I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 787

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:02:03 AM

Chapter 787: set off

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On the periphery of Fenglei Island, Lin Hang, Wang Lao, Liu Ruyan, and Yu Lingxian, the four top combat powers of "Huaxia Gate" today are all gathered here. Today is exactly what Lin Hang and Yu Lingxian agreed to It's time to enter the sea off the West Pole, so all four of them are here waiting for the start of Lin Hang's plan.

Lin Hang and Yu Lingxian discussed the plan for such a long time. Naturally, they are comprehensive about some of the initial things. This time they are preparing to stay in the West Antarctica for a period of time. Under such circumstances Next, the plan must be more detailed, and now on Fenglei Island, they are going to carry out the first plan, that is, to create two clones to replace them to carry out the future plan.

The clone that Lin Hang wants to create this time is not an ordinary clone in the ordinary sense, and even one step closer than a refined clone like Lin Yi. What he wants is that this clone can have its own complete autonomy. , Can exist alone without him. If this is the case, this type of clone will be far enough away from Lin Hang, and it will not dissipate, but Lin Hang is temporarily unable to complete the mutual induction with the clone. In this case Next, Lin Hang can do more things.

And such a clone not only requires Lin Hang to spend a lot of spiritual energy to create it, but also nearly half of the spiritual power is injected into it. Only in this way, such a clone can have a completely independent meaning. Lin Hang is also the first If you do this kind of clone manufacturing once, if it can be successful, then Lin Hang's plans and arrangements will be broader.

At this time, under the gaze of the Jade Spirit Immortal Wang Lao, Lin Hang slowly activated this clone ability, and then saw a cloud of spiritual energy mist emerging from Lin Hang's body, and then in Lin Hang's body. The front directly condensed into a human form, and then quickly transformed into the appearance of Lin Hang. The breath of the whole body was also exuding the level of the virtual fairyland. After completing this step, Lin Hang also quickly became a massive spirit. Power was injected into the clone in front of him, and then under the effect of the clone's ability, this new clone was completely formed, and then slowly opened his eyes in the eyes of everyone's expectation.

After completing this process, Lin Hang was also a little weak. Not only did his spiritual power consume more than half, but more importantly, nearly half of his spiritual power was fully invested. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang would face weakness for a few days later. It was absolutely inevitable, but when Lin Hang sensed the newly-appearing clone, he couldn't help but smile.

The clone Lin Hang is also sensing his own situation. Lin Hang finds that he can completely control this clone, but after he cuts off the complete connection, the clone is not like the previous clones, which will be more sluggish. And dull, this kind of situation is what Lin Hang wants. He is still just experimenting. The subsequent exploration in the starry sky and the search for the "Purple Cold Island" are Lin Hang's ultimate goal.

After completing the experiment on his clone, Lin Hang also looked at the position of Jade Lingxian. Naturally, Jade Lingxian knew well, and walked towards Lin Hang’s direction. Lin Hang’s spiritual power was already He quickly recovered. Although the consumption of mental power is not so easy to replenish, he does not need to spend too much mental power next, so there is no meaning to rest, and he is directly ready to start the next clone of Jade Spirit Immortal. Up.

Facing Lin Hang, the Jade Spirit Immortal as "The Follower" would naturally not have any defenses. He directly opened up all his defenses, allowing Lin Hang's spiritual sense to penetrate into his body, because Jade Spirit Immortal’s lack of resistance made Lin Hang’s use of his clone ability extremely comfortable this time, and he soon guided directly from Jade Spirit Immortal’s body in addition to a huge amount of spiritual power, as well as a large group of Jade Spirits. The spiritual power that Xian took the initiative to separate, and under the action of Lin Hang’s clone power, the two spiritual powers and spiritual power also began to merge, and then gathered in Yu Lingxian’s surprised eyes Become an identical Jade Spirit Immortal clone.

For this kind of situation, Yu Lingxian saw it for the first time and felt it personally felt very magical. You must know that among the heavens and the world, there are many abilities and spells of the clone, but like Lin Hang, It’s so easy, but it’s rare. Jade Lingxian followed Lin Hang’s instructions to perceive the clone in front of him, and found that he could indeed control the clone perfectly. It takes a lot of spiritual power and spiritual power to create it, so it is definitely not a dead thing. After the jade spirit immortal's deity cuts off the control connection, it can still maintain its normal actions.

In this way, the two clones of Lin Hang and Yu Lingxian are also directly formed. The next step is to explore the outer seas of the West Pole. After confirming that there is no problem with their own ideas and plans, Lin Hang and the others are no longer here. Many stays in the outer area of ​​Fenglei Island, but directly returned to Fenglei Island, leaving only the two clones that were just named Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1.

Lin Hang No.1 looked at Yulingxian No.1, shook his head and smiled bitterly, “Oh, as a clone of the deity, we are left to do all the dirty work! But I’m actually very involved in such things. Get used to it, we and our deity are both prosperous and we are ruined. It’s actually not a big deal to do such a thing for him. Yulingxian No.1, don’t know how you feel now?"

This is the first time that Yulingxian No.1 has appeared in such a situation, but he is actually equivalent to the deity of Yulingxian. It is no different. At this time, facing the ridicule of Linhang No.1, Yulingxian No.1 is also straightforward. He smiled and replied, "I don’t actually have any special feelings. Isn’t it proceeding according to our plan now? Let’s not think about it so much. Next, we only need to investigate the situation outside the West Antarctica in detail. How do you act now?"

Lin Hang One thought for a while, and then said, "According to our plan, we need to stay in the West Pole for a short period of time, so we should not be too reckless. Now, let’s go first. Let’s take a look at the situation on the Green Island No. 5 I set up before! Although my clones have been on these green islands without any problems, we should be more cautious!"

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