I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 792

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:59 AM

Chapter 792: Results

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And it was precisely because of this discovery that Lin Hang understood why the four major forces in the inland had joined forces and finally gave up entering the area outside the West Pole, because if their situation was the same as that of Yulingxian No. 1 If you enter the outer seas of the West Pole, in addition to facing the extreme situations that erupt from time to time in the outer seas of the West Pole, there will be endless attacks by monsters. Under such circumstances, there is no way to complete proper exploration. Lin Hang In fact, I thought it was strange before, because when he entered and explored the West Pole, he didn't actually feel how difficult it was. Apart from the need to avoid some harsh environments, everything else was relatively easy. Now Lin Hang I also understand. He doesn't know what kind of connection he has with this West Pole, so he almost ignored the attention of all the monsters. Under such circumstances, it undoubtedly made Lin Hang's exploration a lot easier. This is also him. The major reason for being able to maintain the current speed of exploration.

And with the follow-up exploration of Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1, the two of them also saw a deeper scene. The last time Linhang just rushed to Ludao-1, after getting the golden lotus belonging to Liu Ruyan , He immediately withdrew, so he didn't see the deep scene. And this time, when Linhang No. 1 and Yulingxian No. 1 used the Ludao No. 1 as the base and headed toward the core area, they finally saw the monsters in the realm of real immortals in the outer waters of the West. Existence, according to the investigation of Yulingxian No.1, Linhang No.1 also understood that the monster beasts in the realm of real immortality in the west extreme seas indeed mastered the power of powerful laws, but they have the power of laws. The use is almost instinctive, and even the breathing is regulated. In this case, although these monsters in the realm of true fairyland are still lacking in consciousness, their combat power is not to be underestimated, just like today. In the circumstances, even if Yu Lingxian himself enters the west extreme seas, he cannot defeat such a monster. The attack by the law of action is definitely not so easy to bear.

However, this time there is the existence of Linhang-1, and they don’t have to worry about being attacked by these monsters. Linhang-1 also finds it particularly magical. When encountering low-level monsters in those areas ahead, , Lin Hang No.1 still doesn’t think there is anything, but when he is truly ignored by these true fairyland monsters, he still has some strange feelings. Of course, Lin Hang No.1 will naturally not reject such a situation. With this kind of convenience, Heyu Lingxian No. 1 also began to head towards the core area of ​​the West Pole. In this process, Linhang No. 1 and Yu Lingxian No. 1 also experienced many lives in the West Pole. The monsters of the real fairyland, when they didn't make any movements, they even seemed to be a little gentle, and it really produced a strange harmony with the violent environment outside the West Polar Ocean.

Because the West Pole Sea is a vast sea area, in this range, in fact, more monsters are sea-born monsters, and most of the powers they master are related to the sea. The law of water element The law of the ice element occupies a relatively large proportion, and there are some strange monsters that live on many islands. The composition of these monsters is more complicated, just like the one used by Linhang No. 1 and Yuling Like the civet cat captured by Xian No.1, what it possesses is the ultimate speed. When it reaches the realm of true immortality, it should break the law of speed. Under the law of speed, there is really nothing to do. Blocking, almost everywhere in the world can go.

And as it gets deeper and deeper into this area outside the West Pole, the feelings in Linhang-1's heart become clearer. He can already be sure that what attracts him must be in the core area of ​​the West Pole. , It’s still a long way from the location he has explored now. Under such circumstances, Lin Hang 1 knew that if it continued to go deeper, it might encounter other monsters in the realm of true immortals. A monster with a higher cultivation level, and he can’t be 100% guaranteed to continue to ignore monsters of this level. Therefore, after continuing for a certain distance, Lin Hang 1 used Liu Ruyan to give it to him. A golden lotus with life energy left behind a new stronghold, Green Island, named Green Island Zero, and this is basically the farthest that Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1 explored this time The distance is over, and this can be regarded as a very good progress for the subsequent actions. Next time Lin Hang wants to enter the West Pole to explore the outer seas, he can come directly here, and he will be able to enchant the core area faster.

It’s just that even if Linhang-1 and Yulingxian-1 stopped their exploration at the position of Ludao Zero this time, their gains are actually enough, regardless of the distribution of monsters everywhere. The law is still the changing conditions of the West Pole. They have understood it all the way when they came, and this information can fully be used as the basis for Lin Hang and the others to enter the West Pole to experience.

You know, in the past six months, Lin Hang and "Hua Xia Gate" can be considered to have completely completed the control of the West Antarctic Inland Sea. Today's West Antarctic Inland Sea can be called a hotbed for their "Hua Xia Gate" disciples. If you want to feel at ease here There is no problem with cultivation. The disciples of "Hua Xia Gate" have such qualifications in the Inland Sea of ​​the West Antarctica. It is not a good thing to control too much in one aspect. In this case, the disciples of "Hua Xia Gate" are also Having lost the opportunity and venue for experience, you must know that the current "Hua Xia Gate" is no longer the same scale as before. It has not only absorbed a lot of local personnel from the West Antarctic Inland Sea, but also has many new students from the original Star China. To join in, under such circumstances, the resources and help that Lin Hang can provide will still not be lacking, but if only there is no experience in cultivation, these disciples will not be able to take on important tasks in the future development, and this time, In the exploration of the West Pole, in addition to Lin Hang himself who needs to know some secrets of the West Pole, he also hopes to explore a suitable venue for the disciples of "Hua Xia Gate". The current situation seems to be Lin Hang 1. The efforts of Heyu Lingxian No. 1 were not in vain. According to the information and intelligence he could bring back about the West Antarctica, it was enough for Lin Hang to formulate a plan for the disciples of the "Huaxia Gate".

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