I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 769

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:10 AM

Chapter 769: after

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After that, things were relatively simple. Jingjing also stepped across the land of yellow sand and the rivers of the heavy water of Tianhe in accordance with the arrangements of her elders, and came to the core place, just like most other monks. Jingjing also mastered a dense land that no one else knew. There was the opportunity that Jingjing’s elders prepared for her, but just as Jingjing said, when she successfully entered the dense land, she came When the cold spring touched the mysterious space under the cold spring, I don't know what kind of change happened. This dense land also changed, which directly shattered the numerous bubble spaces that wrapped it. It is directly exposed to the world.

And after this secret place appeared, the not-so-small movement also attracted the attention of many monks. Under such circumstances, the scene that Lin Yi had seen before was formed. Several hundred monks entered this secret place together. In the ground, what they didn’t know was that this dense land was not an unowned or undiscovered dense land. Jingjing had already arrived there before they went to the cold spring. In the center of the space, she accepted the treasures left by her parents. Under such circumstances, the fate of the monks from the beginning is already doomed, and there will be no gain.

After straightening out this matter, Lin Yi understood in his heart that the dense land here had no effect on him. He also ran for nothing. The opportunity here was destined to belong to Jingjing. , And Lin Yi remembered Jingjing’s series of actions, and also secretly admired Jingjing’s elders. They were able to calculate everything accurately without entering the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm". Jingjing obtained the goal without the slightest risk. Such a situation would be absolutely impossible without strong strength support. Moreover, looking at Jingjing's appearance, this time she should have come to this "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" alone by herself. In the middle, but if Jingjing's simple temperament can be assured by her parents, then Jingjing's method of protecting her body and her own combat power are definitely the top ones. If you want to fight Jingjing's idea, It is absolutely impossible to incur good fruits.

However, there is no fluctuation for Lin Yi. He had already made a decision in his heart after accepting that he had broken through with Jingjing in the "Giant Tree Pass". The power behind "Purple Cold Island" has a good relationship, because from Jingjing you can see that the scale of "Purple Cold Island" may not be large, but the combat power and background are definitely at the top level. Fight against such forces. A good relationship is definitely a very good thing, and now when I meet Jingjing again here, Lin Yi's thoughts in his heart are more determined. He has already decided in the remaining time, as long as Jingjing does not object, He wants to act with Jingjing. Anyway, his two goals are directly achieved. The subsequent actions are relatively free and there is no restriction. If you act with Jingjing later, you may get closer while you are getting closer. There are different gains.

The thoughts in Lin Yi's heart also turned around, and smiled and replied to Jingjing, "It seems that this time, Jingjing, your harvest is very good! After the things here are over, Jingjing, what other plans do you have? Arrangements? There is still a lot of time left in this "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", do you have anything else to accomplish?"

After hearing Lin Yi’s question, Jingjing also thought about it very seriously, then shook her head and said, "No! Uncle, Daddy and Niangqin are the first time I enter this core place. I have to find the location of this dense land, and then accept what they left me, but after the end, they didn’t tell me! Jingjing still doesn’t know what to do now, now the time, There should be many more, staying in this space, Jingjing must be suffocated!"

When Jingjing said the last sentence, she also had a hint of worry on her face, but when her eyes drifted to Lin Yi the next moment, her big eyes gradually brightened, and she jumped to Lin Yi's side and said milky voice. "Uncle, do you know what you have next? Jingjing has already taken the things here, and there is no way to give it to you, but if you have to fight for something, uncle, Jingjing can help you Yes! Jingjing can follow you, uncle, I'm really amazing!"

With that said, Jingjing also held up her small fist, as if she was showing her strength to Lin Yi. Lin Yi did not expect that Jingjing also had the idea of ​​acting with him, but this was exactly what Lin Yi meant, and he too He smiled and nodded, and then said, "Jingjing, your elders prepared the things for you. If I can't get it, it would be a bit regretful, but there will be no unevenness. Then I will also There is no specific plan, but I am going to take a stroll in this core area to see if I can participate in some chance competitions. If you are willing to follow me, I would certainly welcome it. ! And I also believe that Jingjing, you are really amazing!"

Seeing that Lin Yi agreed to her request and praised herself, the little girl Jingjing jumped up in excitement, and then said eagerly, "Uncle, in this case, let's not waste time anymore, go quickly. Let's get out! Hey, Jingjing is really looking forward to her next actions!"

Lin Yi also smiled and shook his head. Jingjing is really different from the ordinary cultivators in the realm of virtual immortality. In terms of appearance and personality, she is really exactly the same as an innocent girl. Lin Yi doesn't know the end. Under what conditions can a monk like Jingjing come out.

Now that he had decided to act together, Lin Yi didn't delay anymore. He glanced at Jade Lingxian and signaled that Jade Lingxian could return to his body, but Jade Lingxian was distracted for some reason, as if he was thinking about it. What, Yu Lingxian didn't react until Lin Yi reminded again. He glanced at Lin Yi, then at Jingjing, he stopped talking, and then he didn't say anything, it turned into a white light and blended in. In Lin Yi's body, Lin Yi also saw the abnormal performance of Yu Lingxian. He knew that Yu Lingxian definitely had something to tell him, and looking at Yu Lingxian's eyes, this matter It definitely has something to do with Jingjing.

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