I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 789

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:02:02 AM

Chapter 789: Half a year

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Yu Lingxian nodded, and then said, "Well, good! Lin Hang, there is nothing wrong with what you said. I actually only had this idea. Now is really not a good time to experiment. Don't worry, I won't Too anxious, the current situation is much better than what I faced before, at least I can control this body freely, wait until Lin Hang you enter the realm of real fairyland, then we will discuss such things. Right!"

After discussing this matter, Jade Lingxian and Lin Hang separated directly. Jade Lingxian wanted to continue to consolidate his current cultivation status. The cultivation in the realm of true immortality is different from before. The test in this realm is all monks. The degree of mastery of the power of the law, and this degree of mastery also represents whether the monk is strong or not. What Jade Lingxian has to do at this time is to deepen his understanding of the innate laws he has mastered. This is related to him Whether one's own spells are strong or not, and how much strength can be exerted when fighting against other cultivators, otherwise, if the strength of one's own laws is suppressed by other cultivators, then no amount of strong strength can be exerted.

However, after Lin Hang felt the situation of the Linhang-1 in the West Pole, he also gave up the sensing, because the shielding of the West Pole was too uncomfortable, just like making a phone call. The time signal was different from time to time, and it was impossible to get news continuously. Lin Hang simply stopped paying attention to the situation in the sea outside the West. After all, this time, he was there for Lin Hang 1 and Yulingxian 1 The initial plan for exploring in the West Pole is about half a year. The reason why it takes such a long time is because Lin Hang wants to make Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 in the West Pole. After exploring it, it is best to get more useful clues, so that he can later develop more detailed plans based on such clues.

After arranging for the Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1 to enter the outer waters of the West Pole to explore, Lin Hang also became a little idle at this time, exploring activities on the Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1 Before the end, Lin Hang’s deity would not have any special actions, that is, to stay in this Ziwei Emperor Star West Pole Inland Sea, but this situation is exactly in Lin Hang’s plan. Because he has been busy all these time, but after entering this virtual fairyland, through contact with other virtual fairyland monks, he also has a lot of new insights, under such circumstances, Lin Hang also needs some time to let himself turn these insights into his own accumulation, relying on the accumulation of "Heavenly Fruit", he can indeed march towards the realm of real immortals, but this will be a little vain. Although it will not have any impact on the foundation, it will inevitably affect his future cultivation situation. Lin Hang naturally does not allow such a situation to occur, so the current period of time is also just right, giving him a rare time. Turn some of my own insights into my own accumulation.

In this way, on the Ziwei Emperor Star, whether it is the inland or the West Polar Sea, the high-level forces are in a rare peace, because whether it is the four inland forces or Lin Hang's " "Hua Xia Gate" is all digesting the harvest from the "Secret Realm of Ziwei". The four major forces in the inland must be accumulating their heritage and want to appear a true fairy among their forces. The cultivators of the realm, and the three of Lin Hang, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, all use "Sky Spirit Fruit" to help them advance steadily in the realm of virtual immortality. Their goal is also the realm of real immortality. , And according to Lin Hang's estimation, the four major forces in the inland are cautious about the use of "Sky Spirit Fruit", and the three of them might enter the realm of true fairyland earlier than the major forces in the inland! If that's the case, then the top combat power on this Ziwei Emperor star in the future, their "Huaxia Gate" will be able to occupy an overwhelming advantage.

Of course, this is just a beautiful idea in Lin Hang's mind. According to his acting style and his personality, even if the power he controls in the future reaches the level of completely crushing the four inland forces, Lin Hang will not He would tear up the previous agreement with the four major inland forces. He would still stay in the West Polar Sea and would not step into the inland area. This apart from Lin Hang's insatiable inland resources, Another point is that Lin Hang’s bottom line does not allow him to do that. Since he has agreed to live in peace with the major forces in the inland, he is also more happy to cooperate in this day, so he will not destroy it later. With this kind of relationship, they still have to fight the Great Tribulation in the days to come. If they attack the inland forces at this time, it will inevitably be a bit too ruthless. This is not Lin Hang's way.

In this way, the Ziwei Emperor star also spent half a year peacefully. During this period, Lin Hang also received three batches of Huaxia disciples from the earth star, with a total of a thousand people. The cultivation base of the famous Huaxia disciples is naturally far worse than the hundreds of people before. The disciples of the Golden Core Stage occupies a small part, and most of the cultivation bases are in the foundation building stage. The reason why these disciples are allowed to come This Ziwei Emperor Star is because under Lin Hang’s arrangement and the great efforts of those disciples before China, the inland sea of ​​the West Antarctica has almost become the back garden of "Hua Xia Gate", not only the many island owners. They all expressed their support for "Hua Xia Gate", and the malignant tumor that originally endangered the West Antarctic Inland Sea-thugs and criminal forces were almost wiped out by many disciples of "Hua Xia Gate", that is to say, in Lin Hang With the efforts of the West Antarctica, the development of the West Antarctic Inland Sea can be regarded as rapid in these times, and Lin Hang adhering to his own approach, vigorously absorbs potential casual repairs from the West Antarctica Inland Sea into the "Huaxia Gate" , Filling the grassroots background of "Hua Xia Gate", in the current "Hua Xia Gate", the disciples from the earth star Hua Xia occupy a part, and some are the original residents in the West Antarctic Inland Sea. The number of both parties is about It is at a stage of balance. Although it is "Huaxia Gate", except for Lin Hang and the others, there is still no monk who can reach the catastrophe period, but the development potential is still very huge. Lin Hang believes that according to If this kind of development continues, within a few years, high-ranking monks who cross the catastrophe will inevitably emerge among them.

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