I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 79

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:26:45 AM

Chapter 79: Witch

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The old man's words had a huge impact on Lin Hang, and his cognition over the years was completely shattered by the old man's words. Lin Hang didn't know whether he should believe the old man's words, but the old man in the ruins obviously didn't have to lie to him, and Lin Hang was a little confused.

Lin Hang asked, "Lao Zhang, do you mean that the people living in China now are a mixture of human and witches, and our ancestors failed to resist and accept the will of the sky to survive?"

The old man nodded and continued, "Brother, our ancestors left such a space in order to preserve their blood. Other unyielding people were killed, and no one survived. We have been waiting and waiting for an opportunity. , An opportunity to stand up and face the light again!"

Lin Hang's mind is a little confused now, which is completely different from the education he has always received. When there was no awakening power, the knowledge he knew was something that an ordinary person touched. When stepping into the power world, he thought he had seen the truth of this world, but now something like this will happen. For a while, Lin Hang didn't know what to do.

Lin Yi still has a lot of questions, but at this time, with a loud noise, a group of strong men in animal clothing entered the village. The old man smiled and said, "The hunting team is back, brother, we will wait a moment. Let's talk, let's meet them with me first!"

Lin Hang was also more curious, and immediately followed the old man to the entrance of the village and saw a hunting team of a dozen people.

These men put the prey they hit on the ground. Lin Hang took a look at it and found that they were all huge behemoths, but looking at the appearance of these people, they were also very easy to lift. Obviously, everyone’s strength is Very tough.

The hunting team members shared the results of the hunting with the people in the village. When everyone was happy, the old man introduced Lin Hang to the team members and said, "Come on, come here! There are guests from the village today, come and meet them!"

After a brief introduction, Lin Hang got in touch with everyone, and then the women in the village took the trophies from hunting to cook dinner, and Lin Hang chatted with the hunting team members.

Lin Hang was a little curious about where the power of these people came from, and asked, "Big Brother Zhou, why are you so powerful? How do you usually cultivate?"

After getting in touch with him just now, Lin Hang learned that all the people in this village had Zhou's surname. This was because they were grateful for the protection of the ancestor who opened up this cave, so all descendants followed that ancestor, whose surname was Zhou.

The brother Zhou asked by Lin Hang was the captain of the hunting team in this village, named Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng listened to Lin Hang's words and smiled and replied, "Brother Lin, the village chief also told you just now. We are the witch race. We are born with a powerful body, and the potential of our body is much higher than that of your humans, so we Normal physical exercises are very hard. In addition, what we practice is the physical exercises passed down by our ancestors. Naturally, it seems to you to be very strong."

Lin Hang understood a bit. He had heard more or less legends about the Wu Clan before, but he thought it was fabricated by others, and now he knows that the Wu Clan actually existed.

Zhou Sheng observed Lin Hang and then said, "Brother Lin, I see your situation, there is spiritual power in your body, can you tell me about the current situation outside?"

Lin Hang looked at everyone looking forward, and obviously the people in the cave were very curious about this matter.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "More than two thousand years have passed since the time of Qin Shihuang, and the development of the land of China is also very fast. But as far as I know, it seems that the generation of us cultivators is not as good as one generation. A generation. People like me are called supernatural beings on the outside, and what they cultivate in the body is not the spiritual power you mentioned, we call it spiritual power. And different supernatural beings have different abilities, and spiritual power is to exert us The basis of ability."

Zhou Sheng nodded, thoughtfully, and said, "Brother Lin, I think I understand your current situation. In a very early time, our Witch race and Human race have blended with each other. There is me in you, and in me. There is you. So although you are humans, you still have the blood of our witch race in your body. Your so-called supernatural powers are just the performance of some of our witch race's talents. And the psychic cultivation you are studying is based on you Although the cultivation method developed under the special circumstances of human beings is already very good, it still has too little potential and will be stuck in the foundation and cannot be broken through."

Lin Hang didn't quite understand, and asked, "The natural ability of the Witch?"

Zhou Sheng explained, “The ancestor of our witch clan is the twelve ancestral witch derived from the father of Pangu. Each of them has different functions. Although it is twelve, it contains thousands of abilities. I I think your abilities are just a manifestation of these abilities."

After speaking, Zhou Sheng stood up, and came to Lin Hang's back in a flash. Lin Hang turned around and Zhou Sheng returned to the place. Lin Hang's pupils contracted, and Zhou Sheng had just demonstrated the ability to shuttle through space, and it felt smoother, with basically no change in space. Just like Zhou Sheng said, this is their talent and instinct.

Zhou Sheng smiled and said, "Brother Lin, our cave sky is named "Emperor Realm" because the ancestor who opened this cave sky is one of the twelve ancestral witches-the descendants of Dijiang, so our representative talent is Space and speed! These are the abilities that we naturally master without practicing."

Lin Hang somewhat believed in Zhou Sheng's judgment. He recalled the situation of the abilities he had come into contact with, and found that it was basically the use of psychics, but no one had thought about the source of the abilities.

Lin Hang said, "Then Big Brother Zhou, how did you improve such a talented ability?"

Zhou Sheng replied, "Because we are not pure-bred witch races, so we can cultivate spiritual power. We don’t pay attention to the cultivation of talent ability, because as our strength and spiritual power increase, talent ability will also It will increase with it. So our daily practice is to polish the physical body and then cultivate spiritual power."

Lin Hang knew a little bit, and wanted to know the difference between the psychic power he is currently practicing and the spiritual power Zhou Sheng said, so he asked, "Big Brother Zhou, look at my current strength, what level is it in your opinion? "

Zhou Sheng perceived it carefully and said, "In my opinion, Brother Lin is now at the mid-stage of Qi training, and there is still a long way to go before breaking through to building a foundation."

Lin Hang analyzed Zhou Sheng's words, his cultivation in the early acquired stage is equivalent to the middle stage of Qi training, the body training stage is the early stage, and the congenital stage is the later stage. No wonder Zhou Sheng said that according to the current cultivation method of the supernatural power world, it will not be able to break through the foundation building. The current superpower world is inherently rare, let alone the foundation building above the innate?

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