I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 762

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:32 AM

Chapter 762: plan

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After Lin Yi adjusted his plan in the bottom of his heart, he also began to perceive the situation in this space while sealing the space. When he unfolded his perception, Lin Yi discovered that this space was in this space at this time. , And there are not many monks left. Originally, it had entered the scale of about a few hundred people. At this time, there were only less than a hundred people left in the space. Lin Yi didn’t even need to think about it. The other cultivators had fallen in the fight before he entered this space. Lin Yi also knew that this time the secret battle for chance, in the end, there might be only a few hundred cultivators left. The small part, and he is now fighting to be the last beneficiary!

The space is not large, and a hundred people are distributed in it, and there is still a good chance that they will encounter each other. Although today’s spiritual consciousness cannot be expanded to a large extent, it is more than enough to perceive some small environmental areas. Everyone's search direction is to follow the source of the cold air, so most of the monks are now moving towards the source of the cold air, which is the center. After seeing this situation, Lin Yi is ready to wait. These people will fight for a while, and then start their own'hunting plan'. That's right, Lin Yi also made up his mind in his heart. He was not going to let all the monks here this time. Since he had already acted to block the space, what Lin Yi wanted was to All these people stay here, this is the price to be paid by greed.

Continue to monitor the situation of the cultivators in this space. After another half an hour, all the cultivators are rushing towards the source of coldness in the center. In this process, if the two cultivators Whenever they encounter it, they just start their hands without saying anything, because they also know that if the situation has reached this point, there is no reason to say. Everyone wants to get that chance, and they have a relationship with other people. There is only such a choice of endless death.

During this half an hour, Lin Yi checked the development of the situation in real time, and found that with the meeting of monks everywhere, there would have been nearly a hundred people alive, but now there are only 30 people left, Lin Yi knows This time is already the time. Otherwise, they will all meet together at the end. Once they discover the fact that the space is blocked, Lin Yi will not be able to implement his plan. In the current situation, before the convergence is reached, It is the best choice to continue to solve these one by one.

Lin Yi began to use his space abilities to move quietly in this space, and soon came not far from a small group of monks. Because of the suppression of the divine consciousness, the divine consciousness of both parties actually They can’t find each other, but because Lin Yi has the help of this entire space, Lin Yi can still lock the position of this team at such a distance. Lin Yi relies on the feeling of this space. , Perceiving the situation of this team.

This team is considered to be a team farther from the center. It is for this reason that Lin Yi will be the first to find them. He has to start from the periphery and wash inward step by step until the last space. Among them, he is the only one left, so no matter what kind of chance exists in this space, he can only be cheap.

The reason why this squad can survive to the present is also related to the size of their squad. There are a total of five people. The five cultivators in the virtual fairy realm are all from the same place. Above, so the cooperation and tacit understanding between each other are very good. Under such circumstances, it is still very difficult for Lin Yi to deal with them in general, but now Lin Yi It can be said that it has the help of this entire space, so as long as it can be arranged in advance, there is still a great possibility that these five people can be wiped out.

Lin Yi found that the five-person team also has a fixed configuration, that is to say, no one is equivalent to the position of a team, and it must be able to cope with most situations, just like this time. In this space, everyone has been suppressed by the soul perception. Someone must be able to find the right path, and then go to the real opportunity as fast as possible, and this team is now in the front position. , There is a small woman who is closing her eyes and leading the whole team forward. This woman in the virtual fairyland can obviously feel the source of the cold in this space more keenly, so this one The team was led by this woman and headed towards their destination. It’s just that they met a lot of other monks along the way. After fighting for a long time, it would fall into a relatively lower position. In terms of strength, the ranking of this team is relatively high among all the cultivators competing for the opportunity.

Lin Yi could feel that the five members of this team could feel the strong **** aura. This was obviously the aura that formed soon after killing the cultivator in the Void Immortal Realm, indicating this. A team really killed all the way, and the fierceness in it also made Lin Yi secretly vigilant. Although he now has the advantage of the home court, he will still attack as the side of the sneak attack, but if you are not careful, this team As long as the team reacts, with their overall quality, it is very likely that Lin Yi will be killed. Such a thing is naturally not what Lin Yi wants to see, so Lin Yi did not rush to take action, but silently waited for the most Good timing.

According to the path of this team, Lin Yi quietly went to the front position where the team was going to arrive next. Above a big tree, he calculated the team’s feedback through space. The time is coming.

Soon, this team also came to the edge of Lin Yi's position. Now Lin Yi does not need the help of this space. Only relying on his own vision, he can see the five members of this team. Yes, Lin Yi can feel that this team seems to be relatively relaxed from the outside, but no one's attention is bound to be extremely concentrated. As long as one person finds an abnormal situation, then the whole team will act. , So Lin Yi knew that he had only one chance, and if he failed, he could only give up the action.

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