I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 771

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:06 AM

Chapter 771: solve

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But at this time, there happened to be some monks who had been driven crazy by Lin Yi, rushing towards Jingjing's location, Lin Yi also felt this, but when he saw Jingjing's eager expression, it was also Putting his heart down, Lin Yi could actually feel that, although Jingjing's personality is simple, it is definitely not a good stubble. The blood of the monk in his hands is definitely not less than that of him. Under such a scene, Jingjing has not revealed a bit. Lin Yi also believed that Jingjing should not be a problem in dealing with these cultivators in the virtual fairyland, which he called "miscellaneous fish".

Jingjing looked at the many monks who rushed towards her with an expression of excitement. She could finally be less bored and could move her hands and feet. So Jingjing not only did not retreat because of the impulse of these monks, but was right. Recoiled in the direction of these cultivators, the coldness in his hands was filled, directly as Lin Yi, he rushed into the crowd of many cultivators.

Jingjing's offensive method is very simple, that is, to use the cold to attack, and because Jingjing absorbs the opportunities left by her elders in that space, the coldness that Jingjing emits at this time also has a trace of rules. Power is in it, so these monks are very difficult to resist. As long as Jingjing hits, then this monk will inevitably be affected. The speed of his own movement, the movement of spiritual power in the body, and the perception of the laws of the surrounding elements will all be Slowed down, the stronger ones can barely resist in the early stage. The weaker ones will already have a layer of frost on their body. If this continues, they will be frozen by Jingjing and turned into Ice sculpture is also a matter of time.

And Lin Yi, who was still clearing the field at this time, also took the time to look here and forgot. He found that the cold offensive launched by Jingjing at this time was actually not as powerful as the appropriate white of the large ice hockey in that space at the time. Ripple, the white circle of ripples can instantly freeze the monks at the peak of the virtual fairyland. Although the cold released by Jingjing is also difficult to deal with, it is still a lot weaker in power, but Jingjing's advantage lies in . She has completely mastered this kind of ability, which is equivalent to that she has also mastered a part of the power of the rules, and this kind of ability will obviously be improved as Jingjing's strength and sentiment increase. In the future, The height reached is definitely greater than the maximum power released by that big hockey puck.

Although Jingjing has a simple temperament, she can still be regarded as the monks who have launched an offensive against her. In Jingjing's eyes, they have already become enemies. When facing the enemy, Jingjing's performance was brutal, because Lin Yi also saw that there were already several monks who were frozen by Jingjing, and then they were directly broken into ice crystals and dissipated by Jingjing. Obviously these monks were in this situation. It fell straight down, and Jingjing was very excited about the result, and even screamed happily every time the ice sculptures of these monks were crushed. In this situation, Jingjing still enjoyed it very much. The status is up.

Therefore, under Lin Yi’s formation, these monks who surrounded the two were unable to leave this area. Lin Yi and Jingjing were completely destroyed in a short time, and waited until the last monk was destroyed. When killing, the entire dense land was filled with various remnants from the battle, ice crystals, flames, vines, and all the elements showed a violent feeling. After all, the battlefield that belonged to the cultivators of the virtual fairyland was just fought against. No matter how the monks are inferior to Lin Yi and Jingjing, but their combat power has reached the realm of imaginary immortality, so the fluctuations in the battle are very intense, and even the elements of heaven and earth in this area are all destroyed in a short time It’s a mess, but this situation won’t last too long. This is only a temporary reaction. There is a self-recovery function between heaven and earth. As long as it is not particularly strong damage, it can generally be restored to its original state. .

Jingjing also ended the state of fighting with all her strength just now, and restored her usual cute little girl's appearance. Lin Yi returned to Jingjing's side and said with a smile as Jingjing looked at her big twinkling eyes, " Jingjing is awesome! This time, even if I don't take action, Jingjing can solve it by yourself!"

Lin Yi knew that what Jingjing wanted at this time must be his compliment. Sure enough, after Lin Yi said this sentence, Jingjing also squinted her eyes, obviously enjoying the feeling of being praised by Lin Yi, facing Lin Yi. Said, "Uncle, these people are the same as Uncle, want to grab Jingjing's things! Humph! Let them be greedy, they deserve it!"

Although Jingjing’s words seem more ruthless, they are indeed the most real situation. You must know that if these cultivators enter the mysterious space in the cold spring, there is nothing to say, they have to fight. The courage of that glimmer of hope, but since these people outside dare not step into it, then they should stop at enough and withdraw from this competition. You will be sympathetic.

Lin Yi also nodded, and then said, "Well, Jingjing is right. They really asked for it on their own. Now that we have solved the problem here, we should leave here and go to another place for a while! After passing the most peaceful period at the beginning, in the next time, I estimate that this core place will soon become chaotic, and this is our opportunity to find opportunities in the chaos!"

Jingjing also kept nodding her head. Obviously Lin Yi's statement is also in line with Jingjing's idea. She actually doesn't care if she can get any chance. What she wants now is to participate in the things after the experience. Of happiness and refreshment.

Therefore, Lin Yi and Jingjing resolved this trip to the secret area, and left here very directly, and began to stroll around the core place that is now becoming hot. They are now looking for some gatherings of monks. Places, because most of these places are semi-open secrets with some renewable resources. The secrets that are once every thousand years start to be harvested again. It is not a secret for many forces, but they must be obtained. For these resources, there must be competition between each other. Under such circumstances, it happens that Lin Yi and Jingjing have an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

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