I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 770

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:09 AM

Chapter 770: Surrounded

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However, Jade Lingxian did not speak, and Lin Yi did not ask any questions. He knew that Jade Lingxian would tell him through the induction of two people later, so after Jade Lingxian returned to his body, Lin Yi was also in his own. A circular channel leading to the dense cold spring outside was opened by his side, and then stretched out his hand to Jingjing. Jingjing also cleverly put up her little hand, and then Lin Yi took Jingjing through this place. Space, returned to that cold spring secret place.

As soon as he left the cold spring, Lin Yi felt dozens of psychic powers glance at him. He knew that these were the monks who had stayed outside and never entered the cold spring. They had no choice for various reasons. Entering the cold spring, but staying outside to wait for the rabbit, the appearance of Lin Yi at this time also made these long-awaited monks excited. They originally thought that the battle for chance within the cold spring did not tell the winner so quickly, and even after victory, Most of the monks who got the chance would not return from the same way, but after seeing Lin Yi and a little girl come out at this time, they also surrounded Lin Yi and Jingjing directly without any hesitation, whether Lin Yi had it or not. What chance they got, at this time they would never let Lin Yi and Jingjing go.

Lin Yi had anticipated such a scene early on, but the trip to the mysterious space just now made Lin Yi truly realize his combat ability at this time, so these monks were not regarded by Lin Yi at all, because of these. Although the monks wanted to fight for the opportunity, even Hanquan did not dare to set foot, so no matter how strong or the level of cultivation, they were not confident enough. For Lin Yi, the five people together were inferior to him. The one dealt with in that mysterious space.

Looking at the dozens or hundreds of monks who were gradually surrounding him, Lin Yi glanced at Jingjing beside him, and then said, "Jingjing, protect yourself! I need some time to solve these miscellaneous fish!"

Jingjing hasn't answered yet, but the "miscellaneous fish" in Lin Yi's mouth were obviously irritated by Lin Yi's words. Some of them were entangled and self-doubt about whether to enter the cold spring. At this moment, Lin Yi was poked into the painful spot, naturally he was extremely angry, and rushed towards Lin Yi's position one by one.

With a smile on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, he simply ignored the anger of these monks. He raised his hand and waved, and saw that the charging monks were directly set in place, followed by a silent silver arrow. It directly penetrated through the bodies of several people, and then their bodies also burst directly, shattering between heaven and earth.

Lin Yi’s methods were very rough. Using his control of space, he forcibly restrained the movements of these cultivators and took on the offensive of the imitation Emperor Jiang’s arrow. Lin Yi's instant kill, there is no comparison at all.

It was this kind of hand that stopped all the cultivators present at the scene. They saw that the cultivators who were rushing forward were killed by Lin Yi easily, and they did not dare to move forward, because They also had no way to guard against Lin Yi's methods, but Lin Yi would not give them a chance to react. The smile on the corners of his mouth did not diminish, and his figure disappeared in place, and then appeared in this place. In the sky above the ground, dozens of high-grade spirit stones engraved with formation patterns were thrown out of Lin Yi's hands, and then a huge formation network was formed in the midair, and then facing this place The dense land enveloped directly.

Lin Yi used the formation pattern he had engraved in advance, and in a short period of time, he directly arranged a large blockade formation. However, although this formation formation was very fast, it consumed the spirit stone incomparably. It is impossible for ordinary forces to arrange the formation in this way, but the investment of spirit stones is not without effect. Lin Yi's formation can restrict the actions of the cultivators in the virtual fairy realm, and the effect is very powerful, but he can almost instantly Arranged out, this is the tactical significance of this trick.

At this time, Lin Yi didn't want to talk nonsense with these cultivators. The expansion of this formation meant that all cultivators should be wiped out together.

This movement of Lin Yi also caused panic among many cultivators. They were not as ambitious as other cultivators, but they were all in the realm of virtual immortality. Such eyesight still existed from Lin Yi. It can be seen from the numerous spirit stones that the strength of this formation is also very high. It is definitely not what they can achieve in a short period of time. Therefore, these monks know that this time may be a little bit more ugly, too. Are desperately thinking about this possible way to break the game.

It's just that Lin Yi didn't mean to delay at all, nor did he show his superiority and strength in front of these people. He only believed in one point, that is, the dead enemy is the best enemy, and he has to stay with everything. Let's talk about it after victory, that is the safest choice.

Lin Yi began to use the convenience of this formation to quickly harvest the lives of the cultivators in the imaginary immortal realm. Because once again occupied the home field, coupled with Lin Yi's changeability and strength, it made such a harvest. The speed was very fast. Soon, there were nearly a hundred cultivators in the realm of virtual immortality who had entered the formation. In less than five minutes, the number of cultivators in the formation was only less than fifty. Still descending rapidly, Lin Yi’s cold-blooded and ruthless performance also made the hearts of many Void Immortal Realm cultivators chill. Some of the remaining cultivators also focused their eyes on the corners of the formation. Under Lin Yi's care, the little girl Jingjing who has not taken any action.

At this time, because of Lin Yi’s previous instructions, Jingjing did not make any movements, but with wide eyes, watching Lin Yi’s "performance", Lin Yi's movements could indeed be called a "performance". Because of the killing of the clouds and flowing water, there is really a touch of pleasing feeling, but Jingjing does not feel uncomfortable watching such a scene. Obviously such a scene cannot cause Jingjing to react, and she definitely does it in this situation. With more knowledge, Jingjing at this time not only has no fear or disgust, but even a bit of boredom. After all, she has no busy actions at this time, just watching Lin Yi performing, Jingjing’s heart, but There are some that can't be restrained anymore.

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