same as the original situation, and it is more powerful than the original one. It has been greatly weakened, but it is still not easy to break through at our current level, so I agree with Daoist Kong Qing’s idea, we still have to feel the "pulse" of this space circle carefully, and try to make it The power of our space can resonate with this space magic circle, so as to see if we can create a space magic circle that can pass through this space without touching this space magic circle. The road into the secret area comes out. In this case, it should be the most suitable way for us!"

Although Lin Yi was very confident when he came, after seeing the magic circle in this dimension, he knew that he was still thinking too simple, and things were much more complicated than he thought.

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