I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 75

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:48 AM

Chapter 75: See also Liu Ruyan

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Lao Wang agreed to Lin Hang's request. As the only disciple accepted by Lao Wang over the years, Lin Hang's position in Wang Lao's heart is also very unusual. There won't be much time to get together in the future, so he also cherishes the opportunity to get along with Lin Hang.

Lin Hang stayed with Wang Lao for a few more days. In addition to practicing, he would also prepare different meals for Wang Lao, and did his apprenticeship.

After the Lantern Festival, Lin Hang secretly came to the capital.

Before departure, Lin Hang contacted Liu Ruyan, so after arriving in the capital, Lin Hang went directly to Liu Ruyan's house.

There was only Liu Ruyan in the family. Liu Jing had something to do in the capital. Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan chatted for a while, and Liu Ruyan began to ask about Lin Hang's purpose in coming to the capital.

"Xiao Hang, you didn't make a special trip to see my sister this time in Beijing! Tell me, let me see which hapless guy is going to suffer!" Liu Ruyan asked with a smile.

Lin Hang would be more at ease in front of Liu Ruyan, and said with a smile, "Sister Yan, why didn't I come to see you? Look at me, just after getting off the plane, I came directly to you. What else can I do? Speaking? Of course, I have to do something by the way, but it doesn't matter to you!"

Liu Ruyan replied angrily, "Come on, don't coax me! Come on, why are you here this time?"

Lin Hang also put away the joke and said, "Sister Yan, do you remember the jade medal we got from Liu's family in Huicheng?"

Liu Ruyan nodded and said, "I still have a good impression of this incident, but didn't it keep leaving you there! Why, your visit to Beijing this time is related to this jade medal?"

Lin Hang said, "Yes, I found the role of this jade card, and I also understood the original purpose of the Liu family. Such a jade card is the key to a relic, and the Liu family must have clues to this relic. So, when I came to Beijing this time, I was looking for the Liu family to inquire about the ruins."

Liu Ruyan understood this, and said, "That's it! Although I have visited a few ruins, they are all relatively open ruins. This is the first time I have heard of ruins that require a key to enter. What are you going to do? "

Lin Hang chuckled and said, "Of course I am looking for my old friend Liu Tianqi! According to my guess, since the people who went to Huicheng to take charge of this matter were Zhou Mo and Liu Tianlin, the direct disciples of the Liu family should have With clues to this ruin, I naturally have no way to deal with the Liu family, but Liu Tianqi, hehe!"

Liu Ruyan couldn't help praying silently for Liu Tianqi in her heart, don't let Lin Hang have any psychological shadow. In the military training camp, he was deceived by Lin Hang's vest "Ye Yi" and was splashed with dirty water. Before the competition, he wanted to use Lin Hang to make a name for himself, but he was knocked out and lost his face. Now, Lin Hang actually targeted Liu Tianqi again. He really didn't know what evil he had done in his previous life and wanted to be treated like this.

After talking about this, Lin Hang said to Liu Ruyan, "Sister Yan, you still have a perfect body, haven't you broken through to the day after tomorrow?"

Liu Ruyan nodded, a little helpless, and said, "I tried three times, but failed. I wasted a lot of time. Now I just returned the lost psychic energy cultivation, and I don't want to break through for the time being."

Lin Hang asked in a puzzled manner, "Sister Yan, didn't the Liu family allocate breakthrough resources to you? For example, "Spirit Pill" or something?"

Liu Ruyan smiled bitterly, and replied, "Xiao Hang, although my qualifications are not bad, it is not very good in the Liu family. The family does not have the "Spirit Pill" in stock. It will be given to Liu Rulong. He is younger than me and has greater potential than me. But I haven't found out yet, Xiaohang, you have broken through to the acquired world? Congratulations, you are closer to your goal again!"

Seeing Liu Ruyan feel bored and want to congratulate herself, Lin Hang felt quite guilty. He had obtained "Spirit Gathering Pill" for so long, but he did not expect that Liu Ruyan was still in a state of unbreakable breakthrough. He really shouldn't!

Lin Hang said, "Sister Yan, the last championship reward in the hegemony competition was a "Spirit Gathering Pill". It was with this pill that I broke through the body forging realm and laid the foundation in the acquired realm. . Sorry, Sister Yan! I was so excited to get the medicine, I forgot that you haven't broken through yet, sorry!"

Liu Ruyan said hurriedly, "Xiaohang, don't say that! I'm very satisfied if you can remember my sister, and it hasn't been too long now! You mean, you can even copy this "Gathering Pill", The effect is exactly the same?"

Lin Hang nodded, took out a small box from the space, handed it to Liu Ruyan, and introduced, "Sister Yan, there are three "Gathering Pills" in this box. You take one breakthrough and two more. It can be used as a life-saving thing at a critical moment. I have personally practiced it. For people in the early stage of the Hou Tian realm, taking one of them can restore all their psychic powers, and it can definitely save lives at critical moments! Keep it away!"

Liu Ruyan tremblingly took the box, tears rolling in his eyes, he really stayed in the realm of body forging for too long, and for a long time he has forgotten how it feels to improve in strength. Now, this breakthrough elixir was actually placed in front of him like this, there were still three, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but sigh that the world is strange and unpredictable.

Lin Hang saw Liu Ruyan's appearance and said hurriedly, "Sister Yan, don't cry! Isn't it a good thing to get this "Gathering Pill" now?"

Liu Ruyan finally said, "Xiaohang, thank you! Sister, this is happy, I am happy that I can finally break through, and I am more happy to have a brother like you!"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Sister Yan, what's this? You were so good to me at the beginning, and how I can return you now is not too much! You are more excited now, don't try to break through today, just be quiet for a few days! Anyway, I've been waiting for so many years, so don't worry about it these days."

Liu Ruyan nodded in agreement, and the two chatted for a while. Lin Hang left Liu Ruyan's house and prepared for his own action.

Although Lin Hang had time and space abilities, he was not ready to directly break into Liu's family to take people. After all, the Liu family is one of the four big families in the capital. They may not have their abilities, but in the austere Liu family mansion, they have no chance to start. To put it another way, I have to show some face to the Liu family, and I can't be too presumptuous.

Lin Hang contacted the phone number that Wang Lao gave him. This was the person responsible for intelligence in the capital military. Lin Hang was going to ask them about Liu Tianqi's general behavioral habits, so as to arrange future plans.

Looking at the detailed information in front of him, Lin Hang couldn't help sighing the strength of the military. Liu Tianqi's information was extremely detailed. Lin Hang estimated that Liu Tianqi might not have this information to understand himself.

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