I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 748

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:06 AM

Chapter 748: suspicious

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Yu Lingxian laughed at this time, and then said, "Daoist Lin Yi, things are not as complicated as you think! Below, I just want to get your help from fellow Daoists to leave this "Secret Realm of Ziwei" and go to the outside world. That's it! If fellow daoists can help, in addition to giving away all the spring water from the Songling Spring, I will also give fellow daoists a great opportunity!"

After Yu Lingxian said this sentence, Lin Yi felt even more strange. You must know that for so many years, Yu Lingxian has been in this bubble space and has no intention of leaving. He heard it at this time. After the news that Lin Yi had brought, he had the idea of ​​leaving directly, which made Lin Yi rush into it very strange, and a trace of vigilance was also born in his heart.

However, Lin Yi didn't show it on the face, and said with a smile, "There is no problem, Daoist Jade Spirit Immortal Fellow, I also understand your thoughts very well. I have spent so long in the "Secret Realm of Ziwei". Fellow Daoists definitely want to leave here, but what should I do next to help Fellow Daoists leave this bubble space?"

There is no need to explain from the Jade Spirit Immortal, Lin Yi can already feel that the aura of this Jade Spirit Immortal has been unified with the bubble space in this place, which means that the Jade Spirit Fairy is equivalent to being in this bubble space. With the existence of the controller, if Lin Yi fights with him here, he will lose out in all likelihood, but there are advantages and disadvantages. The Jade Spirit Immortal who has obtained this powerful and convenient also loses the bubble space. The opportunity for him is equivalent to being trapped in this bubble space. This situation is on the bright side, so Lin Yi also asked directly when this jade spirit fairy face.

Yu Lingxian didn't have the slightest surprise, and then said with a smile, "I believe that fellow Taoists can also see that I am bound by this bubble space, so normal methods can't let me leave this bubble space. I need the help of fellow daoists! I wonder if fellow daoists have not heard of "The Follower"?"

""The Follower"?" Lin Yi briefly searched in his mind for a while, and he also understood the meaning of Yulingxian. There is a magic technique that has been inherited in the memories of all the monsters. The name "Servant" requires the monk of the monster to cast it, and another monk is needed as the target when it is cast. Once it succeeds, then the monster who casts the spell will become another monk's "The Servant" is equivalent to the feeling of a contract summoned beast, but this technique is a shameful existence for all monsters, because it represents a period of dark history in which the monsters Weakness has caused them to become the mounts and mountain guards of many other monks. All of these are achieved by the operations derived from their inheritance of magic techniques. Therefore, in the following days, most of the monsters The beast is deeply buried in the inheritance technique in his mind, and he is not willing to touch it at all. Although it cannot eliminate this inheritance technique, few people will mention it, because Once mentioned, basically all Yao monks will maintain an endless state of death, which is an insult to them.

Looking at Lin Yi’s expression, Yu Lingxian knew that Lin Yi understood what he meant. Seeing that Lin Yi hadn’t spoken at this time, Yu Lingxian waved his hand and said nonchalantly, “I know that fellow Taoists already understand. That’s what I mean, that’s right, it’s the well-known "The Follower", and there is no need to mind, I need to leave this "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", if it is not for some special means, I cannot It breaks through the constraints of this bubble space, so I have to think of some other ways at such times. In these tens of thousands of years, I have been thinking for a long time before thinking of such a way, but I have always been No other monks have entered here, so my plan cannot be implemented. Now that fellow Daoists are here, it’s really good news! As long as I can become the "Servants" of fellow Daoists, I will be able to get rid of this bubble. Due to the limitation of space, I will leave with the Daoist when he returns, and I also believe that the quality of Daoist should be proactively exposed to the skills of "The Follower" after leaving. In this case, I will count. It is possible to return to the real heavens and worlds!"

Yu Lingxian's words became more and more excited, and even at the end he was already a little unable to control his emotions. This also made Lin Yi extremely confused. According to Liu Ruyan, the former one When Fairy Jinlian entered this bubble space, she also encountered this jade spirit fairy. However, according to the description, the performance of the jade spirit fairy at that time was completely different from now. He not only gave away some of the spring water from the Songling Spring he had. For Fairy Jinlian, who has not yet opened the door of convenience to Fairy Jinlian, let Fairy Jinlian enter the dense land behind him to explore. Liu Ruyan explained that this is because Fairy Jinlian is also a demon clan. Immortal's treatment, but after Lin Yi personally felt it at this time, he found the difference.

Seeing that Lin Yi still didn't have any actions or reactions, Yu Lingxian was already a little impatient at this time. He forcibly endured the anxiety in his heart and said to Lin Yi, "Do you have any doubts about Fellow Lin Yi? Isn't it particularly trusting? It doesn't matter, if this is the case, then I will show my sincerity to fellow Lin Yi!"

While talking, Lin Yi scanned with his right hand and found that it was a small white jade bottle. After receiving it, he confirmed that it was opened and found that it was a dark yellow liquid emitting from it. There was a strong rosin, and the smell of this rosin immediately made Lin Yi's consciousness clear for a while, and he felt a lot more relaxed in his mind.

With this kind of reaction and effect, Lin Yi still didn't understand. The dark yellow liquid in this small jade bottle was his goal this time-Songling Spring Water, but Lin Yi was sent by the Jade Spirit Fairy. After this bottle of Songling Spring Water, the vigilance in my heart has also reached the peak. Yu Lingxian’s actions are really suspicious. Before the matter is settled, he still uses the spring water of Songling Spring to tempt him. , There are definitely some hidden plans behind it. Lin Yi secretly scanned the bottle of Song Lingquan, and there was no pressure in his heart. Now he wants to see what the Jade Spirit Fairy is going to do. means.

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