I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 760

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:52 AM

Chapter 760: Brainstorm

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At this time, the Jade Spirit Immortal who was in Lin Yi's body also felt something, and said to Lin Yi, "Lin Hang, it seems that the treasure in this space must be inseparable from the cold air, no I know whether it is a treasure of heaven, material, earth, or some special creature. No matter what, the cold air that comes out can reach the point where it slightly affects me and other cultivators in the virtual fairy realm. Then this body that emits cold air is definitely one piece. It’s not something! Lin Hang, it’s definitely not just us, and we’ve entered a little bit late. Presumably the cultivators who entered the Void Fairy Realm in advance at this time are already fighting each other. In the middle, slowly approaching the source of the chill! In this situation, is Lin Hang still going to compete with them?"

Listening to Yu Lingxian's words of exhortation, Lin Yi smiled at Yu Lingxian from the bottom of his heart and replied, "Yu Lingxian, I'm not too worried about the crisis this time! Originally I thought Hanquan had no bottom. , There will definitely be more tortuous situations, but now that I have seen the emergence of this mysterious space, I have a different idea! Yulingxian, you also know my strengths in space, in Under such circumstances, the monks who entered first, no matter who got the treasure or some chance in the end, must leave this space first before they can return to the outer core area. Under such circumstances , If I can control this space for a short time, then they need my consent to get in and out. If this effect can be achieved, hehe, then the many cultivators in the virtual fairyland in this space, Isn't it all about to be held in my hand?"

This idea of ​​Lin Yi is crazy. Yu Lingxian originally thought that Lin Yi was a careful but cautious person. The reason why he came to such a judgment was because Lin Yi had easily solved his problem before. Another threat from evil consciousness, this made Yu Lingxian's evaluation of Lin Yi very high, but now that he heard Lin Yi's decision, Yu Lingxian also silently overturned his judgment on Lin Yi in his heart. Go crazy, really no worse than those crazy people!

As Lin Yi’s "The Follower" at this time, Jade Lingxian, although Lin Yi never said that, but Jade Lingxian would still help Lin Yi to think about it a lot. Lin Yi gave such a general idea. After that, Yu Lingxian did not directly refuse or refute, but said with a trace of worry, "Lin Hang, I don't think there is anything wrong with your approach in the general direction. Indeed, if you can completely control this space, If this is the case, there is a great possibility of getting something in the hands of these cultivators who are about to come out. But Lin Yi, have you ever thought about it seriously? First of all, let’s not talk about the difficulty of implementing this plan. You have to control this space. It’s definitely not a simple thing, and the following monks who are going to go out, do you really want to offend so many people by violating the anger? You know, if there are a lot of them, you can forcibly destroy this space. You won’t be threatened one by one. If you don’t get any benefits after so much effort in the end, Lin Hang, you might as well give up such a plan and search more in this space instead, maybe The final gain is more than what you think now!"

Lin Yi knows that all of Yu Lingxian's analysis is reasonable, and many of them are considered from his perspective. However, Lin Yi already has a general and complete plan in his mind, so he can treat Yu Ling Xian said his thoughts. At this time, in order to persuade Yu Lingxian, Lin Yi also simply explained his plan, "Yu Lingxian, don't worry, I am not so reckless! Naturally, I am all about these things. I thought about it. First of all, you don’t know me very well. In fact, for me, controlling this space is not as difficult as you think. If this process is conservatively estimated, it will take ten minutes at most. Be able to establish a relatively stable connection with this space, and then it will be relatively simple. As long as it can connect to this space, then except for my permission, other monks will not be able to break through this with normal means. The space is blocked! And Yulingxian, you think it’s the last moment, how many of these monks who entered this space will survive? They all took risks this time because of chance, so say The fight for the last chance is definitely the cruelest. I estimate that there will be no more than five monks who can reach the last step and get the chance! In this case, I can use the control of this space to squeeze. They said, if they really don’t cooperate, I wouldn’t be that easy to talk at that time!"

For this reason, Lin Yi can only agree with Lin Yi’s ideas. What Lin Yi said does have his own truth. In fact, as long as Lin Yi can fully control this before these monks get the final chance. The space of the place is equivalent to being invincible. Under such circumstances, even if the surviving monks exceed Lin Yi’s expectations, if they are not the amount he can knead, Lin Yi can easily withdraw. Go, there will be no danger. This method is much simpler than Lin Yi's own search in this space. Of course, listen to Lin Yi's meaning. If the plan is successful, unless these monks know the current affairs and hand it over Otherwise, Lin Yi would not let them go so easily. This is a battle of chance. There is no right or wrong, only the position. If everyone wants to get this chance, they can only rely on their own ability. There is no justice at all.

Lin Yi still didn’t tell Yu Lingxian that under the effect of the supernatural powers of change from reality to reality, his aura and various manifestations were completely different from his original self, so even if he had pitted these monks together. Here, Lin Yi is also not afraid of possible revenge from the forces of these monks, because he can change his aura and various aspects at any time, and he is not afraid that someone will track him down. Lin Yi knows that he is using Only the names of the four major forces in the Ziwei Emperor Star can enter the deep core of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei". He does not want to cause some trouble to these major forces because of his own sake. In that case, Lin Yi's heart will also feel sorry.

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