I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 791

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:02:00 AM

Chapter 791: contact

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As for the island where Lin Hang first discovered the Golden Lotus and named Ludao No. 1, both Lin Hang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 did not easily set foot in the first time, because that area is actually already in place. It's deep into the area outside the West Pole. Although Lin Hang's clone did not encounter the monster beast in the realm of real immortality last time, it was only suppressed by the special effect of Jinlian, which does not mean that the area does not have such a realm. Because of the existence of the monster beasts, Lin Hang 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 are also going to get in touch with some monsters in the virtual fairy realm to see if they can achieve the plan of catching one alive. If they can catch one alive As for a monster beast, then Linhang No.1 and Yulingxian No.1 will study carefully, and it may not be impossible to get some clues about the source of these monsters.

The reason why I want to investigate the clues of the source of these monsters is because in Lin Hang's heart, he always feels that these monsters were born in the outer seas of the West Polar Ocean. There must be very special reasons. After all, monsters are like this. In the ancient times, things disappeared completely because of the full cleaning of the entire monster race. That is to say, under normal circumstances, all creatures in the world will only become monsters, rather than such unwise monsters. Abnormal situations must occur. For a special reason, Lin Hang felt in his heart that the attraction of the West Antarctica to him was mostly related to the reason for hiding in the depths. Therefore, at this time, the reason for these monsters was also in a certain way. In one aspect, pursue the thing that attracted Lin Hang.

At this point, the action plans of Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 also began to become a little cautious, because they had only half-knowledge about the existence of monsters, but they knew that monsters had no wisdom, but However, it possesses terrible combat power. According to rumors, when the monsters are purging monsters with all their strength, the entire group has reached the point of being wounded at the time of the final victory, and this is still completely crushed by the forces of the monsters. The effect that the monster beast can achieve, otherwise it will definitely cause more damage. This kind of information naturally gives Linhang 1 and Yulingxian 1 a great warning, but Linhang 1 and Yulingxian 1 are both It's not a normal cultivator in the virtual fairyland, one has a variety of methods, and the other is a helper with the power of law. If it is preset and sneaked in advance, it should not be difficult to capture a monster in the virtual fairyland.

Therefore, Linhang 1 and Yulingxian 1 also succeeded in capturing a beast that had been staring for a long time at a position of 100 miles from Ludao 2 under the intelligence support of the Lin Hang clone of Ludao 2. The appearance and shape of this monster beast is similar to that of a civet cat, and its size is very small, but this time the capture is not so smooth, because the speed of the civet cat is extremely fast, almost reaching the point of teleportation in a short distance, Lin Hang Although the No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 were well arranged in advance, at the end, they had to work hard to catch the civet cat. This was also the beginning of the Lin Hang No. 1 and looked down upon the monster. The speed of the civet cat, so when setting the formation method, he did not pay too much attention, so that the civet cat finally used the almost lawful speed and escaped the limitation of the formation method. If it were not for the Yulingxian No. 1 to shoot at the last moment, use It was suppressed by the law of being higher than the civet cat, causing the civet cat to pause for a moment. Lin Hang 1 took the opportunity to directly seal the civet cat, and after being sealed with its full power, the monster civet cat still looks like It was fierce, but the feeling of powerlessness gave people a sense of stupidity.

After capturing this civet cat, Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 also began to study the raccoon cat. After investigation by Yulingxian No. 1, it was found that the civet cat can be seen from the outside and the inside, and they are all normal. There is no difference in the original form of the members of the monster clan, but they are in a chaotic situation in the area of ​​the brain’s consciousness, so that they have not opened their spiritual wisdom, but only mastered powerful power, but even though this civet cat has not yet opened the spirit Wisdom, but the power of the soul is still strong enough, otherwise it is impossible to control such a powerful force, and it seems that it is because of some powerful influence that this situation is caused, because in essence, the monsters and members of the monster family do not have any The difference is that in ancient times, Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 did not have any information channels. I don’t know why the monster beasts of that period came into being. In the study of the fairy beasts, the two of them also reached a preliminary conclusion, that is, the emergence of these beasts in the outer seas of the West Pole is absolutely inseparable from the outer seas of the West Pole. As for what is the reason, it is still necessary to go deeper into the core of the West Antarctica to get a clue.

Based on this conclusion, Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 also continued to penetrate deep into the sea off the West Pole, until they came to the Green Island No. 1 where Lin Hang first discovered Jinlian, when they rushed carefully. When the time comes, what makes them feel more at ease is that although this Green Road No. 1 is located closer to the core, it still maintains vitality and tranquility, and has not been affected by the entire West Polar Sea and the monsters. The most critical thing is that Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1 have always maintained their own concealment and safety. Except for taking the initiative by themselves, they were not found by those monsters. Obviously, the situation encountered by Linhang last time appeared again. Many monsters are completely ignorant of Lin Hang’s existence. This is really unbelievable, but Lin Hang 1 understands the truth a bit this time. The appearance and emergence of these monsters are all Because of the influence of something in the outer seas of the West Antarctica, and such a thing might be what caused Lin Hang's call, there are some connections between them, and these two things are definitely related to each other.

The reason for this conclusion is that they have tested Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1. In order to verify Linhang-1’s conjecture, they once let Yulingxian-1 enter the group of monsters alone. The test was incredible. Without the existence of Linhang-1, Yulingxian No. 1 quickly attracted the attention of many monsters, and soon even caused the riots of the sea monsters outside the West, if it were not for Yuling If Xian No.1 retreats quickly, it is very likely that it will end up surrounded by monsters, unable to break through.

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