I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 795

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:42 AM

Chapter 795: request

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Lin Hang knew in his heart that Mr. Wang’s cultivation talents had always been extremely terrifying. Compared to him and Liu Ruyan, they were much stronger, because Lin Hang knew that he still had Liu Ru after practicing this way. In fact, Yan used almost cheating methods to maintain such a rapid improvement, but Wang Lao is different. He has stepped up step by step by relying on his talent! The difference is actually quite big. Being able to catch up with the two perverted existences of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan by relying on his talent and hard work, in fact, Wang Laocai should be called the pervert! Wang Lao is the blood of the ancient witch race, coupled with a unique spirit, created Wang Lao's terrifying talent comparable to the innate gods. If it is not for the virtual fairyland, this stage must require the accumulation of experience and the perception of the power of the law. Lao Wang won't be stuck here temporarily.

Nowadays, what Wang Lao needs most is experience and accumulation. Originally, Lin Hang could not provide it to Wang Lao. Now that there is an area outside the West Antarctica that has been explored, Wang Lao can also go to his own experience site. Now, it only requires some accumulation of experience, and Wang Lao can return to the previous stage of rapid progress.

Lin Hang did not say any other words. Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan also left after a few words with Lin Hang. In the following days, they will also prepare to enter the West Pole afterwards. , So in the room, there are only Lin Hang and Yu Lingxian's body.

Yu Lingxian looked at Lin Hang, and then said with a smile, "Lin Hang, do you have anything to tell me? I think you have some strange thoughts and ideas, right?"

When Lin Hang was talking with Wang Lao, Yu Lingxian noticed that Lin Hang’s condition was a bit wrong, and looked at him from time to time. In this situation, there was obviously something to discuss with him. , So after Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan left one after another, Yu Lingxian consciously stayed, waiting for Lin Hang's arrangement and opening.

Lin Hang also shook his head and laughed, and then said, "Yu Lingxian, as expected, you have seen it again! This time our clone is over. After further exploration of the West Pole, the teacher and Yan'er's main The battlefield is also going to be transferred to the sea outside the West, and our two clones will also arrange the experience of the disciples of the "Huaxia Gate" afterwards, and wait until Linhang 1 and Yulingxian 1 will arrange the things at hand. After it's done, I have one thing that I need you to help me again!"

Yu Lingxian had some guesses in his heart, but he still smiled and asked, "Well, just tell me if you have anything, as long as I can help, just say it!"

Lin Hang laughed, and also shared his thoughts with Yu Lingxian, "Yu Lingxian, when I was in the core place of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei", I was not with that from "Purple Cold Island" at the last moment. Did the little Jingjing girl have an agreement? That is that I will definitely visit them in "Purple Cold Island", and because of this, Jingjing still gave me a token that can guide me."

With that said, an ice-blue five-pointed star-shaped token appeared in the palm of Lin Hang's palm. This was just before the parting, Jingjing handed it to Lin Hang and asked him to act as a bridge once, and then found them in "Purple Cold Island". "The clues.

Jade Lingxian also nodded. Regarding this matter, the Jade Lingxian who had been in Lin Hang's body at that time would certainly remember. He also vaguely guessed at that time that the force behind Jingjing "Purple Cold Island" was What's the origin? It was finally confirmed in Jingjing’s mouth that their "Purple Cold Island" indeed inherited a technique "Purple Cold Decision" used by Emperor Ziwei, and this also explains this from one level. The power of "Purple Cold Island" is not afraid of other forces coveting their "Purple Cold Decision". In the end, Lin Hang and Jingjing agreed with Jade Lingxian, but it was only in his eyes. It seems that if Lin Hang wants to find the location of this "Purple Cold Island", it should take some time. At least he will have to wait for Lin Hang's cultivation level to improve by one stage and reach the point of real fairyland. Opportunity found the location of "Purple Cold Island" across the starry sky and foreign space, but Yu Lingxian did not expect that at this stage, Lin Hang would actually mention this to him.

Lin Hang directly said, "Yu Lingxian, I won't go around with you anymore. This time I want to ask you to search for the location of "Purple Cold Island"! "Purple Cold Island" and most The concealed cosmic light fragments are like those of the heavens and myriad worlds. They are all in difficult-to-find places. If you want to crack this concealment initially, you must at least reach the realm of true immortality and master the power of the law. Originally, my idea was to wait until my cultivation level entered the realm of real immortality, and then consider exploring this matter, but now you have entered the realm of real immortal first, I still don’t see much hope in a short time. , So I want your deity to take a clone of me on the way to search for the "Purple Cold Island"!"

Yu Lingxian had a question in his heart, and at this time he also asked directly, "Lin Hang, I don’t particularly understand. I don’t know why you are eager to find the location of this "Purple Cold Island"? You need to know your current cultivation level. It’s almost a real fairyland, why not wait until that time to implement such plans and goals?"

Lin Hang also said with a wry smile, "Jade Spirit Immortal, it's not that I want to be so anxious, but that there is no way. Look at the five-pointed star-shaped token, how is it different from the first time Jingjing gave it to me? "

After hearing the words, Jade Lingxian directly observed it. He didn’t pay attention before. After Lin Hang’s reminder, Jade Lingxian also said in surprise, “Lin Hang, this five-pointed star token seems to be compared to what we just saw. It’s a lot smaller when it’s time? What's going on? Could it be that it disappeared directly in the end?"

Lin Hang explained, "I am not very clear about the specific reasons for this. I just know that it was indeed after Lin Yi returned and handed it to me. Compared to before, the initial feeling was not very It’s clear that the speed of getting smaller now is getting faster and faster, and I don’t know the specific reasons. It’s just speculation that the token that Jingjing gave me is something with a time limit. After the time limit, it should be It will simply disappear. Then how do we find the "Purple Cold Island"?"

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