I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 747

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:07 AM

Chapter 747: Yulingxian

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The reason for this decision is that Lin Yi also learned about the general rules and laws of the bubble space around these dense areas from the mouths of Caro and others. "Lingguo" is the same as the dense land, basically every dense land that has not been developed, there will be different dangers and obstacles in the outermost bubble space, but the most critical is always the closest to the dense land. The bubble space, here is almost the most difficult obstacle to entering every dense land, just like the ancient space array at the outermost periphery of the "Spirit Fruit" dense land, and the outer edge of the pine spirit spring dense land. The guardian of the monster monks is the most difficult level. The general forces to break through the secrets they control are blocked on this last level and cannot move forward. Most of the time and energy are spent thinking. The way to break through this last hurdle, so Lin Yi did not let his clone enter this bubble space rashly. He had to go there himself, and would meet the monk of the monster race for a while. Years have passed, if the monk of the monster race still exists.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yi directly broke through the space and entered the last bubble space. After Lin Yi entered, the surrounding scene changed for a while, and Lin Yi appeared in a small valley. The air in the small valley is extremely fresh, and in this valley, Lin Yi saw a simple wooden house. In front of the wooden house are some scattered stone utensils. No matter how you look at it, it is a very simple place. In the residence of ordinary people, there is absolutely no trace of the power of the monster race.

It was just that after Lin Yi appeared, a tyrannical wave of spiritual power suddenly erupted in the wooden house, but the calmness was restored instantly, and then Lin Yi heard a strong voice resounding in the wooden house, "Where is it? A friend is here? I have been here for tens of thousands of years, and no other person has ever been here! I don’t know if this friend entered inadvertently or has some understanding of the situation here?

Lin Yi didn't conceal his intention, so he took a punch in the direction of the wooden house, and then said, "This fellow Taoist, here is the Ziwei Emperor from the outside world. This time he entered this "Ziwei Secret Realm" "The deep core place is also to obtain some resources. I believe Daoists also know where they are? If Daoists can do it conveniently, I will be grateful!"

"Ziwei Emperor Star? This boundary still exists?" After Lin Yi revealed the Ziwei Emperor Star, the door of the wooden house suddenly opened, and then a tall man walked out of it slowly, wearing Mai, except for her healthy body, is not much different from other rural old people.

Before the man signaled Lin Yi to come to the wooden house, Lin Yi naturally had nothing to fear, because he could feel that this monk of the monster race was also at the peak of the virtual fairy realm. Reaching the realm of true fairyland, Lin Yi still has confidence in himself. Although he may not be able to defeat this man, there is still no problem in keeping himself safe.

At the invitation of the man, Lin Yi sat on the edge of a stone table. After the man sat down opposite Lin Yi, he continued to ask, "I know that fellow Daoists can enter the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" , It must be related to the former Ziwei Emperor Star, but in my mind, after many catastrophes, it is impossible to keep a conspicuous area like Ziwei Emperor Star intact all the time. Especially in the era when Ziwei Emperor disappeared, his old men and descendants could not keep the foundation of Ziwei Emperor star. I wonder if the situation I said is in line with reality?"

From the few words of this monster monk, Lin Yi still understands that this monster monk has a lot of things about Ziwei Emperor Star and even the Ziwei Emperor Star family. I understand, this may also be the reason why he stayed in the "Secret Realm of Ziwei", but Lin Yi didn't pursue the meaning behind it. This time he only wanted to enter the secret of Song Lingquan behind this space. Land, and then took away some Song Lingquan, even if he had achieved his goal, Lin Yi had no particular interest in understanding other things.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "What the Daoist said is not wrong. The Ziwei Emperor Star is no longer there. It was broken during the Great Tribulation and the Great War in the ancient times. The current situation is the former Ziwei Emperor Star. Turned into many different fragments, each fragment has some forces on it, and after these years of development, the scale of these forces has also reached a good level, and the once-in-a-year "Lagerstroemia Mystery" Opening, did not disappear because of the broken Ziwei Emperor Star, but the forces above these fragments were able to get the opportunity to enter. Below is a fragment from the Ziwei Emperor Star, this time entering this " "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" is to find the Songling Spring in the dense place behind the Taoist, and I hope that the Taoist can do it for convenience!"

After the man listened to Lin Yi’s description, he also understood the general development. During the years he guarded this space, it was only when the Ziwei Emperor star was not broken, when the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" opened. Fairy Golden Lotus, no one has entered this place since. After all, it is located in the most southwestern direction of the core land. It is extremely remote. If it is not for the location of the teleportation to fall here, it is generally impossible to cause other forces. Note that this has led to so many years, the man is still ignorant of external affairs.

After thinking for a while, the man said to Lin Yi, "I don't know how to call a friend? In Xia Yulingxian, if you want a part of Song Lingquan, there will be some that can be given to you here, but you need to say My friend promised me something!"

Although Lin Yi was very strange, he still replied, "Dao Fellow Jade Spirit, Lin Yi in Xia, as you said, you only need a little Songlingquan spring water, but what do you want me to do for you? thing?"

Lin Yi is of course full of doubts, because in his opinion, this jade spirit fairy has been in this bubble space for such a long time, and has never left. Obviously, he is also a person who can stand loneliness. Such a person stayed well in this bubble space, there shouldn't be any pursuits, and now suddenly put forward a condition to Lin Yi, Lin Yi also didn't know what medicine was sold in the Jade Spirit Fairy Gourd.

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