I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 786

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:02:40 AM

Chapter 786: A month

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Old Wang said, "Hang'er, in fact, you don't have to worry so much. You have been waiting for a long time from the beginning of your cultivation to the point where you are in the realm of virtual immortality. It is not bad to wait now. Just now, when you talked about the Jade Spirit Fairy, you also provided a new idea for the teacher. In fact, according to our current situation, it is still a bit anxious to find Zhao Kangping among the human forces. After all, although we have jade The fighting power of the realm of real immortality like Lingxian, but the four powers of the purple emperor star have been passed on for many years, and there may not be no means to deal with the dilution of the realm of real immortals. In this case, we can completely Waiting for a while, now there is the existence of "Sky Spirit Fruit", and it won't be too far for us to break through to the realm of real immortals. At that time, a monk in the realm of real immortals and four realm of real immortals The meaning of the monks is absolutely different. We will face the four major forces in the inland when the time comes. Even if they are completely united, we are not afraid of them anymore!"

Regarding Wang Lao’s statement, Lin Hang agrees incomparably in his heart. In Lin Hang’s view, this matter is actually relatively weak. The news of his parents is important, but Lin Hang is not particularly anxious. Now, according to Wang Lao’s analysis, it is better not to fight with these major forces in the interior as much as possible. It is better to continue to maintain such a relationship, and when the strength of one’s side rises again, it is It's time to have more initiative.

When Lin Hang found Mr. Wang this time, he didn’t actually want Mr. Wang to give him some big suggestions, but to seek peace of mind from Mr. Wang, because every time Lin Hang’s thoughts are so complicated. , Only in front of Wang Lao or Liu Ruyan can you have such a chance to calm down. Under their comfort, Lin Hang can once again straighten out his thoughts and what he wants to do next, just like Lao Wang is the same this time. With Lao Wang’s help, Lin Hang also knows what he is going to do next. In fact, the most important thing now is that Lin Hang cannot disrupt his plan. After all, every move he will do next In fact, they are all more important. Whether it is to let the clone and Yulingxian explore the mysteries of the West Antarctica together, or prepare for the starry sky tour, and breakthroughs in self-cultivation, these things are extremely important. Lin Hang can only follow With this kind of plan, you can develop yourself step by step, so that you can have enough strength to do something you want to do, and you won't be led by the external situation.

Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "Well, teacher, after your guidance, the disciple also knows more about what he wants! Regarding my parents and Zhao Kangping, I will still keep them in my heart. The current situation is unclear. As you said, I still have to wait for the promotion to the realm of real immortals and master the power of the rules before conducting such investigations. I believe that with my talent for copying ability, I have entered that realm. After the realm of fairyland, mastering the power of many rules will definitely reach a whole new height, perhaps even stronger than the suppression power in the realm of virtual fairy! At the moment, I am still with Yulingxian, I first explored the outer seas of the West Pole. I don’t know why, the disciples have always had a sense of the outer seas of the West Pole. There must be something that attracts me. I don’t know whether this situation is good or bad. , But the next exploration is already imperative! I always feel that my true fairyland or the subsequent breakthrough of the realm is absolutely inseparable from the western seas, so in the next time, I will Waiting for it!"

While listening to Lin Hang’s decision with a smile, Mr. Wang was very pleased in his heart. He knew how important the news of his parents in Lin Hang’s heart was, but now he can still see the situation clearly and make the most correct judgment, which already shows Because of Lin Hang's growth, under such circumstances, Lao Wang doesn't need to worry too much in the days after Lin Hang, as long as he points out Lin Hang's confusion at a critical moment.

In this way, more than a month has passed. During these hours, Lin Hang has also paid attention to the progress of the four major forces in the inland. You must know that they have obtained some in the deep core of "Lagerstroemia Secret Realm". "Sky Spirit Fruit", and how these forces should use it after they get "Sky Spirit Fruit" is definitely not as casual as Lin Hang and others, it is definitely to find the most likely to break into the realm of real fairyland from the upper clan The monks at the top of the virtual fairyland gave these "Sky Spirit Fruits" to one person to use, and this is the most likely one among them to give birth to a true fairyland monk.

Therefore, such resources are definitely provided in a centralized manner, and there will be no dispersion. After all, because of the relationship between Lin Hang and the retreat of the four major forces, each force has received four "Sky Spirit Fruit", which can actually be allocated. It is used by four cultivators in the realm of virtual immortality, but as I said before, the effects of "Sky Spirit Fruit" can be superimposed, and the power of perception rules provided by them can be used together for more time, which is more beneficial to the cultivators. Under such circumstances, it is natural to concentrate on supplying one of the strongest cultivators in the realm of virtual immortality, so that he can guarantee a greater possibility of entering the realm of true immortality. Assigning four "Sky Spirit Fruits" to four monks has a better possibility, but it is also full of uncertainty. A true fairyland monk who is more certain to produce may not be able to produce one. In the case of success, you know how to choose when you look at it like this.

However, Lin Hang also knew that the four major forces in the inland could not arrange it as easily as he did. After all, there were only four "Spirit Fruits" in his hand, so how to arrange the follow-up breakthrough must be everything. It’s only when the preparations are complete. Because of this, Lin Hang knows that the true fairyland cultivators of the four major forces will not appear too early. They still have the advantage of higher combat power. of.

And under this more than a month of rest, while discussing the plan with Lin Hang, Yu Lingxian also thoroughly digested the realm he had just advanced, and his grasp of the power of rules has reached a good level. Lingxian's aura is restrained, not as sharp as his breakthrough, but the sense of oppression caused to Lin Hang is deeper. This is the power of mastering the power of the rules. Both of them understand that the trip to the westernmost inland sea, Everything is ready.

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