I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 738

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:30 AM

Chapter 738: Method

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The magic circle in this space is the words handed down from the ancient times, coupled with the almost natural environment here, resulting in the precision and perfection of this magic circle, there are almost no loopholes, so whether it is broken This formation is still destroyed from the core. Lin Yi found that it is not so easy to achieve. So now Lin Yi has only one goal left in his heart, and that is to comprehend this formation as much as possible. Then follow the core strength of the magic circle to find a path that can run in it. In this way, they don’t need to forcefully conflict with this circle, and they can find a way to enter the secret area. Lin Yi and Kong Qing can come up with the most suitable method at this time.

Kong Qing’s spatial attainments are almost the same as Lin Yi, so the judgments reached by the two are basically similar, and he is different from Lin Yi. After all, he has entered this space circle several times, so Said that he already had a better solution in his mind.

Kong Qing said, "Didn’t we talk to Fellow Lin Yi before, you need at least two space-based cultivators of the Void Immortal Realm to have a chance to find a path that passes through this circle, and this is I put it forward because I have discovered that although the magic circle of this space is perfect, but because it is a natural relationship, it is not too much for outsiders like us. It's very repulsive. This has something to do with its owner who has no array. So I want to start from this point and maintain some closer relationship with it, so as to become an existence similar to the'master' of this array. Of course, our cultivation level is not enough, so naturally we can't completely control this magic circle, but as long as we have a little authority, it will be enough for us to pass through this magic circle safely!"

Kong Qing said for a long time, in fact, Lin Yi still did not understand how the information that Kong Qing said had anything to do with the need for two space system cultivators of the Void Fairy Realm, but Lin Yi did not interrupt Kong Qing until Kong Qing continued to say After that, Lin Yi realized the connection.

It turns out that although the array of this space is extremely precise and perfect, it is almost intact, but it is precisely because of its innate birth that the core of the array is in a very obvious position. Kong Qing thought It’s very simple. That is to use this formation method to not exclude the characteristics of the two of them, go to the two formations separately, use their respective space cultivation bases to slowly cultivate with this formation similar to'intimacy. As long as they are willing to spend a certain amount of time, they will naturally be able to obtain a certain degree of authority. Although it is still impossible to fully control the formation without the understanding of the formation, it is also considered a way to open a path in it. More than enough.

Kong Qing is actually not a very talented monk. Most of his achievements in spatial perception are based on the talents of his own race, but even so, some of his foundation is very solid, plus so many times. Entering and trying, Kong Qing can think of such a method, it is also very reasonable.

Lin Yi thought about Kong Qing’s words carefully, and found that Kong Qing’s method was very good and feasible. After all, this is an innate formation that lacks the manipulation of the formation. No matter how strong this formation is, it will lack a lot of changes. As long as there is enough time, the cultivator's wisdom is infinite, and there will definitely be one day to crack it.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Well, if there is nothing wrong with the situation mentioned by Daoist Kongqing, the feasibility of this method is still very high! It should not be too late. Where is the location?"

Under the guidance of Kong Qing, Lin Yi rushed to the westernmost position of the formation space. As soon as he arrived here, Lin Yi felt the extremely powerful space power. After a closer look, he found the most powerful space. On the west side, there is a dazzling silver bead floating in the air, but after careful observation, it can be found that this silver bead seems to be floating in the air, but it is very close to the surrounding scenery. In connection, if you want to take this bead directly, you will definitely be strongly backlashed and attacked by the surrounding formations. In that case, before taking the beads, it will inevitably be directly chewed and swallowed by the space power of the formation. . This silver bead is exactly where the big eye of this ancient space formation lies, and this is also the key to this formation being able to be cracked. As long as the eye can be mastered, let alone open up a path, it is. It is not impossible to fully control this formation.

Lin Yi felt it a little, and understood the two or three things, so he stayed at a distance of 100 meters from the silver bead, protruding out his spiritual sense, and slowly wrapping towards the bead. At the periphery of the divine sense, Lin Yi also brought a trace of space power that he had felt. This power of space is the key to Lin Yi’s communication with this silver bead. If there is no such space as a bridge, With the help of the force, Lin Yi's spiritual consciousness would most likely be rejected and attacked by this space formation when he first touched the silver beads.

And this is also in Kong Qing’s plan, why it must be helped by a cultivator of the Void Fairy Realm with a cultivation base similar to him. In fact, other cultivators can also come to contact this formation, just like Lin Yi The performance at this time is the same. Without such a deep sense of space and cultivation, it is impossible to communicate with this silver bead unharmed, and even now Lin Yi and Kong Qing on the other end are doing it carefully. Such communication matters, because although their spatial perception barely passed, they would still be unable to achieve their plan if they were too rude. Therefore, when Lin Yi and Kongqing carried out the plan, they were both fully focused on their spiritual consciousness. The manipulation of the power of space and the power of space also dare not relax a little bit. Their chance is only this time. If the front view repels them, then they will not be able to step into the magic circle of this space. So this time the plan failed, and their failure is not only about themselves. This time the exploration is the accumulation of entering the deep core of "Purple Secret Realm" many times before. If it fails, everyone is absolutely unable to bear it. , It will also cause a great blow to them.

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