I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 751

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:02 AM

Chapter 751: reason

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After a period of time passed, the Jade Lingxian, who had been bowing his head silently, also slowly raised his head. At this time, Jade Lingxian’s gaze was completely different from before. It was not the kind that tempted Lin Yi. The harmony in disguise is not the tyranny that black energy emerged later, but a kind of peace in the true sense, which should be the true original appearance of Yulingxian.

Because Lin Yi only sealed Jade Lingxian's body, that is to say, all abilities of Jade Lingxian were sealed, but the body of Jade Lingxian was still able to move. Jade Lingxian looked at his hands, right Lin Yi said, "Did you release me from Fellow Daoist? I'm really sorry. I should have acted unfriendly to you just now, right? Here Yu Lingxian apologized to Fellow Daoist!"

Listening to Jade Lingxian’s speech, Lin Yi also verified his inner guess that the previous Jade Lingxian was indeed not the real form of Jade Lingxian. I don’t know why it was manipulated by some force, and now The Jade Spirit Immortal, whose abilities are all sealed, seems to have revealed his true self.

However, with the existence of previous experience, Lin Yi still did not easily believe in the Jade Spirit Fairy. At this time, it is the best choice to keep the seal inside the Jade Spirit Fairy. Lin Yi nodded, and then said, " Jade Lingxian, what was the situation before? I listen to you. It seems that you didn't know the situation before, but you were willing to pay for your previous behavior. What happened to you? With such a thorny problem now?"

Lin Yi still prefers that Yu Lingxian is not threatening at this time, so the words spoken are not very offensive. He knows that Yu Lingxian may not have any intuitive feelings about what he did before. , But it must be clear why such a situation occurred, and under such a situation, Lin Yi was able to connect everything together by listening to Yu Lingxian's description.

Jade Lingxian didn't hide anything, with a bitter expression on his face, he smiled and said, "This fellow Taoist, you can subdue me before, so that I can be freed. Thank you here! I believe fellow Taoist. I also felt that the previous me and the present me behaved completely differently. He was full of offensiveness and I couldn't control his actions, so that there would be some situations that I didn't want to see at all! And all of this must be done from Speaking of my own history."

Lin Yi was obviously very patient, and was very willing to learn about this period of Yu Lingxian's past. He felt that from the following description of Yu Lingxian, he might be able to obtain some unexpected gains. Lin Yi signaled the Jade Lingxian to stop talking for a while, and then brought the sealed Jade Lingxian to the original stone table, sitting opposite the Jade Lingxian, and then signaled that the Jade Lingxian could start the introduction.

Jade Lingxian didn’t expect Lin Yi to be so boring, so he continued, “Friends, you can see that I am a demon clan underneath, and I was just a piece of innate spiritual jade before I became a demon clan. , Was inadvertently enlightened by Emperor Ziwei to give birth to spiritual wisdom. After a long period of cultivation, he finally transformed into a human form, passed the catastrophe, stepped through the door of the fairyland, and entered the realm of virtual immortality. Everything went smoothly. After I entered the realm of imaginary immortality, I was very contented and energetic, and wanted to move towards a higher realm. But at such a moment, I realized that I had always been hidden. The big problem!"

When talking about this, Yu Lingxian also showed a bitter smile on his face, and then said, "Perhaps it is because things must be reversed. My body is a pure white innate spiritual jade, but it is in the process of cultivation. Among them, a completely dark consciousness was born on top of my ontology. He and I had completely different thoughts and cognitions, full of desire to kill. When I first discovered him, I thought I could rely on my The cultivation base suppressed him, but I found that although he had major flaws, he was still a part of me and was able to perfectly manipulate all my abilities. Under such circumstances, I found that I could not suppress him at all. His tyrannical mood has gradually gained the upper hand! I know that if it develops like this, I will probably completely annihilate my consciousness, and he will completely occupy my body. This is something I cannot accept, as long as I can still When I was barely manipulating my body, I asked Emperor Ziwei to put me in this "Secret Realm of Ziwei", because Emperor Ziwei could not destroy another consciousness. He is a part of me, and if it is eliminated, I will no longer Existing, the Emperor Ziwei finally agreed to my request and placed me in the outer bubble space of the Pine Spirit Spring, hoping that the area close to the Pine Spirit Spring could suppress another consciousness in my body."

Lin Yi nodded. He also understood some of the twists and turns. It seems that the nature of this jade spirit fairy should be completely different from the other personality he just encountered. It is a kind and peaceful personality, but their original plan was to think To use the effect of Song Lingquan to suppress the tyrannical thoughts of another consciousness, it's just that these years have not been able to escape this original fate.

Jade Lingxian paused for a while, apparently fell into the memory, and then said, "At the very beginning of entering this bubble space, Song Lingquan still had a good effect, and I enjoyed it very rarely. After a quiet day, only a short time later, my other consciousness not only has not been consumed, but has adapted to the influence of Songlingquan, and gradually gained the upper hand in the competition with me. Later, I completely controlled my body. In order to avoid the consciousness being completely wiped out, I had to seal myself and ignore the external affairs. Under such circumstances, I kept it until now. But just now, fellow Daoist took action to completely seal his ability. Only then can I get a chance in this world. Here, Yulingxian would like to thank fellow Taoists again for allowing me to restore my clarity!"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said that there was nothing. He and Yu Lingxian both understood that just sealing all abilities would not be a solution to the problem at all, because all the abilities of Jade Lingxian at this time were sealed, so another consciousness Only then will he fall into the tortoise shrinking, but in this case, all the abilities equivalent to the Jade Spirit Immortal are completely lost, of course, including the infinite lifespan of the cultivator in the virtual fairyland.

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