I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 77

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:47 AM

Chapter 77: Return to Huicheng

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In the monitoring room, Liu Tianqi, who was watching last night's monitoring, was lost in thought.

According to the performance of the monitoring, Liu Tianqi confirmed her opinion that there was nothing wrong with the girl last night. It's just that now I don't even know the name of the person, whether I can meet him in the future depends on fate.

Lin Hang made Liu Tianqi forget the memories of being interrogated by herself. Lin Hang wanted him to keep it. Later, Lin Hang's disguised woman became Liu Tianqi's lifelong pursuit, but she couldn't ask for it.

And here after Lin Hang got out of the bar, he found a place where no one was there and went straight back to Liu Ruyan's villa. The disguised woman also disappeared into this world as Lin Hang recovered.

After hearing Lin Hang's actions, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but laugh. Lin Hang was really too hurt, and he actually deceived Liu Tianqi's feelings in this way. She believed that if Liu Tianqi knew the truth, she would have the heart to kill Lin Hang.

Lin Hang spread out his hands and said innocently, "Sister Yan, you can't blame me! I want to prevent Liu Tianqi from suspicious, this is the best way. If I forcibly take Liu Tianqi away, of course I can get it from him. I want the news, but even if I erase his memory, I can’t conceal the fact that he was taken away. There will be a lot of trouble afterwards. I am different now, except that Liu Tianqi will leave behind a woman in his heart. The figure, the others are no trouble."

Liu Ruyan also knew that Lin Hang's statement was reasonable, but still mourned Liu Tianqi. Lin Hang could be regarded as Liu Tianqi's nemesis. Once Liu Tianqi appeared, he would be unlucky and could not hide.

Lin Hang smiled and asked, "Sister Yan, I plan to go to the ruins soon. According to the teacher, there should be some opportunities to improve my strength in the ruins, and I must get them. This opportunity, so that I can accomplish my goal faster. Sister Yan, are you interested?"

Liu Ruyan was a little surprised, and said, "Xiao Hang, I don’t pretend to be anything in front of you. Of course I am interested, but why should I be embarrassed to take up your resources? You should go by yourself. Just think about my sister."

Lin Hang was also unsure of the specific situation in the ruins. He himself had a strong ability to protect himself, but he could not guarantee that Liu Ruyan would be noticed from time to time in times of danger. Therefore, Lin Hang decided to go first to investigate, no matter what he found, he could share with Liu Ruyan, which greatly reduced the possibility of risk.

Lin Hang made a decision from the bottom of his heart, but did not tell Liu Ruyan that he was ready to really gain something, and then said to Liu Ruyan that he was a bit arrogant now.

Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan chatted for a while, and after lunch, they went back to Huicheng through military channels.

Because the Ye Family had been helping Lin Hang all the time, Lin Hang was not going to hide the Ye Family's information about the ruins.

Lin Hang came to Ye's house and saw Ye Lao and Ye Guangyuan, who had been missing for a long time. The three chatted for a while, and Lin Hang began to tell the purpose of his visit.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Lao Ye, Brother Guangyuan, this time I am here, there is an important thing to tell you. Don't blame me for not telling you before hiding from you!"

Old Ye waved his hand. Obviously Lin Hang's attitude made him a little dissatisfied. He said, "Lin Hang, you still treat us as outsiders! If you have anything to do, just say it directly, don't grind like this!"

Lin Hang had no choice but to say, "Do you remember Zhou Mo from the Zhou family? He came to Huicheng that year and established the Huicheng Zhou Family with your permission. Do you know his purpose?"

Ye Lao shook his head and recalled, "Because Zhou Mo dealt with you at the time, so I took action to get rid of him. Now I think his behavior is a bit strange."

Lin Hang nodded, "Before I returned to Huicheng this time, I went to Beijing and learned of their plan from Liu's family. It was Zhou Mo who found a clue to a ruin in Huicheng that year. They came to Huicheng to establish the Zhou family with their horses, just to find the key to open the ruins. Some time ago they found out, and then they transferred from the Liu family to do the excavation. I did not expect that something went wrong because of the intervention of Sister Yan and I. , When we got the key, we have to deal with us, and then you solve it."

After listening to Lin Hang's words, Ye Lao pondered for a while, and said, "I understand, no wonder the Liu family paid so much interest at the beginning. There is really weird behind our Huicheng supporting Zhou Mo!"

Lin Hang nodded and said, "I also listened to the teacher's analysis and insights to make such a judgment. This time I went to the capital, not only to verify my judgment, but also to ask me the location of this ruin. I am here this time. The purpose of this is to explore this ruin and see if there are any resources in it that can help me improve my strength."

Ye Lao was a little shocked. He thought that Lin Hang came to him to tell the news, he wanted to use the power of the Ye Family to find out the location of this ruin near Huicheng. Unexpectedly, Lin Hang had obtained the position from Liu's family. Now telling himself, he was just reading the Ye family's affection without any intention of hiding it.

After thinking about this, Ye Lao said solemnly, "Lin Hang, I understand what you mean. I know you don't want to hide from our Ye family and go to this ruin by yourself, but our Ye family won't divide your chances. , Otherwise we will feel sorry for it!"

Lin Hang hurriedly said, "Lao Ye, you can't justify this! When we were outside the city, if you didn't take action, sister Yan and I would have been calculated to death by Zhou Mo. This is something compared to our lives. What kind of?"

Before Ye Lao refuted, Lin Hang continued, "I will enter this ruin myself, but I will definitely share the contents with you and the Ye family. Three days later, in the mountains fifty miles north of Huicheng, I hope Ye Old, you can be there to protect me!" After saying this, Lin Hang left the Ye family directly, obviously because he was afraid that Ye Lao would say something to decline.

Ye Lao looked helplessly at Lin Hang's departure, and did not stop him anymore. He smiled bitterly and said to Ye Guangyuan beside him, "Guangyuan, I didn't see the wrong person! Lin Hang, this kid is just like his father. It is meticulous and well informed. You must have a good relationship with Lin Hang in the future, this may be related to the future of our Ye family!"

Ye Guangyuan did not have as far-reaching consideration as Ye Lao, but he also nodded and said, "Grandpa, don't worry! Brother Lin and I have been in friendship for so long. He also understands what kind of person he is. I will treat him as myself in my life. Good brother, don't worry!"

Old Ye nodded. Although he did not agree to Lin Hang's words, he had decided to go to the northern part of Huicheng in three days to protect Lin Hang. Ye Lao now looks forward to the development of Lin Hang very much. He wants to see what Lin Hang can achieve.

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