I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 774

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:05 AM

Chapter 774: Before parting

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On this day, Lin Yi and Jingjing were flying at low speed in the air, and the two were discussing what they had just encountered.

"Haha, uncle, the expression of that person just now is really funny! Even now, Jingjing looked astonished when he thought of the treasure he was snatched by me, she still couldn't help but laugh!"

Listening to Jingjing’s happy voice, Lin Yi also smiled. Just now, he and Jingjing hid among the many monks, entered a secret place, took away a monk, and finally obtained that secret place. The opportunity in the earth, then Lin Yi took Jingjing and left there quickly. Because the space channel had already been built, Lin Yi and Jingjing walked like a chic, no one can track it up. Now they are two People also got rid of all traces, and now they are reminiscing about the scene at that time.

Lin Yi and Jingjing have done a lot of such things in the past six months, and often neither of them did it for these opportunities, but only for the excitement and excitement after the opportunity. The excitement became a little addictive over time, but because of Lin Yi’s changeable ability, even if he committed multiple crimes, he had never been caught by anyone. In this core place, he stayed for half a year. Not a particularly good reputation.

Lin Yi looked at Jingjing, who was still excited, stepped forward and touched Jingjing’s head. In the past six months, the relationship between the two of them has become very close. At this time, let’s not talk about the relationship between the forces behind Jingjing. Lin Yi also regarded Jingjing as his sister and played crazy here with her, because according to Jingjing, when she was a little girl in "Purple Cold Island", she spent her life in boring practice. Because she has a very strong talent for cultivation, Jingjing’s parents and elders have given high hopes to her. Under such circumstances, Jingjing’s childhood life is basically very boring, this time Having come to "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" without parental restraint, Jingjing also intends to play a good game, and being able to have a playmate like Lin Yi exists, Jingjing feels very happy in her heart.

However, the happy time is always short. Both Jingjing and Lin Yi understand that this half a year has passed, indicating that the opening of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" has basically reached its limit. Soon they It is about to face separation.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Jingjing, in this place far away from "Purple Cold Island", there is no problem for you to indulge a little bit, but after returning to "Purple Cold Island", you have to converge your current mind. Cultivate hard and not waste your talent and your father’s cultivation of you! I also believe that you must be able to move on, and what will happen in the future, I believe you also vaguely know from your parents. You can only do what you want to do and protect what you want to protect only if you have enough strength, you know?"

At this moment of separation, what Lin Yi said was completely different from the fun he had done a few days ago. At this time, he regarded Jingjing as his sister, so some of the words he said were completely from From the bottom of his heart, he knew that Jingjing’s father in "Purple Cold Island", with his powerful cultivation in the realm of real immortality, would naturally not be ignorant of the next end of the world, and the reason for this Once Jingjing ventured into this "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" alone, apart from Jingjing's strength is indeed strong, I am afraid there are still some compelling ones. If they can't increase their strength as much as possible before the catastrophe comes, Then in the catastrophe, you will also lose a lot of confrontational capital. This is certainly not something Jingjing's father wants to see. Therefore, Lin Yi also asked Jingjing to recognize this fact, not because of her own willfulness. And lose a lot of important things.

Although Jingjing has a very simple temperament, she is obviously not a little girl who knows nothing. She is very clear about everything in her heart. What Lin Yi expresses implicitly, she also knows that it is related to the coming world. The final catastrophe is related, but Jingjing is innately optimistic and never put such a pessimistic mood in her heart. So at this time, after hearing Lin Yi's slightly heavy words, after Jingjing nodded obediently, she comforted Lin Yi and said, " Uncle, don’t think so! We will definitely be prepared to deal with this issue! However, we can’t figure it out now as long as we can do it ourselves. Do things the best, then no matter what the outcome of the matter is, we have no regrets! So, uncle, we still have to be optimistic in life. We can work hard and pursue better, but the mentality must be Keep it steady!"

What Lin Yi didn't expect was that such a reasonable remark was actually spoken from the little girl in front of him. It was just that Lin Yi understood all the truths Jingjing said. He knew he only needed Doing his best, nothing else can change anything, but sometimes he just can't control his own heart, always thinking too much, but also causing a lot of pressure on himself.

However, in the past six months, Lin Yi accompanied Jingjing to wander around this core place, which not only satisfied Jingjing’s prudent wishes, but also gave Lin Yi a great degree of tension in his heart. Under such circumstances, after Lin Yi’s mind was relaxed and relaxed, even his cultivation level slowly showed an upward trend. Under such circumstances, Lin Yi knew that he should indeed find opportunities to relax in time. He couldn't stay focused on cultivation practice, this would not be able to improve his strength more quickly, but the combination of work and rest gave Lin Yi a further feeling.

And at this moment, Lin Yi and Jingjing had a strange feeling deep in their hearts. This feeling came from the place where they entered the Secret Realm of Ziwei and their connection with this Secret Realm of Ziwei. After careful induction, Jingjing and Lin Yi both knew that they were leaving the "Secret Realm of Ziwei", just one day later.

Although this feeling came a bit suddenly, Lin Yi and Jingjing were already prepared, because according to the calculation of time, the time to leave is only two days. Under such circumstances, between Jingjing and Lin Yi There was a little silence, and neither of them knew what to say.

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