I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 763

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:32 AM

Chapter 763: Hunt

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As this team moved forward quietly, the five people in the team were silent, and seemed very silent as they proceeded. In this process, the one in the front closed his eyes and felt The cold woman frowned, because at this moment, she discovered that the source of the cold energy that was still looming disappeared without a trace, and what surprised her most was the breath of her four teammates. All disappeared. After knowing this, the woman did not panic too much. She understood that now she and her team were attacked by strange enemies, but the way of attacking was strange, and she was a little confused about whether she had fallen into it. After the illusion, she was still drawn into a special space, but the woman also understood that the most important thing she needs to do now is to stabilize her situation. Although this sudden attack disrupted their team’s plans, But it is not impossible to deal with it. As long as she can handle it, then such an offense is not so terrible. Her teammates will inevitably counterattack. If she is very panicked, she may not be able to do anything.

Although there is nothing wrong with this woman’s handling, she underestimated her ability. Lin Yi’s sudden move this time was a long-planned attempt to use her connection with this space to directly The five members of this team are all drawn into different spaces. These spaces are not ordinary places, but temporary small spaces. If they are not particularly strong in their understanding of space, there is no way to harmonize in this respect. Lin Yi was against it, so Lin Yi didn't just deal with this woman alone at this time, he was targeting the entire team!

In fact, at the beginning, Lin Yi's first plan in his mind was to use illusionism plus the magical powers of the change of virtuality and reality to draw the five people into the illusion. It was only after the persuasion of Yulingxian. , Lin Yi also gave up this idea, because according to Yu Lingxian, since this time entering the deep core of the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" is the force of various Ziwei Emperor Star Fragments, then these forces may be the same as the previous ones. Emperor Ziwei has some relationships, and no matter how bad they are, they will have some inheritance from Emperor Ziwei. In this case, it is very problematic, because the inheritance of Emperor Ziwei has Illusion has a strong resistance. Lin Yi’s illusion combined with the supernatural power of the change of virtuality and reality does have some incomprehensible meanings, but if it happens to be restrained, the opportunity will be missed with just one blow. So, after thinking about it, Lin Yi also chose the safest way to use his own strength, which is the control of space, to pull the five people into different spaces. Although such spaces were created temporarily, It is enough to hold these people for a period of time. During this period of time, Lin Yi can pay them one by one. As long as he is leading in all aspects, Lin Yi defeats each of them one by one. What's the problem, in this way, this hunt can be completed more perfectly.

While Lin Yi was quietly carrying out her actions, the woman who was drawn into the small space became more and more anxious. During this period of time, she had already understood that she was not caught in the environment. The silver space already shows that she was sneaked into this space by the enemy in silence. The woman knows that such an opponent is actually the most terrifying, because so far she has not shown the true form. The woman was a little worried about the situation of her other teammates.

And just as the woman's inner worry was getting more and more, she felt a wave of fluctuations in this small space, and then a figure appeared in front of her, before she could vent her doubts and anger, this suddenly The figure that appeared directly launched an attack on her, and in such an attack, the woman could feel that she was restricted and repelled by this space, her strength was suppressed by at least 20%, and the other party was affected. Not a small bonus, the woman felt more and more pressure under the circumstances. She did not know the origin and purpose of the sudden appearance of the enemy, but understood that this time there was only a life-and-death struggle, nothing else. s Choice.

When the woman dodged hard, she also roared, "How are you doing to Brother Wu and them! Ah, answer me!"

When Lin Yi, who was attacking fiercely, heard the woman’s roar, his eyes and heart did not fluctuate. He never talked nonsense with the enemy when he was fighting, especially in such a life-and-death struggle. He just wanted to To win the battle, as for some ruthless words, Lin Yi felt that the dead are the best listeners.

Between Lin Yi's hands folded, the power of space suddenly mobilized, the space of the woman's body was squeezed together, and the woman was directly imprisoned in place for a short time. In less than a second, An icy little arrow penetrated through the woman’s body, and this little arrow did not simply cause a small wound. The area that was traversed by it, even the woman’s physical and spiritual power It was completely shattered and swallowed by the power of the space, leaving no trace, and this blow also caused the woman to suffer a heavy blow, and the originally flawless body was no longer able to maintain its peak. Under such a blow, it also caused a chain reaction. , The space imprisonment that was about to break free was even more bursting. The woman looked at Lin Yi deeply at the last time, and then was directly crushed by the force of the space that Lin Yi urged, leaving nothing behind. The next trace is that only the spirit of the woman's dissipated spirit remains between heaven and earth.

After finishing all this, the silver little arrow returned to Lin Yi's body. He also directly raised his hand to put away the small space in this place, and then quickly left this area. As Lin Yi left, this Calm was immediately restored in one place, and the five-person team also had nothing left in this world.

Lin Yi, who had gone away, summed up the gains of this action in his heart. This could be regarded as his first time to deal with a monk in the realm of virtual immortality with all his strength. The result still made him very satisfied, although it was used. The advantage of the home court, but one to five easily wiped out the opponent, such a record is worthy of Lin Yi's excitement, and then Lin Yi's hunting journey began.

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