I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 74

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:49 AM

Chapter 74: remains

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Old Wang was also a little surprised. Although he knew the effect of this jade medal, he didn't expect Lin Hang to have two pieces in his hands.

Mr. Wang carefully checked the lines on the two jade tiles, and said with a smile, "You can get two jade tiles. You must have some understanding of the things behind them?"

Lin Hang nodded lightly and said, "I snatched the first jade medal from Liu's family in Huicheng. They said it seemed to be the key to a relic. I don't know the specifics. "

Elder Wang handed the jade card to Lin Hang and said, "You are right. Each jade card represents a relic and is the key to enter the relic. Our current supernatural power world is gradually lost due to the gradual loss of psychic energy, and various This kind of genius treasure is exhausted, and it is far behind the supernatural power world of ancient times. So some rare things, such as "Spirit Gathering Pill", and Ye Family's magical "War Simulator", are only It can be found in the relics left over from ancient times. Some relics are relatively open, but most of the relics need to be opened. It is something like a jade card. It seemed to be a status symbol in ancient times. ."

After listening to Wang Lao’s words, Lin Hang fell into deep thought. After a while, he said, “Teacher, do you mean that these two jade medals represent two different relics? And the contents inside are Liu’s family and the "What the organization desires?"

Old Wang nodded and said, "The place where the jade card appears must be not far from the ruins. In other words, the Liu Family and Oakley must have clues about the location of the ruins. Since Hang'er, you got these two A key, then this is your chance, you must grasp it!"

Lin Hang smiled bitterly, "My current strength, I can't get such an important clue from Liu Family and Oakley! I have interrogated Ronal for so long, and he didn't mention the news, obviously only Oakley knows about this, and the Liu family is everyone in the capital after all, and it's not an easy one!"

Old Wang smiled and asked, "Hang'er, what is the longest distance you travel through time and space?"

Lin Hang was a little puzzled, and replied, "Fifty kilometers, this is the limit, and the consumption of psychic energy is huge. What are you asking me for?"

Old Wang nodded with satisfaction and said, "After you have made such trouble in the U.S., the recent Grimbia is absolutely on guard. For the time being, you shouldn't play Oakley's idea. As for the Liu family, since you went to Huizhou The city is a junior from the Liu family, so there won’t be too few people in the Liu family who know about this. You are already a supernatural power in the acquired realm. You were so courageous when you were in the training camp, how can you shrink now? Yes? You can find a slightly more important person in the Liu family. I believe it is not difficult based on your ability. After all, in the United States, you are even the abilities of the latter stage of the Acquired Realm who dare to make ideas!"

Lin Hang carefully considered what Wang Lao said, and felt that he really lacked a bit of courage. In the United States, he dared to do anything. Now because of his inherent impression, he has a little jealousy of the Liu family, but after thinking about it carefully, the strength of the Liu family is not There must be "Ultron" strong, and the juniors of the Liu family are easier to start. Lin Hang decided not to hesitate anymore and wanted to seize his own opportunity so that he could improve himself faster and accomplish his goal.

Lin Hang silently set his goal in his heart: it's you, Liu Tianqi.

Lin Hang said to Wang Lao, "Well, teacher, I understand. What are the conditions for entering these ruins? I have just broken through the day after tomorrow, can I meet the requirements of the ruins?"

Wang Lao explained, "Hang'er, because most of the relics handed down from ancient times have been opened, we have also summed up a set of experiences. Most of the relics are not required, they are just some sects. The relics left after the ruin. Only a small part of the relics will assess the qualifications of the entrants, and those who are not qualified will not be able to enter. No matter how high your cultivation level is, this is like a secret realm for cultivating disciples."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "I understand, I will get news about the ruins from Liu's family! But this time I went to the U.S. I also regretted that I didn't get any useful news from my father, which came from Ultron. The news is more like a smoke bomb."

Old Wang also agreed, "I thought it was your father's actions, but after listening to your description, maybe your father only appeared there, but it didn't last long. "Ultron" only borrowed him to cover them. It’s nothing more than his actions. But, Hang'er, don’t be discouraged. If you improve yourself step by step like this, you will get closer and closer to your father!"

Lin Hang said firmly, "Yes, teacher, I am not discouraged either, just because I am a little disappointed not to see them, I haven't seen them for so long, I really miss them!"

Mr. Wang understood Lin Hang's feelings well, and then took a few more words of relief, and asked about cultivation.

Speaking of abilities, Lin Hang regained his energy and said, "Teacher, I have some insights recently. After this trip to the United States, I discovered the importance of practice. It is also in practice that my perception of some abilities has changed. With a different understanding, I also developed many different moves. Therefore, I plan to never go behind closed doors in the future. I must go out and see different abilities so that I can have a broader horizon."

Lao Wang raised his hand on Lin Hang’s stomach, felt it silently for a while, nodded and said, “Yes, I didn’t let go of my practice when I went out! Your first psionic ball in the acquired realm is also constantly increasing its energy. Although the second one was not split, I believe that this day is not far away. At your speed, you should be able to step into the middle of the acquired realm within a year. Yes, very good!

Lin Hang was still dissatisfied with his progress and said, "My feelings are roughly the same as what the teacher said, but it will take another year to break through to the middle of the day after tomorrow. Then if I break through to the innate, I won't be the year of the monkey?"

When Lao Wang heard this, he became serious in an instant, and said in a deep voice, "Hang'er, the path of cultivation must not be too far-reaching and rushed! With our current heaven and earth spiritual energy, we can have your cultivation speed. It's incredible, the foundation still has to be laid, and the road still has to be taken step by step!"

Lin Hang saw Wang Lao who was about to be angry, knowing that he had done a lot of heart for himself, and hurriedly said, "Teacher, I'm sorry, I am a little irritable! I promise you that I will not be sloppy on such things, I just Make some complaints, don't take it to heart!"

Old Wang also knew the temperament of his disciple, so he didn't continue to teach Lin Hang, and asked, "Hang'er, when do you plan to go to Liu's house in the capital to ask about the ruins?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "It's not in a hurry, I will stay here to spend the Lantern Festival with you, and then go to Beijing! It just so happens that when I come back from Beijing, I should go to Huicheng, so I won't have time to wait for you. , Let me accompany you more now!"

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