I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 780

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:03:01 AM

Chapter 780: Rest

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Lin Hang's words also aroused the pride in Yu Lingxian's heart. He was trapped in the bubble space of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" for so many years. At this time, he was finally able to come out. Naturally, he wanted to do it well. For careers, although he was able to get out of trouble this time because he became someone else’s "servant", but because of Lin Hang, he couldn't feel the feeling of being a "servant" at all. Therefore, the mind of Yu Lingxian at this time, in addition to following Lin Hang, also has a longing for his future life. Lin Hang's words of walking along the way are just like Yu Lingxian.

After such an introduction, Lin Hang could clearly feel that his relationship with Jade Lingxian was one step closer. At this time, he also smiled and said, "Well, Jade Lingxian, you just came from there. Coming out of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", I have also told you about this place today. It is a small fragment of the continent remaining after the breaking of the former Ziwei Emperor Star. The spiritual energy, laws, and various The places to plant must be slightly different from those in "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", I have arranged the place for you, so you can get familiar with it on this Fenglei Island and adapt to the environment here. , And then try to break through to the realm of real immortality with the "Sky Spirit Fruits" I gave you. I believe that with your talents, your current realm cultivation is up to the required level, plus temporary avoidance Another conscious risk, with the help of a large amount of "Sky Spirit Fruit", must be able to successfully enter the realm of real fairyland!"

Jade Lingxian also smiled and nodded. In this respect, Jade Lingxian did not have the slightest sense of self-effacement. He dared not talk about other aspects, but because of the innate spirit jade's body and the enlightening teachings of Emperor Ziwei, The starting point of his birth was higher than most of the monks, and it was close to those innate gods. Therefore, the practice has always been smooth, even the difficult period of crossing the catastrophe and the gate of the fairyland, there is no way to stop it. The meaning of his footsteps is that if it were not for the characteristics of the innate spirit jade, a negative consciousness that is difficult to eliminate will be born under the extreme of the matter. The jade spirit fairy is definitely not such a general situation at this time, so at this time, Lin Hang has suppressed him. Another consciousness, with the help of many "Sky Spirit Fruits", Jade Lingxian also has certain confidence in breaking into the realm of true immortality.

In this way, Yu Lingxian put away the many "Sky Spirit Fruits" that Lin Hang gave him, and went to the residence Lin Hang arranged for him on Fenglei Island, and started the retreat Lin Hang just mentioned. The duration of a retreat is definitely not very short, but once they leave the customs, Lin Hang knows that their first true monk in the realm of fairyland in "Huaxia Gate" will be born.

After the Yulingxian was settled, Lin Hang also went to another location on Fenglei Island with Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan. There is a huge square here, usually where disciples of "Huaxiamen" perform public martial arts. At this time, many Chinese disciples gathered at this time. They also ended their shallow explorations in "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" at the same time, and returned successfully. At this time, naturally they have to report them to Lin Hang and Mr. Wang. Situation.

It’s just that Lin Hang has always been in control of their situation. Because of his uneasiness, he also put a few clones and followed these disciples into the shallow layer of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", so he said through himself With the feedback of these clones, Lin Hang has always been familiar with the experience of many of them.

The shallow layer of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" is actually much broader than the deep one. Therefore, after many disciples of "Hua Xia Gate" entered, they were also scattered and went to different places to explore and experience. Because of the unfamiliar superficial level of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", these disciples of "Huaxia Gate" were under the management of Lin Hang before, and even acted together with the disciples of several major forces in the interior of Ziwei Emperor Star. Under such cooperation , Lin Hang also discovered that the progress and safety of the exploration have also been greatly improved. This time entering the shallow layer of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", their disciples hardly suffered any casualties, and the hundreds of people who have entered today are all Returned safely.

The reason for this situation is that the shallow range of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" is very large, and the monks of the major forces are distributed in it. The possibility of encountering is not very high, and once encountered, it will be due to their own The goal is to avoid fighting. After all, the shallow layer of "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" itself is to provide welfare to the younger monks. There are many resources distributed in it, which can be picked by the monks who enter it, so there is almost no explosion. Conflict, only those levels where resources are obtained, will make every monk feel experienced.

Lin Hang looked at the disciples who had returned from the experience of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" and smiled. In fact, the gathering on the square this time was just a routine matter. He didn’t need to understand that these disciples encountered in that secret realm. What kind of things, what kind of opportunities he got, these are not things he cares about, he will help these younger disciples to arrange the road, as to how to go, it still depends on the efforts of these disciples.

After a brief period of condolences, Lin Hang asked these disciples to take a break, and after the break, they would continue the previous eradication of the mob and criminal forces in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea instead of Lin Hang. He didn't want them to have more rest time, but for their own experience and fighting, Lin Hang didn't want them to relax for a moment, but keeping a proper amount of fighting is definitely more helpful for them.

Finally, I have arranged the affairs of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", Lin Hang's energy can finally relax a little. Before, his main energy was on Lin Yi in the deep layer of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" because The situation there does not tolerate a trace of relaxation, and there is still a small part of energy that needs to look after the shallow disciples of "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm", and finally some time is allocated to copy some resources, so Lin Hang is here I haven’t spent more than half a year idle, and now this time the "Ziwei Secret Realm" has finally ended, giving many disciples of "Hua Xia Gate" rest time, but also gave myself a rest time, but in a short time After the rest, Lin Hang was about to devote himself to his busy life again.

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