I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 782

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:02:44 AM

Chapter 782: Jade Spirits Breakthrough!

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And Lin Hang, who has just absorbed this "Spirit of Heaven", feels quite unfulfilled. Although the power of the rules is particularly difficult to understand, it is very difficult to move forward step by step, but when Lin Hang feels it, he has a little bit He will feel extremely satisfied with the income. This is a great satisfaction, not something other feelings can bring him. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang, who finished refining, even had a little impulse to take out some more. "Tian Ling Guo" to continue this process.

It's just that when such thoughts just came up, they were directly extinguished by Lin Hang himself. When he felt the power of these rules contained in "Heavenly Fruit", although there were some gains, most of them Time is always in a state of awkwardness, and Lin Hang also knows the reason for this result. Although he says that he is very powerful, he is a cultivator at the peak of the imaginary realm, but he is not necessarily his opponent. , But after all, he just broke into the realm of virtual immortality not long ago, not to mention the combat power, but the sentiment in this realm is still not as good as those of the other cultivators in the realm of virtual immortality. Under such circumstances, he has not accumulated enough , The effect of "Sky Spirit Fruit" on him is actually very weak, because he has not been able to reach the threshold of comprehending the power of the rules. Under such circumstances, he said unceremoniously, let Lin Hang now To use a large amount of "Sky Spirit Fruit" is basically the same as waste. He can't get more from the power of rules contained in "Sky Spirit Fruit" at all.

Like the previous Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, they are similar to Lin Hang. Liu Ruyan is better. After all, he has some experience and help from the golden lotus fairy. At this time, he is ahead of Lin Hang and Wang Lao. Yes, the two of them also after refining a "Sky Spirit Fruit", and then took some time to experience this feeling, and after they have improved their accumulation, they will continue to use "Sky Spirit Fruit". , Whether it is the perception of rules or their own accumulation, they can get mutual promotion, and they can get closer to the peak of the virtual fairyland in this kind of perception, although such behavior is somewhat extravagant, general It is impossible for the forces to do this. A precious thing like "Spirit Fruit" is definitely reserved for the cultivators at the peak of the imaginary realm in each force. How could it be given to them like Lin Hang Wang The monks at this stage go to waste like this! However, this is also the reason why Lin Hang is strong. With sufficient resources, people like them can indeed grow faster.

After Lin Hang finished refining "Sky Spirit Fruit" this time, he also left the customs directly. After that, Lin Hang, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan discussed their respective gains, and then gained a little bit of insight. , The three of them also continued the process of refining the "Heavenly Spirit Fruit", and it was for this reason that the three of them only had a year's time, and they directly attacked the peak of the virtual fairyland. This kind of speed can be regarded as swift and violent no matter what age it is, and because of the help of the rule of "Heavenly Fruit", the speed of progress is not to mention, the foundation is still very solid. , When all three of them reached the peak of the realm of virtual immortality, they would definitely have a great certainty to break into the realm of real immortal.

It has been a full year since Lin Hang's refining and chemistry completed the first "Spirit Fruit". On this day, Lin Hang and Wang Lao were in a lounge, drinking tea and discussing some cultivation practices. At this time, both of them felt a place on Fenglei Island, and suddenly a heart-palpiting breath broke out, and this breath was even in the realm of the two of them. Feeling a bit of strong pressure, Lin Hang and Wang Lao looked at each other, and they also saw the joy in each other's eyes. The place where the fluctuations came was clearly the retreat training place that Lin Hang assigned to the Jade Spirit Immortal, Lin Hang He and Wang Lao also left here one after another and hurried to that area quickly.

When Lin Hang and Wang Lao arrived here, Liu Ruyan had arrived early. At this time, under the awe of the violent aura, even the characteristic wind and thunder that raged on Fenglei Island had stopped the momentum, obviously Shunping was smoothed by that breath.

Lin Hang waved his hand and laid a restricted circle in this area, and then waited quietly with Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan. Lin Hang still had a trace of tension and expectation in his heart at this time. Knowing that such strong fluctuations erupted here, the breakthrough must have reached a critical moment. Under such circumstances, everything can only rely on Yu Lingxian. Of course, Lin Hang is very much looking forward to the success of Yu Lingxian. After completing the breakthrough, a cultivator in the realm of real fairyland, at this stage, can be said to be very powerful.

As Lin Hang’s "The Follower", Lin Hang can also roughly feel the situation of Jade Spirit Fairy at this time, but Lin Hang does not want to interfere with Jade Spirit Fairy too much here, he is afraid that he will give Jade Lingxian brought some bad influences, but soon, Lin Hang outside could also feel that the aura of Jade Lingxian was unstable. After carefully feeling it, Lin Hang knew that it was another Jade Lingxian. A tyrannical consciousness began to cause trouble. Lin Hang snorted coldly, following the connection of "The Follower", directly suppressing the consciousness of Yulingxian to the depths of his mind, and Yulingxian's ontological consciousness again He has regained strength, and his aura has returned to stability. The powerful energy that has exploded is also steadily increasing step by step. Lin Hang also knows that Yu Lingxian's breakthrough is already on the right track.

In this way, Lin Hang, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan waited for five days in this area. At the end of the day, the powerful aura that was originally pervading between heaven and earth was slowly The ground was absorbed back, and finally disappeared. In the eyes of Lin Hang's expectation, a figure flew up from the retreat below, and then quietly suspended in front of them.

Yu Lingxian arched his hand at Lin Hang, then said with a smile, with a trace of solemnity in his voice, "Friend Lin Hang, fortunately not insulting your life!"

Lin Hang was naturally able to know the situation of Yu Lingxian through the contact of "The Follower". At this time, when he heard the certain information from Yu Lingxian, Lin Hang was also in a good mood.

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