I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 743

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:27 AM

Chapter 743: distribution

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Under such circumstances, except for Lin Yi, the many monks in the virtual fairyland present are at the peak stage of the virtual fairyland, and their perception of this "Sky Spirit Fruit" is naturally more profound. At this time, according to the changes in the breath of fresh peaches, they have all been determined one by one. These more than a dozen fresh peaches that have changed are exactly the magical creature "Tian Ling Guo" they expected!

The situation in the field fell into silence in an instant. There are a total of 17 "Sky Spirit Fruits" here. Although it is completely enough for everyone in the field to distribute, even if it is evenly distributed, then everyone will get After the two, how to allocate the last remaining one has become a headache for them all.

The four inland forces, after so many years of cooperation, have a tacit understanding of many things, so they can carry out such close explorations together, but now the benefits are in sight, and it is about distribution. They must have different positions, because even if the four major forces are truly alliances, they will still have internal differences. So in the current situation, everyone wants to seek greater benefits for their forces.

It’s just that this time the situation is even more special. In addition to their four major forces, there is also a special new member who is not part of their original four major forces, Lin Yi, and there is nothing at all. Lin Yi is a gift from them. Only the opportunity to enter the core place of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", logically speaking, they still have the confidence to distribute, but Lin Yi's appearance is too amazing, almost leading them into this dense land. , So at this time they cannot ignore the existence of Lin Yi, they must consider the benefits to Lin Yi, and when they first entered, Karo also said that Lin Yi should choose a benefit first. At this time, Karo and others naturally You can't slap yourself in the face.

Carlo thought for a while and then said with a smile, "Daoist Lin Yi, we all said just now, if you want you to choose first after you enter, other Taoists don’t have any opinions. Everyone can see the situation clearly. , There are a total of seventeen "Sky Spirit Fruits". If Fellow Lin Yi chooses one first, the remaining sixteen of the eight of us will happen to be two of us. I don’t know if you have any comments on this distribution. What?"

What Kahlo said was not only for Lin Yi, but also wanted to solicit the opinions of the other monks in the virtual fairy realm around him. Although they were concerned about the extra "Spirit Fruit" I am very greedy, but I also know that if they all want it, it is actually more difficult to obtain a unified opinion. After all, compared to Lin Yi, the contributions of each of their forces are similar, and there is no comparison of credit. The big question, now it happens to give this "Sky Spirit Fruit" as a thank you gift to Lin Yi, which is the most suitable distribution situation!

At the beginning, Lin Yi didn’t really want to get the "Heavenly Spirit Fruit", so after hearing what Carlo said at this time, Lin Yi also laughed, and then said, "Friends of Carlos, and everyone Here I want to say a word, in fact, this time I can enter the deep core of the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm". It is up to you all to give me this opportunity, otherwise I won't get anything else! I think so Well, since my quota originally belonged to the City Lord’s Mansion of Ziwei Emperor City, they also lost a person who entered the deep layer of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" because of my appearance. If this is the allocation, it is indeed unfair to them. So I only have to take one "Sky Spirit Fruit", so the two that I had to give to me should be directly allocated to Fellow Shan Lingweng! In this case, all of you will be able to get four " The distribution of "Tian Ling Guo" can be regarded as the fairest situation!"

As soon as Lin Yi's words came out, everyone in the field also caused an uproar. They asked themselves that they were in Lin Yi's position, and it was difficult for them to make a decision like Lin Yi. The cultivators in the virtual fairyland were all against Lin Yi. Awe in awe, knowing that not everyone can restrain their greed, especially in the face of such benefits that can change the situation, no one can refuse their arrangement.

Among these people, the mood is instantly cheerful, and the Shan Lingweng himself mentioned by Lin Yi. You must know that they have not paid for Lin Yi to enter the deep core of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" this time. It’s a small price, and a place is directly given to Lin Yi. Although there is some benefit exchange between the four major forces behind this, they also get a certain benefit compensation, but everyone can understand that no matter how much such compensation is, , They are all incomparable with this "Spirit Fruit", they lost a place to enter this "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm", which is equivalent to abandoning the following distribution, which is absolutely an incomparable loss. But in the current situation, Lin Yi was actually willing to give them the two "Sky Spirit Fruits" that he was about to get, which made Shan Lingweng feel comfortable, but he also didn't understand it. You must know that Lin Yi had no reason. What's the problem, he did have these later gains because of the quota, but Lin Yi completely ignored his role in the line, and such realization made Shan Lingweng a little awe.

In front of a spiritual object like "Heavenly Fruit", Shan Lingweng was unable to utter the words of refusal, and the scene fell silent for a while. After a while, Shan Lingweng said in a deep voice, "Friend Lin Yi, this time Our Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion will accept your love! Although it is a little inappropriate, this "Heavenly Fruit" is indeed a bit too important for us, and now the old man can only accept it with brazenness! However, Lin Yidao Friends, rest assured, our Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion is definitely not an ungrateful person. From now on, Fellow Lin Yi and your "Huaxia Gate" are our kind friends. If we encounter any problems, we will definitely help you. fixed!"

Shan Lingweng spoke in this way, and Carlo and the others were not good at refuting what Lin Yi and Shan Lingweng meant. According to them, they were indeed going to allocate three "Sky Spirit Fruits" to Lin Yi. The situation was that Lin Yi took the initiative to donate two "Sky Spirit Fruits" to the Ziwei Emperor City Lord's Mansion. This belonged to the distribution of his own possessions, and they couldn't say anything.

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