I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 784

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:02:43 AM

Chapter 784: arrangement

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Of course, Lin Hang won’t let Jade Spirit Fairy take risks with him this time, because although Jade Spirit Fairy’s strength is strong enough, he doesn’t know if there is such a stronger existence in the sea outside the West Pole , It’s definitely not safe to enter rashly, so Lin Hang is just talking about his thoughts with Yu Lingxian at this time. He will have to wait for a while, after Yu Lingxian is thoroughly familiar with his power. He will create a clone for Jade Lingxian as much as possible, and then he will send the clones of Lin Yi and Jade Lingxian to explore the outer seas of the West Pole together.

And because there are no goals and tasks this time, Lin Hang’s plan will not be a short time to withdraw from the sea outside the West Pole. Since he wants to enter it and explore, Lin Hang still wants to get some good As a result, if the clone of Yulingxian is created, it may not be able to match the combat power of his own deity, but the control of the power of the law is really solid. In this case, even if the clone is cultivated in the realm of virtual immortality, the combat power can still be comparable. The true immortal, after all, in this realm, what you look at is the control of the power of the law. As long as there is no problem in this aspect, the ability that the Jade Spirit Immortal clone can exert is actually not weaker than the deity.

Yu Lingxian thought for a while, and then said with a smile, "For this matter, Lin Hang, you can arrange it. I don’t have any problems, and I also want to see the demon in the legend. Beast, what is the situation!"

Although the Jade Lingxian can be called a congenital creature, it is because the congenital spiritual jade was enlightened by Emperor Ziwei, which means that in essence, the Jade Lingxian can be regarded as a member of the demon clan. The time when Jade Spirit Fairy lived, there was no monster beast existence, because the monster clan did not recognize the monster beast as one of them, and in order to ensure their reputation and status, many monsters existed in ancient times. The beasts have been wiped out, and I don’t know why. There are still such a large number of monsters in the sea outside the West Pole. The Jade Spirit Fairy still feels more about this legendary thing in the history of the monsters. Interested.

Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "Well, Yu Lingxian, I still have to plan this matter carefully, and then discuss it with you. After all, this time I enter the sea outside the West Pole. If you want to rush like the last time, you must go deeper. Under such circumstances, our plan must be very thorough, not too sloppy and casual, otherwise we will not get What, there may be danger, this is not what I want to see!"

After the Jade Lingxian broke through the meeting this time, Lin Hang stayed in Jade Lingxian’s residence together with Jade Lingxian. After studying the matter of entering the West Pole, Lin Hang’s clone had explored once after all. It’s the sea outside the West, so some information still has the meaning of sharing, and Yu Lingxian is now consolidating familiarity with his own rules, and it happens that Lin Hang can make good use of this time with him, after studying it. Matters concerning the exploration of the West Pole.

In fact, Lin Hang wants Yu Lingxian to help out more than this. He had an agreement before in the core place of "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" and the Jingjing of "Purple Cold Island", and he must be in the days to come. I was going to visit them there, and this kind of agreement was also in Lin Hang's heart, so Lin Hang would not give up if he had the opportunity. Originally, Lin Hang did a lot of means, but there was no way. Breaking through the limitations of his own realm, if he enters the starry sky at this time, without the guidance of the star map, he will not be able to accurately find the location of "Purple Cold Island", and the most important thing is that the situation of the existence of "Purple Cold Island" is also Unlike today’s Ziwei Emperor Star fragments, they are not a public place. Outsiders wanting to find there need not only coordinated guidance, but at least a deep understanding of the power of the law. Although Lin Hang had the token given by Jingjing that could guide him in the direction of "Purple Cold Island", Lin Hang could not finally get there by his own strength.

After Yulingxian broke through and entered the realm of real immortals, Lin Hang also had a plan in his heart. He originally wanted to wait for his cultivation to reach the realm of real immortals before considering visiting the "Purple Cold Island" In the current situation, as long as he and Yu Lingxian's itinerary plan can be arranged, it is entirely possible to carry out such a plan in a short time.

However, this matter still depends on the avatar that enters the outer seas of the West Pole and whether the exploration process goes smoothly. You must know that if Lin Hang does not need too much energy and attention, he can also do other things. Yes, for example, let Yu Lingxian take him to roam in the starry sky to find the location of the "Purple Cold Island", or to explore the starry sky to find other heavens and worlds.

So that's it. Lin Hang's deity and Yu Lingxian began to discuss matters about the sea outside the West Pole, but Lin Hang's clone Lin Yi went to Wang Lao, and the two came to Wang Lao's resting place together.

Lao Wang was also very puzzled. He didn't know what Lin Yi meant, so after the two of them sat down, they also directly asked, "Hang'er, what is it that I am so anxious to find a teacher?"

Lin Yi laughed, and then said, "Teacher, I didn't just have a little leisure time! Actually, I didn't find you suddenly this time, but I already had the intention to discuss with you. It's just that during this period of time, Whether we enter this Ziwei Emperor Star, look for opportunities to break into the realm of imaginary fairy, and confront the four major forces in the inland, plus the recently concluded journey of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", it is all costs Under such circumstances, the disciple has always been unable to spare the time to discuss such matters with you. I have had the time recently, so I just approached you directly!"

Old Wang smiled and nodded. In fact, he hadn't discussed anything with Lin Hang for a while. The situation has gradually stabilized. This time Lin Hang came out of the "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm" and not only completed himself. The goal set is to directly establish a very good relationship with the four major inland forces. Therefore, "Hua Xia Gate" also has a firm foothold on this Ziwei Emperor star and can develop more steadily. Finally, I can use more energy to do other things.

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