I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 764

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:15 AM

Chapter 764: center

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And the biggest gain for Lin Yi this time was that he found that if his strength is fully opened, no monk of the same rank can stop his offensive, even though the five members of this squad will eventually be The power of space is swallowed, leaving no traces, but the process is also different. Whether it is space confinement or the deception and killing of the enemy by the change of virtual and reality, or the violent elemental bombing, Lin Yi is here. Tried it on the five people, this is also he is familiar with his various tactics, but he found that no matter how strong these cultivators in the virtual fairyland are in their respective fields, they still have their own weaknesses. Yes, and once the weakness is targeted, the cultivator in the virtual fairyland can deal with it relatively easily.

Of course, this kind of thing is just a weakness in Lin Yi's eyes. The average monk will not be particularly biased, causing himself to be targeted, that is, a special existence like Lin Yi can be perfect. The ground is aimed at everyone, but he will not be targeted by anyone. This is the reason why Lin Yi is invincible within the same rank. His changeable ability allows him to adapt to all battles and deal with all types of The enemy, just like this time, as long as he can have a one-on-one singled environment, Lin Yi is invincible, and he can solve the battle in a very short time. This is an ability that all other monks do not have. .

In such a search, Lin Yi started his own hunting journey. The opponents he encountered later were basically not stronger than this team in terms of overall strength, although the individual strength was slightly better than these five. It would be stronger, but in front of Lin Yi, it was only able to persist for a longer time. In this short half an hour or so, most of the remaining monks in the entire space were It fell into Lin Yi's hands, and Lin Yi's position was also close to the center of the cold air source.

It is said that most of the monks have fallen, because there are still two final monks who have stayed in the center for a while and have not moved. Lin Yi guessed that they were the monks who arrived in the center early. I am afraid that Shi has already touched the opportunity in the central area, and I don’t know why. Although Lin Yi controls the space at this time, Lin Yi still can’t perceive the location of this central place. The existence of things is not due to space issues, but the influence of the existence in the central area, which interferes with Lin Yi’s judgment. Therefore, Lin Yi can only see the retention when he rushes to the central area. The two monks who came down.

It didn't take long before Lin Yi came to the center of the area. The cold here had reached a relatively strong level. Rao felt a little discomfort in Lin Yixu's body in the immortal realm, and Lin Yi noticed it. After here, the suppression effect of the divine sense is also more obvious, so he cannot use the divine sense to probe the situation of the other two cultivators. He can only reach the place where the two cultivators sensed through space are located to be able to determine the end. What's the situation?

However, what made Lin Yi quite curious was that in his sense of space, the two monks were located very close together, almost as if they were close together. There are only two possibilities for this situation, one is The two cultivators are members of the same force acting together, and there is another possibility that the two cultivators have arrived at the opportunity at the same time and are fighting at this time.

Lin Yi was in a very good state at this time. He had hunted down a number of cultivators in the Void Fairy Realm before, which also allowed him to accumulate some invincible aura. At this time, even if he faced these two cultivators head-on, he did not have the slightest The worry, coupled with the fact that there was still Yu Lingxian behind him pressing down on him, this also made Lin Yi no longer hide himself, and began to swagger toward the location of the two monks.

When Lin Yi rushed to the scene, he was a little stunned by what he saw. He was still wondering why the positions of the two monks were still in a motionless situation from the beginning to the present. When the time came, it also made Lin Yi understand the specific reasons. What appeared in front of Lin Yi now were two lifelike ice sculptures. Among the ice sculptures, two monks could be vaguely seen, and their postures were very strong. Strange, it seemed that it was suddenly frozen during the fight, but Lin Yi could feel that the aura of the two cultivators was still strong, but I don’t know why, it was actually unable to break through the blockade of the ice, but Turned into ice sculpture for so long.

Seeing such a situation, Lin Yi also became vigilant in his heart. Although he has a variety of methods and is powerful in combat, facing such an unknown situation, Lin Yi cannot be sure whether he will be affected or not. The two monks existed the same, so Lin Yi wouldn’t have made much movement before he discovered the weirdness here. Anyway, this space has been controlled by him, and people from outside cannot enter, but those who have already entered it. The monk is also the only two monks who turned into ice sculptures in front of him. Under such circumstances, Lin Yi is no longer anxious. He knows that as long as he can always maintain a cautious attitude, this time the chance It must belong to him.

But at this moment, Lin Yi felt that the two monks who had turned into ice sculptures suddenly broke out except for a circle of white ripples, and when this circle of ripples spread, Lin Yi could see clearly The ice layer around the two cultivators was also a little thicker, making the actions of the two cultivators who continued to be within the ice layer to be at a loss during this period of time, and they still maintained the same actions without the slightest change.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Yi still didn't understand. The white ripples in this circle obviously had the characteristic of freezing. And looking at the meaning of the ripples, it seemed that they were only aimed at living beings. The two monks must be talking to each other. During the fight, he was directly frozen by the sudden explosion of ripples. Lin Yi naturally did not want to test the capabilities and limits of the ripples. He was also afraid that none of his abilities could resist the freezing of the ripples. After all, there are two The jewel of the famous monk was in front. Lin Yi didn't feel that facing the ripple scan, his resistance and situation would be better than those of the two, so Lin Yi just wanted to wait for the real situation to be figured out before he took action.

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