I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 752

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:04:01 AM

Chapter 752: Tangled

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After losing all the characteristics of the monks in the virtual fairy realm, if the ability is not unblocked, the Jade Lingxian will die in a short period of time. This is also the decision before the Emperor Ziwei and the Jade Lingxian themselves. The reason why the immortal stays in this bubble space is because this consciousness is actually the jade spirit immortal itself, but it is a two-sided existence that cannot be eliminated at all. It can only be suppressed by various means, but if it is completely sealed , Jade Spirit Immortal body will definitely be affected. In today's situation, Song Lingquan has failed, so other methods are basically useless. Jade Lingxian either accepts himself as a monster with a strong desire to kill, or chooses to seal his ability and then die.

After roughly understanding the experience and situation of Jade Lingxian, Lin Yi was also a little helpless. In this situation, he had no good solution. After all, the original Ziwei Emperor was helpless, he was such a small imaginary cultivator. It's impossible to do anything at all. From the selection of Jade Lingxian, it can be found that although Jade Lingxian did not want to let the desire to kill control himself, he chose to enter this bubble space to live in seclusion, but this also illustrates a problem, that is, Yuling Xian is still unwilling to die, otherwise he will directly ask Emperor Ziwei to completely seal his ability, or let Emperor Ziwei directly kill his other consciousness. If this is the case, although Yulingxian will not live for long, he can There are no more such worries. It’s just that Jade Lingxian did not make such a choice, which shows that at that time Jade Lingxian still had a little hope for his own situation, hoping that he could get better, but it was counterproductive, and Jade Lingxian was not able to. Further suppressing another consciousness through Song Lingquan, on the contrary, was forced to seal the self. The current situation can only see how Yu Lingxian chooses.

Lin Yi could still leave this bubble space at any time, but before leaving, Lin Yi also wanted to ask some Jade Spirit Immortal's opinions as to whether or not to choose to unlock all the seals in the body, even though it would release another one. Awareness, but the Jade Spirit Fairy can survive forever, and will not just die out. If it is not solved, it is equivalent to the Jade Spirit Fairy choosing to abandon himself during these years of torture, not wanting to do harm to the world. Just live in seclusion and die of old age.

Lin Yi asked, "Yu Lingxian, I don’t know what your thoughts are now? I know your connection with this bubble space. Without help from outsiders, you can’t leave this bubble. Space, so if you want, I can help you lift the seal in your body before you leave, but then your other consciousness will also appear simultaneously, but you can still keep it, and there is another The choice is to maintain the current situation. You can safely maintain your own mind and live in seclusion in this bubble space until you die of old age in these last days!"

After Lin Hang spoke like this, Yu Lingxian was also caught in entanglement. His consciousness was actually self-sealed for many years, but in the sealing, he could feel how crazy and extreme his other consciousness was. If this consciousness is fully released, it is definitely not something Jade Lingxian wants to see, but Jade Lingxian's heart does not want to let himself die, otherwise he would not enter this bubble space back then. I chose to grow old with peace of mind outside.

Although both Jade Spirit Fairy and Lin Yi understand that if Jade Spirit Fairy has been trapped in this bubble space, its power to the outside world is not particularly great, because the opening of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" over the years, A total of so many monks have entered, but the only ones who finally entered this bubble space were the former Jinlian Fairy and the present Lin Yi. That is to say, after Yulingxian stays in this bubble space, he may never again. I can't meet a monk who enters, which also shows that from another aspect, the Jade Spirit Immortal does not pose any threat to the outside world, but it is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if a monk accidentally breaks in. , Then Jade Lingxian is very likely to succeed in the plan, relying on his own cover to use this monk to return to the outside world. At that time, it may cause a huge disaster!

After a while, Yu Lingxian raised his head and looked directly at Lin Yi's gaze. Then his eyes gradually became firmer. He said every word, "Friends of Taoism, it seems that our encounter today is also destined. I don’t have much choice because of the fate! I ask fellow daoists to accept me as a "Servant" and take me out of this bubble space. In this way, even if the seal is lifted and my consciousness is released, I cannot resist fellow daoists. In this way, my deity’s consciousness will not be suppressed too badly, and I will be able to get a chance to breathe. Moreover, I cannot defy the consciousness of Daoists and pose a threat to the outside world. If my problem can be solved in the future If you have a chance, I hope fellow daoists can untie me from "The Follower"!"

Lin Yi was also a little speechless at this time. This question went around for a long time and returned to the starting point. You must know that when I first entered here, the tyrannical consciousness of Jade Lingxian also raised this matter, but the Jade Lingxian at that time was The temptation to seduce Lin Yi was nothing but Lin Yi was not fooled, but the situation was different at this time. All of the abilities of the current Jade Lingxian were sealed, and all his thoughts could not escape Lin Yi's probing. I can feel that this kind of thought is really the true thoughts of Jade Lingxian. The essence of Jade Lingxian is very kind. He is unwilling to cause threats and harm to other creatures. Of course, he does not want to die out, so it is also the same. One of the methods of, if you voluntarily become Lin Yi’s "The Follower", not only can Lin Yi easily suppress his other consciousness, but you can also leave the bubble space in this place and get in touch with the outside world. Find a solution to his problems in the days to come, so that he can get out of trouble.

However, if this method is to be executed perfectly, the most critical issue is to determine the character of Lin Yi. Lin Yi is also very strange. He and Yu Lingxian have only been in contact for such a short time, why Yu Yu So Lingxian made such a suggestion directly? Is Yu Lingxian afraid of being treated unfairly after becoming Lin Yi's "The Follower"? Or is it that today's Jade Spirit Fairy doesn't think about it so much, and has already reached the point of desperate?

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