I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 775

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:04 AM

Chapter 775: return

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Although both of them know that the day of parting is finally coming, but when this day comes, they are still a little at a loss, because in the past six months, the two of them are considered to be free of mind and body, and get along very well. Happy, this time is about to leave suddenly, naturally I don't know how to deal with myself.

At this time, Lin Yi took the lead to break the silence, touched Jingjing’s head, and then said with a smile, "Jingjing, after we are separated this time, if you return to "Purple Cold Island", you must be obedient. Practice hard! Don't worry, I will definitely visit "Purple Cold Island", and we must be able to meet again soon!"

Jingjing’s emotions are all expressed on her face. At this time, she also lost her previous smile, and said bitterly, "Uncle, you can’t speak for nothing! After Jingjing returned to "Purple Cold Island", You must cultivate hard, you must come to me!"

With that said, Jingjing took it out of her arms, took out an ice blue five-pointed star, handed it to Lin Yi, and then continued, "Uncle, the location of our "Purple Cold Island" is very hidden. Means cannot detect our existence, and your current cultivation has not reached the realm of true immortality, and you cannot explore the starry sky too long. Under such circumstances, you cannot easily find our "Zihan" "Island"! However, if you can reach the realm of real fairyland, take this five-pointed star and follow the above guidelines to take you to our "Purple Cold Island", and because this five-pointed star is a gift from me It's for you, so there won't be any mistake in the direction of the guide, uncle, I will wait for you in the realm of fairyland in "Purple Cold Island" to visit!"

Lin Yi put away the ice-blue five-pointed star presented by Jingjing. Above this five-pointed star, Lin Yi could not feel anything special. It seemed that it was just a coordinate prop to guide the direction, and because of himself The cultivation base is not enough to get many useful clues at this stage.

And after the two got together for the last day, both Lin Yi and Jingjing felt the rejection of this place in "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" at the same time, and if such rejection occurs, it also shows that the final stay time is also basic. When it came to the end, Lin Yi and Jingjing waved their hands, and then they were all directly teleported out by the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" and returned to the place where they entered the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm".

In the case of being rejected, Lin Yi felt a little worried about the situation of Jade Spirit Fairy in his body. Because Jade Spirit Fairy was a character in "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", Lin Yi was actually concerned about whether Jade Spirit Fairy could be successful. There was still some uncertainty in bringing out, but later he felt that the situation of Yulingxian was very stable, and the worries in his heart disappeared. "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" did not have anything to Lin Yi's "The Follower". The meaning of blocking, let the Jade Spirit Immortal be in Lin Yi's body, and left the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" together, and returned to the inland of Ziwei Emperor Star. When I waited to open my eyes, I could feel that the one beside me belonged to the inner Seven teammates from the four major forces of Lu.

What made Lin Yi a little surprised was that none of the seven monks who entered the deep core of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" fell into the "Secret Realm of Ziwei" among the four inland forces of the Ziwei Emperor. At this time, they all returned safely, and after seeing Lin Yi, they also smiled at Lin Yi, and Carlo said directly, "How does Daoist Lin Yi feel in the core place these days? Fellow Daoist Lin Yi left the deep core of "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" safely, Ka Mou also felt very relieved!"

Lin Yi looked at the expressions and reactions of Karo and several other people, and asked strangely, "Friends of Karo, and everyone, are you all acting together in this last time?"

The reason why Lin Yi asked like this was because Carlo’s question was very strange. There were as many as eight monks who left and returned here this time. After he and Qing Qing were removed, other forces also came out safely. Under such circumstances, Carlo did not ask about the situation of other people, but directly asked about Lin Yi's situation and feelings. Lin Yi only guessed that the seven of them were fighting each other in the second half of the time. Here, they should all stay together.

Ka Luo obviously didn't intend to conceal such a thing, and said with a smile, "Lin Yi, you are really smart! Indeed, we acted together in the second half of the time when the Secret Realm was opened. This time, "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" did not know why , All the monks are a bit irritable, the outbreak of the conflict is much more intense than the previous several times. Our original idea of ​​acting alone is also directly disillusioned, because in this situation, we If separated, it is likely to be more dangerous, but if we unite, we can get greater protection for everyone! But even so, we are not particularly relaxed, not because of the greed in our hearts. Going for greater opportunities to compete, so although I haven't been able to get a lot of gains, it is completely relieved from the "Secret Realm of Ziwei"."

Speaking of this, Kahlo also remembered something and continued, "Lin Yi, I don’t know if you have heard that when a secret place suddenly opened, hundreds of monks entered it, but they were able to come out in the end. Yes, there are only a few! After this happened, we quickly gathered together. Originally, we wanted to get Fellow Lin Yi to return to our team, but we couldn’t contact you. Fortunately, fellow daoist, you came out safe and sound, otherwise Kamou would be really worried!"

After Carol said this sentence, Lin Yi's heart was also a little funny, because the incident Carol said was obviously the dense area where he and Jingjing met, and he was considered a participant. Moreover, the situation of the few hundred monks remaining in the end is inseparable from him, and it can even be said that the last situation was caused by him alone.

Naturally, Lin Yi would not say such a thing. Instead, he laughed, and then continued Carlo’s words, "Well, I also heard about this. It is indeed a bit tragic, but you also know mine. Ability, fighting is not good, but as long as you can't afford to be greedy, it is still enough to save your life, and now you are back with no danger!"

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