I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 767

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:13 AM

Chapter 767: Silhouette

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After hearing Yu Lingxian’s words, Lin Yi also flashed a flash of light in his brain, and understood what he had neglected. In the previous period, his divine sense investigations were almost always unprofitable, and he rarely suffered The situation is suppressed, so in the face of such a situation, it is inevitable that there will be some unforeseen negligence, and the Jade Spirit Immortal is different. He is a monk in the virtual fairyland who grew up in ancient times and has experienced it in his life. There are indeed a lot more things than Lin Yi. Under such circumstances, Jade Lingxian could discover something that Lin Yi could not notice.

This time when the divine consciousness was only more than ten meters away, Lin Yi’s clone only explored the surface of the center of the earth, but did not explore the underground, because the divine consciousness was not blocked from the outside world. They can only radiate a distance of more than ten meters, and they are only a few meters deep underground. The suppressed ground is very miserable. Under such circumstances, if there is no harvest on the surface of the central area, then it is most likely. The location of that opportunity is in the depths of the earth in this central area.

Lin Yi also accepted Yu Lingxian’s suggestion, and then his clone began to continue to use the incorporeal state, urging himself to manipulate the earth element, and digging down step by step, because of the earth element manipulation, so Although Lin Yi’s avatar’s spiritual consciousness was suppressed relatively hard, he was still able to move towards the depths in this central area very quickly, and as the layers of earth element broke open, Lin Yi also felt a difference. The coldness in the depths of this earth is obviously more serious. From this point of view, there is no problem with the situation that Yu Lingxian said, and the direction of guessing is also correct. It seems that the real opportunity should be there. It's deep underground.

Because of the relationship between the current realm and the perfect manipulation of the earth element, the entire central area soon sank to a very deep level, which is more than fifty meters in length. Lin Yi outside looks like this A huge circular pit appeared, and at this moment, above the pit, the light and shadow of Lin Yi's clone was floating. He stopped manipulating the earth element and was quietly suspended in the air.

The reason why Lin Yi’s avatar stopped was because at this moment in this huge circular pit, something different appeared. It was a huge hockey puck emitting blue light. The moment this huge hockey puck appeared, Lin Yi also understood that this hockey puck is definitely the source of the cold in this space. At this time, just looking at this hockey puck, Lin Yi felt a little bit about to be frozen. It is to mobilize the spiritual power in the body together with the clone to resist such cold air.

However, even in the current situation, Lin Yi and Yu Lingxian still have no clue. I don’t know what the origin of this hockey puck is. In all their knowledge, they have never encountered it. With this kind of existence, after the two looked at each other, Lin Yi did not hesitate anymore. The avatar transformed from the virtual into the real, from the virtual into the entity, and then directly approached the position of the hockey puck. Under the divine sense, Lin Yi reached I also got some information, and then in the next moment, the position of the clone burst out with a stronger white light than the previous white ripple. The clone was directly frozen into ice from the inside out, and this time it was not the same as the previous two. The great monk was trapped in the ice like this, but Lin Yi’s clone turned into ice crystals directly. This involved the transformation of regular matter. Lin Yi’s clone did not have any prepared resistance, and fell like this. Of exploration.

However, the sacrifice of Lin Yi’s clone was not worthless. In his temptation this time, Lin Yi also roughly checked the situation of ice hockey through a short spiritual scan of the clone. According to the information obtained from the investigation, he discovered that this huge hockey puck with a diameter of more than ten meters, in fact, a large part of the outer layer is only protected by the ice layer. The core area is only a small area, and he does not know. Was it Lin Yi's illusion, he seemed to see a small figure in the core of the ice hockey!

Lin Yi was able to see such a situation, and it was the result of the avatar sacrificed his life, and Yulingxian's spiritual sense could not detect such a distance, so he didn't know what happened, and watched Lin Yi keep changing. Yu Lingxian asked in confusion, "Lin Yi, what did you find? It doesn't seem to be an unsolvable thing depending on your expression. What strange thing did you encounter?"

Lin Yi also said to Yu Lingxian how he felt when he was in a clone, "Yu Lingxian, this time things, I also feel more and more weird. Now the situation, I have a kind of There is no emotion of chance here at all. You must know that our feelings can be regarded as facts in a certain way! So, although I will not give up exploring the situation of ice hockey, I am also prepared in my heart. , I won't have much hope for it. The dense land that suddenly appeared in front of everyone this time may have no chance at all. Everything is the result of the greed in the hearts of many cultivators!"

After expressing his feelings, Lin Yi continued, "Yu Lingxian, you also saw it just now. My clone appeared in a very short time, and was directly destroyed by the attack from the ice hockey puck. In this case, I cloned myself. Although it was the first time that the divine consciousness was discovered, it was only a small piece of information. During the exploration of my clone, I seemed to see the existence of a figure in this ice hockey puck! The ice layer is only a protection for the shadows in it! Now I also have a guess, that is, if nothing else, this dense land would be impossible for us to discover, and we will not Entering it, because there is no chance at all, even if many cultivators rushed here, they can only fall short and be wiped out by this terrifying ice hockey!"

After Lin Yi said this, Yu Lingxian fell into contemplation after being shocked. After all, Lin Yi is the person who knows the situation of ice hockey best. What he said and the judgment he made are very basis. But if the facts are really as Lin Yi guessed, then what is the existence of the figure in the ice hockey? Is it a monk who has entered the secret realm, or is it a mysterious powerhouse who already exists in this space?

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