I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 78

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:46 AM

Chapter 78: Emperor World

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Three days later, Lin Hang came to the mountains and forests in the northern part of Huicheng, and found the mark left by the Liu family, but he saw that Old Man Ye and Ye Guangyuan had already been waiting there.

Lin Hang fisted at the two of them and said with a smile, "Lao Ye is really a believer, Lin Hang thanked you here!"

Ye Lao waved his hand and said, "Don't say that, Lin Hang, you must be careful when you enter this ruin this time! Don't be careless because of your own abilities. According to everyone's experience, some ruins are still It’s more dangerous. I’m not sure what's going on inside this ruin now, so I’d better be cautious!

Lin Hang nodded and said, "I know, Ye Lao, I won't make fun of my life, don't worry!"

Ye Guangyuan also patted Lin Hang on the shoulder and gave him a hug.

Lin Hang activated the space ability, saw a space distortion in front of him, and knew that this was where the ruins were. Lin Hang took out the jade medal from the Liu family and approached this place gently. As soon as he approached, the jade brand's rays of light flourished, and then Lin Hang saw a crack slowly open, and soon a two-meter high and one-meter wide portal was formed.

Lin Hang nodded towards Ye Lao and turned around and entered the portal.

As soon as he entered the portal, Lin Hang felt a reckless breath surge. He carefully sensed the situation around him and found that he was in a forest, but everything in the forest appeared to be very huge. Big trees two to three meters in diameter could be seen everywhere, and there were some giant birds passing by from time to time. .

Lin Hang was very puzzled. Before he came, he had learned a lot about the ruins. But he searched the data in his brain, but there was no place that matched the ruins he entered now.

Lin Hang began to act, the jade card had already returned to his hand, in Lin Hang's induction, he could activate the jade card to leave here at any time. So he simply stopped staying in place, ready to explore this strange ruin.

Lin Hang felt that something was wrong as he walked. This ruin was full of life, and it was completely different from the ruined phenomena of other ruins. After Lin Hang saw the giant bird and some giant beasts, he guessed that there might be humans in it.

After another half an hour, Lin Hang found a river, and he immediately marched down the river. Soon after, he actually saw a village!

Lin Hang didn't rush closer, and looked at the village from a distance. After observing for a while, Lin Hang found that there were only old people, women and children in the village, but young men were not in the village. Each of them wore animal fur coats, but their shapes and appearances were no different from Chinese people.

While Lin Hang was still thinking about it, he heard a voice from the village, and looked into Lin Hang's ears unhurriedly: "Which friend is visiting? Why not show up?"

Lin Hang felt extremely familiar with the words. Although there were some subtle differences, they were basically the same as Huaxia.

Now that it has been discovered, Lin Hang simply walked to the village and said loudly, "Under Lin Hang, I strayed into the treasure place. If you offend, please forgive me!"

As Lin Hang's voice survived, an old man with a cane, supported by the two children, walked towards Lin Hang slowly. Lin Hang carefully sensed several people, and found that they did not have the breath of psychic energy in their bodies, but their bodies were extremely powerful. Even the bodies of these two children were several points stronger than Lin Hang's acquired body.

Lin Hang was a little strange, but he met the old man in a salute and asked, "Lao Zhang, dare you to ask what land boundary is this?"

Although the old man described it as withered, Lin Hang's evenly revealing eyes did not dare to look down upon it. The old man smiled and said, "Looking at the appearance of my brother, he should have come from outside, right? ?"

Lin Hang was a little shocked, but after thinking about it, he understood a little bit. His clothes were too different from the people here, and he didn't understand anything, so naturally he was easily guessed of his identity.

Lin Hang did not twist, and nodded and replied, "It is true that I entered this'remains' through a jade card to open the door, but looking at the situation in this space, it seems that it cannot be called a'remains'. It’s more clever in "Dong Tian."

The old man coughed slightly and said with a smile, "Brother also has an exquisite heart! This is indeed a cave in the sky, called "Emperor Realm", which was created by a powerful ancestor, just to protect some ethnic groups. Bloodline, living in seclusion here all year round, never seen the world. So, brother, you are still the first outsider to come in!"

Lin Hang felt as if he had come into contact with a big secret unintentionally, and there were still such caves in the world. According to the old man, there were obviously more than one such caves.

Lin Hang asked curiously, "Lao Zhang, I take the liberty, which dynasty was your ancestor and how long has this cave existed?"

The old man stroked his beard and said, "Brother, come in and sit down, let me talk to you!"

Lin Hang nodded, and followed the old man to a house close to the inside. Lin Hang looked at the style of these houses, but did not see what period the style was.

The old man poured a glass of water for Lin Hang and talked about the origin of the "Dong Tian".

"Brother, you see, although we are no different from your appearance, we are not humans. You humans call us witches!"

"Witch?" Lin Hang said in surprise.

The old man continued, "Yes, it's the witch, the witch of the witch clan. It's just that after the battle between the Yellow Emperor and Chi You, our witch clan has completely declined. So we began to marry you humans, and we are actually not much different. It’s different from the Witch bloodline. There are no purebred humans and Witches anymore."

Lin Hang asked inexplicably, "Then you entered this "Emperor Realm" after that battle?"

The old man shook his head and said, "No, it will take longer. Although our Wu Clan's vitality is severely injured, we have permanently lost our position in the orthodox state of China. But afterwards, a stunning and brilliant figure appeared in our clan, that At that time everyone called him-Qin Shihuang! He was the last hope of our witch clan, but our witch clan is still no match for the fate. A talent like Qin Shihuang can't resist the wheel of fate, so he can only leave with regret in the end!" The old man sighed, obviously lamenting the injustice of fate.

As a human being, Lin Hang would naturally not express his opinions much, but what the old man said later completely broke Lin Hang's cognition.

"Brother, do you know? Our Wu Clan was not defeated by your human beings, but by this day! At that time, apart from us, who rebelled against this day together, there were also your unyielding humans! After Qin, It seems that humans occupy the land of China, but they are actually puppets supported by heaven!" The old man shouted hoarsely.

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