I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 790

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:02:01 AM

Chapter 790: Find

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On this day, on Fenglei Island.

At this time, Lin Hang was finishing a new round of refining, absorption and insights about "Sky Spirit Fruit", discussing these cultivation matters with Wang Lao, Yu Lingxian, and Liu Ruyan. Suddenly, Dao felt that Two figures appeared on the top, and then Lin Hang felt a little, and then drew a virtual drawing with his right hand in the air, and then saw these two figures appearing in front of Lin Hang and the others. Looking carefully, it was exactly that half a year ago that they entered. The Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1, which were explored in the West Pole, today happened to be the day when the two of them ended their exploration plan and returned to Fenglei Island.

In this room, Wang Lao, Liu Ruyan, Yu Lingxian, including Lin Hang, all looked curiously at the returning Linhang No.1 and Yulingxian No.1, they all wanted very much. I knew what kind of information and clues Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1 had obtained in the mysterious West Polar Ocean after so long of exploration.

Originally, Linhang-1 was a clone of Linhang. Although the autonomy of Linhang-1 was very high due to special manufacturing, he still had to be controlled by Linhang, only this time it entered the sea off the West Pole. Among them, I don’t know if it’s because of more in-depth reasons. Later, Lin Hang could not sense the situation of Linhang-1 at all, but there would be some weak inductions from time to time, but they were all unclear. Fragments, it is impossible to analyze what is useful, and not the fragments that came, it also caused Lin Hang to be somewhat disturbed, so when it came to later, Lin Hang also took the initiative to cut off the contact with Lin Hang 1, otherwise. If he has been disturbed by such contact, Lin Hang cannot continue to do many things with peace of mind, so he simply ignores what his clone Lin Hang 1 can encounter in the sea outside the West Pole. , Anyway, when Lin Hang 1 came back, Lin Hang would be able to get the information he wanted.

So at this stage, Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 stood in front of everyone, but no one knew the specific situation of their exploration. At this time, they were all staring at them, waiting for their opening. Introduction.

Lin Hang 1 naturally knew the situation of Lin Hang's deity, so he also laughed, and then talked about the situation he encountered while entering the sea outside the West Pole.

This time it was only a brief introduction of Linhang-1, and there will be detailed explanations in the follow-up. However, even so, Lin Hang and others have learned a lot of situations that have not been explored before, which really surprised them. , And Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1 also brought back a very important news.

According to Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1, the first stop for the two of them to enter the outer waters of the West Pole was the first transmission node set by Lin Hang, Green Island No. 5. Behind is the area of ​​the monster beasts of the Golden Core period. After passing here, the monster beasts of the Yuan Ying period will appear one after another in front. This is also the reason why Lin Hang set the first node here, and Lin After the Hang-1 and Yulingxian-1 arrived here, they did not proceed directly. Instead, they surveyed the surroundings of the Ludao No. 5. After confirming that the situation has not changed from the previous investigation by Lin Hang, Then I moved on to the next node, Ludao No. 4, and the journey after that was relatively simple. It was from Ludao No. 5 to the position of Ludao No. 2. From here, heading into the depths, you can meet the Xuxianzhi The monster beasts in the realm existed, and it was on the Green Island Two. The two stayed for a while, and the clone of Lin Hang on it, got a good understanding of the deep sea outside the West Pole. The situation, and then decide what to do next.

It is also the ingenious arrangement of Lin Hang. Before Lin Hang left here last time, he left a clone on each of these green islands. The function of these clones is actually not as far away as the inland sea of ​​the West Antarctica. The deity of Lin Hang in the middle contacted and used it, but stayed here to explore the situation in the sea outside the West Pole for Lin Hang. Of course, because the cultivation base of these clones was not very high, they could not be far or too far Long distance, but these areas around Green Island are also sufficient, just as Linhang-1 and Yulingxian arrive at every Green Island where they are both a clone of Linhang that can be stationed on it. In my mouth, I got a lot of useful information about the weather changes in the West Pole and the rules of various monsters and beasts. It was very helpful for drawing up a briefing on the situation in the West Pole. Of course, these were all Lin Hang’s clones leaving. The scope of influence of the Green Island was explored, because the conditions outside the West Antarctica could not affect the Green Island. They could only venture to explore the outside area. Although they took a certain risk, they also got a lot of useful information.

Among these information, the most useful to them on Linhang-1 is the information collected by the Linhang clone on the Ludao-2, because the clone on the Ludao-2 , The node where the position is, can come into contact with the existence of monsters in the realm of virtual immortality. Under such circumstances, he also summarized some rules of the infestation of monsters in the realm of virtual immortality, and after some comparisons , Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 were also surprised to find that although the strength of the monsters in these different areas is very different, their law of action is still extremely similar. The monsters in each area are It has a fixed time and scope of appearance. Outside of this fixed time and scope, the creatures in the outer seas of the West Pole are in an extremely calm time, and there is no movement at all. At this time, the outer sea of ​​the West Pole itself has changed. It was extremely dangerous. Whether it was the sea area or the major islands, it was somehow giving Lin Hang’s clones a feeling of palpitations, making them afraid to leave the green island at this stage. , And Lin Hang’s clone is also estimated. The sudden disappearance of these monsters is bound to be inseparable from the special circumstances of the West Pole, but I don’t know what they rely on to avoid the weirdness of the West Pole. Place.

Regardless of the cause, Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1 were more vigilant in their subsequent explorations. They can use various green islands as their retreat bases and what they encounter When there is unknowable danger, Green Island is their safest and solid backing.

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