I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 796

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:01:41 AM

Chapter 796: Helpless

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In fact, Lin Hang himself felt very strange about this matter. This ice-blue five-pointed star token was handed to him by Jingjing himself, so that he could use it as a guide to find their "Purple Cold Island". I came to use it, but now such a problem has arisen. Lin Hang is not sure what kind of change has occurred. After all, Jingjing cannot be ignorant of Lin Hang’s realm at the time, and he must know that Lin Hang wants to achieve it. It will definitely take time to find their "Purple Cold Island" in the realm of the fairyland. How could such a time-sensitive token be given? And the most important thing is that Lin Hang’s copying ability is invalid for this token. I don’t know what hindered Lin Hang’s copying. As a result, Lin Hang had to advance before this token was dissipated. Thinking of looking for the location of the "Purple Cold Island", otherwise, in the later period, Lin Hang completely lost this token in his hands, even if his cultivation reached the realm of real immortality at that time, there would be nothing. Meaning, he has no coordinates to guide himself to find "Purple Cold Island".

As for the real reason for this situation, even if Lin Hang had thought of it, he couldn't figure it out by himself, because that reason was a bit too weird. At that time, when Lin Hang and Jingjing made this agreement, the emotions of parting between the two were a little low. At this time, Jingjing also took out this ice-blue five-pointed star-shaped token as a token. Let Lin Hang find the guide coordinates for their "Purple Cold Island" in the future. In fact, this behavior itself is not a problem, but Jingjing has forgotten that the five-pointed star-shaped token is their native disciple of "Purple Cold Island." The daily use can only be maintained for a long time by the cultivator who has practiced "Purple Cold Jue". If it is given to the monks outside, it should be replaced by another token. Jingjing is obviously I forgot about this, so I gave the ice-blue five-pointed star token to Lin Hang. Therefore, the present situation is nothing but the carelessness of the little girl Jingjing. I made a mistake with the token, Lin Hang no matter what. It is also impossible to think that the final problem actually appeared here. After all, something as important as a token should be hard to make a mistake, right?

Therefore, if Lin Hang does not want to give up searching for "Purple Cold Island", then this is the most suitable opportunity. To know many things on the current Ziwei Emperor Star, Lin Hang has already arranged everything, that is I don’t need him to worry anymore, so I don’t need a true fairyland monk like Jade Lingxian to suppress the place. Jade Lingxian can go to the starry sky and find the location of "Purple Cold Island" for him. , His deity is about to reach the realm of true immortals, and by then, with his strength, he will be able to face most situations on this Ziwei Emperor.

Lin Hang also roughly estimated the dissipating time of this ice-blue five-pointed star token. It was less than a year. Under such circumstances, he could not know the specific time when he broke through the realm of real fairyland. , So I can't afford to delay it. I can only let the Jade Spirit Immortal's body in the realm of real immortality bring his clone to explore the starry sky first. In one year, if Yu Lingxian is lucky, he can rely on the guidance of this token to find the location of "Purple Cold Island", and as long as he can enter the "Purple Cold Island" for the first time, then In the days of, it was not so difficult to find it. After all, it would definitely get a more accurate token from the "Purple Cold Island", but it was more difficult to find it for the first time, and it needed the full help of Yu Lingxian.

After understanding Lin Hang’s explanation, Yu Lingxian also showed a helpless look. He had no better way at this time, because Lin Hang also didn’t know how the ice blue five-pointed star token disappeared. The specific reason is even more difficult for him to know, but he understands that Lin Hang does not want to lose the opportunity to visit the "Purple Cold Island", so he can only take advantage of the ice blue five-pointed star token before it disappears. , And proceeded according to its guidance, looking for the coordinates of the "Purple Cold Island" marked in it. In this case, there is still a great possibility that the location of the "Purple Cold Island" can be found, and it can be regarded as reaching Lin Hang's heart in advance. It’s a small goal, and because of the special circumstances, in fact, the search for "Purple Cold Island" this time does not need to be too nervous, as long as you can find the approximate location of "Purple Cold Island", after all, Lin Hang My cultivation base has not yet reached the realm of true immortals. After I have determined my position this time, the subsequent visits by Lin Hang can be more serious.

Yu Lingxian also understood in his heart that Lin Hang wanted to find the location of this "Purple Cold Island" and did not want to miss such an opportunity, because facing the coming catastrophe, Lin Hang wanted to unite any The forces that may be united, whether it is the forces of the monster and witch races on the earth star, or later came to the Ziwei Emperor star, the relationship they now maintain with the four inland forces is what Lin Hang wants As a result, his goal was never to fight for hegemony or war. He just wanted to be able to find some more suitable allies for China on Earth and Stars before the Great Catastrophe came. With the help of these allies, Lin Hang felt that they would be more confident in the face of the disaster.

And the "Purple Cold Island" that they are looking for is actually not so general. As one of the old divisions passed down by the former Ziwei Emperor, the technique "Purple Cold Jue" they mastered is also in the heavens. A rare and powerful technique, the law of ice mastered at the peak of cultivation is stronger than the law of ice obtained from other paths by three points, and the performance of Jingjing who gained a trace of the law of ice from the beginning It can be seen how powerful the law of ice is obtained in the complete "Purple Cold Jue". The most important thing is that the island owner of "Purple Cold Island", Jingjing's father, is an extremely powerful monk. The specific situation is not very clear, but he is definitely above the realm of real fairy Under such circumstances, Lin Hang thought, if he could rely on the opportunity to get along with the crystals in the deep core of "The Secret Realm of Ziwei" to get some relationship with the "Purple Cold Island", in this case, In the future, Lin Hang will also gain a very powerful ally when facing the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

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