I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 746

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:08 AM

Chapter 746: Another place

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Regarding what Zi Kun and Zi Yin said, Carlo and others did not have any surprises. This is the style of "Ziwei Palace". I don't know if it is because of the inheritance of the practice method or "Ziweigong". The teaching and development model of the "Wei Gong" has led to the fact that all the monks in their "Zi Wei Gong" look like this. There is almost no excessive emotional fluctuation. All thinking problems are based on their "Zi Wei Gong" "The highest policy of "Ziwei Emperor Star" is the starting point. Today, Lin Yi’s ability and potential as well as the development and potential of "Hua Xia Gate" have also allowed these people in "Ziwei Palace" to get the current Judging, that is that the existence of Lin Yi and "Hua Xia Gate" has a powerful role in promoting the development of their Ziwei Emperor star, so they are naturally able to accept the existence and development of Lin Yi and "Hua Xia Gate", and will have It is possible to further develop cooperation.

Carlo also expected that the two representatives of "Ziwei Palace" would have such an attitude, and now the three major forces except for their Ten Thousand Races Alliance have already expressed their views, and they have all decided to treat Lin Yi more friendly. With the forces of "Hua Xia Gate", under such circumstances, Carlo also suppressed the thoughts in his heart, coughed lightly, and said, "Since all fellow daoists have this attitude, then our Ten Thousand Races Alliance cannot There are objections, we will also change our attitude towards Lin Yi and "Hua Xia Gate" in the days to come, and we will also work together later, hoping that both parties will get greater development and benefits in cooperation with them. !"

But when the four major forces were discussing, Lin Yi was already on his way to another pine spirit spring dense land. Because of the need to concentrate and there was no need, Lin Yi was not here. There were clones or means such as the "Monitor" in the vicinity of Caro and others, which means that Lin Yi at this time was unaware of the discussions of Caro and others about him, nor did he know these four forces. They are all willing to cooperate further with him. However, even if Lin Yi knew it, he would not feel surprised. After all, he is not idle these days. Naturally, he can guess the possible changes, plus this time the deep core of "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" The itinerary of the land has also greatly deepened his relationship with the major forces. After all, he has helped these major forces a lot, enough to get such attention.

The dense area of ​​Pine Spirit Spring provided by Liu Ruyan is located almost on the southwestern edge of the core area, and the dense area containing "Tian Ling Guo" that Lin Yi just entered is here. The southeast of the core land, so Lin Yi has to rush to that dense land at this time, which is equivalent to crossing the entire core land. Fortunately, some paths on this road are all clones of Lin Yi. It is clear by direct investigation. Under such conditions, Lin Yi will not be blocked by some bubble space in the middle, and can avoid it perfectly. Therefore, Lin Yi’s traveling speed is not very slow. After many sessions, he was about to reach the vicinity of that secret area.

When entering here before, Liu Ruyan and Lin Yi once said that the periphery of the dense land was also blocked by many bubble spaces, and in the bubble space closest to this dense land, There is a monster power who guards the secret area. Of course, this monster power is only a respectable name, but the actual cultivation level has not broken through to the level of true immortality, which means this A monk of the monster race just landed here for some reason, and could not play a blocking role. As for why he was here, Lin Yi didn't know.

At this time, Lin Yi, who was on a long journey, was already able to see the clone not far away. Coming on the way, Lin Yi also felt a lot of tyrannical fluctuations. Obviously some other forces were controlling them. After all, the exploration of the secret land is still in the early stage of entering this core land. Many forces have not achieved their first goals. Therefore, this core land is not messy for the time being. After all, everyone has to explore it. The first goal, but Lin Yi also knows that this situation will not last long. After all, not every force can achieve the goal like the four major forces in the Ziwei Emperor Star Inland this time. Many forces may It is also the same as these four powers many times before. They only deepen their own exploration. Under such circumstances, they will naturally not tolerate that they will not be able to gain gains in the deep journey of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei". This is where conflicts will erupt. The fundamental reason is that in such conflicts, Lin Yi is also very self-aware. After all, he is alone and lonely. In the subsequent large-scale conflicts, one who is not good will be injured by mistake, so Lin Yi Still want to take advantage of the temporary peace to explore as much as possible. In the future, when other forces are fighting with each other, Lin Yi will see if the timing should be taken.

Soon, Lin Yi came to the outer location of the dense pine spring spring. Now between Lin Yi and this dense land, there are some layered bubble spaces. Only after breaking through these bubble spaces, Lin Yi Can have the opportunity to enter this secret place.

However, after all, Lin Yi is different from others. As early as when he and Carlos and others explored the secret place of "Spirit Fruit", his clone had already begun to explore and touch these bubble spaces for him. The current situation makes Lin Yi feel a little excited, because from the feedback of the clone, the situation in these bubble spaces is no different from what Liu Ruyan once described. This situation also illustrates a problem. It is that despite the past few years, the situation around this dense area has not changed much. Since there is no change in the outer bubble space, the situation in the core dense land should not change. There are changes, so in this dense land, Lin Yi is still very likely to be able to get the Pine Spirit Spring.

Following the safe path that his clone had explored forward, Lin Yi broke through the barriers of these bubble spaces step by step, and soon reached the last bubble space. As long as he broke through this bubble space, Lin Yi You can enter the dense ground behind that, and this bubble space is also a bubble space that Lin Yi's clone did not easily step into. Lin Yi still needs to explore it himself in the last step.

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